Are the forms used still 856 along with 856B and C?
Is the testamonial written on the back page of the 856B?
And slightly off topic, does it still get sent in a nice RAF blue folder with sleeves for certificates? If it does, can I just warn people that the plastic sleeves remove the print from the certificates you put in them. It ruined some of my most important ones and they cannot be replaced.
Testimonial - written by your Line Manger. Corrected by your Flt Cdr. Re-translated by your Sqn Cdr. Minor corrections made by your OC Wg and then signed. It is an A4 document detailing your service history, outlining your particular strengths. It actually originates from you, as your Line Manager will get all the info from asking you about what you have done in your career. Looks nice, but thats about it. I suppose it could be attached to a CV.
Valedictory Letter. A letter signed by the AOC thanking you for your loyal 22yrs + service. Very impersonal and fcuk all use outside, but someone thinks its a nice touch. It also gives a Sqn Ldr a job at Air Command preparing all these letters. In fact with a huge round of redundancies coming up, they will probably increase the number of Sqn Ldrs to 3, and then have a Wg Cdr to oversee them. After a 6 month long study involving 4 Gp Capts.
Certificate of Discharge. Sent by the JPAC to your discharge address. Having not been discharged yet, I have no idea what they look like or how useful they are.
Reference. Written by a colleague of your choice. Probably the most important as whatever is said on this will determine whether or not you get the job.
If you are out soon and your Line Manager hasnt engaged with you about preparing your Testimonial then you really need to be asking. I prepare the Testimonials for Line Managers at the 6 month point, so they are signed, sealed and delivered by the time the guy clears at the 2-3 month point.
muttywhitedog;479744[B said:]PSF didnt write it.[/B] You really need to be asking your Line Manager as to how they managed to cover your entire service history, detailing all your high points, without your input.
Unless of course your LM has served with you continuously since attestation!
I know that! However, it's signed off by a Sqn Ldr in PSF so that will be my 1st call.
signed by some faceless to$$er in PSF who never even met me.
All the Testimonials that I prepare are always signed off by the OC Wg and latterly OC Sqn - a Wg Cdr that does actually know the individual.
Testimonial - written by your Line Manger. Corrected by your Flt Cdr. Re-translated by your Sqn Cdr. Minor corrections made by your OC Wg and then signed. It is an A4 document detailing your service history, outlining your particular strengths. It actually originates from you, as your Line Manager will get all the info from asking you about what you have done in your career. Looks nice, but thats about it. I suppose it could be attached to a CV.
All the Testimonials that I prepare are always signed off by the OC Wg and latterly OC Sqn - a Wg Cdr that does actually know the individual.
Left Mar 09 and never received a testimonial. Cetificate of Service and veterans badge turned up though.
However has never been needed or asked for