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Legal Supplements



Its a bit much with the nicotine gum , trust me you dont want to get hooked ! As an a aside ECA stacks are amazing, however im told its dodgy CDT wise however, the chest ease, pro plus and asparin arent in themselves illegal ?


Good points well presented ;) Malice/Grenade/Thermobol are all easily available over the counter and regularily promoted in several top class mens health magazines which you would beleive to be perfectly safe. It would be a great idea if CDT could publish a list of safe supplements to avoid any unpleasant surprises when CDT rock up on camp.

At the risk of being slated, heres my current situation-

I failed my fitness test mid-November and have been attending remedial since. My fitness is improving but im just not shifting any weight. I know that i should be losing fat and building muscle and they are probably cancelling each other out. I just think that i need that extra bit of help to get the weight shifted.

According to the fitness charts dotted around the gym that show bmi/weight/height against obesity i am 32kgs overweight. I have a constant battle every year on my RAFFT and usually fail one and then pass one- rinse and repeat :( Now before i get shouted at i know that this is all down to my own approach and attitude in the past but ive finally reached the point where i want to get this sorted once and for all.

I have been attending the 3 required sessions at the gym and going 1 or 2 more times in my own time depending on how shattered i am after the pti beastings.

I have also been sorting out my diet by making sure i have the necessary amounts of proteins and carbs and at the correct time of day etc

So to get back on topic, i decided i would look into some of the "fat-burning" pills available to give me that extra boost of fat-loss. And now with this grey-area on supplements i'm feeling a little lost again.

I would hate to be "caught-out" by CDT after doing everything i believed to be in the best interests of my own health to pass the RAFFT.

So what to do now?

:ramble over:

Seriously, "Grenade" enough to get you kicked out. I immerse myself in this topic and my personal opinion is the CDT guys/gals are not as clued up as they make out and use alot of psuedo-science scare mongering. Look at the drugs they are actually searching for, mostly recreational. If white willow bark (aspirin) and some caffeine are going to trigger a positive result then I'm Ghandi! Best bet, do your own research, you'll understand much more than some of the sh*te thats banded around. I hate these guys banding about this crap. Give me one, just one example of someone who was kicked out due to some honest UK brought fat burners or a protein powder, testosterone booster, creatine, anything like that.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Has anyone actually asked the CDT bods for a definitive list of banned substances?


Staff member
1000+ Posts
If it's not on the uk sports approved supplement list then it shouldn't be used.


Flight Sergeant
A lot of these internet "made in US under sterile conditions" substances in fact come from mainland China with no manufacturers' or distributors' name or address on the label - if it turns up at all. They tend to put "gift" rather than "commercial transaction" on the Customs label, which could get the recipient prosecuted under the 'joint enterprise' doctrine. And don't believe them when they say, "this is a free/cut price trial but let's have your bank details for the future purchases you're bound to want to make".

Villains, the lot of 'em!