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MCTC Colchester



Dear Snowdrops,

Have any of your ever had anything to do with the Glasshouse at Colchester - the MCTC? What is it like from the discipline side? If you read the history of military prisons the RAFP have a large influence in them all - have you ever been?????



Here is a little info on the Glasshouse :

The MCTC is commanded by Army officer Lt Col Mike Nicholls.

Ten per cent of the staff are from the Royal Navy or Royal Marines.

But it is not all about square-bashing – in that sense the programme has changed remarkably in the past ten to twelve years. There is a large parade ground, but it doesn’t get much use.”

The new arrival is checked by a doctor, and sees the Welfare Officer, an ex-Army man with “excellent” contacts in both military and civilian welfare organizations.

Pastoral care also includes a chapel with a resident padre, and risk assessment is carried out throughout their stay – SUSs are encouraged to speak to staff about any worries or concerns.

The detainee then joins the appropriate Company, where he meets platoon staff and roommates.

Two pathways lead from MCTC, and the final destinations at the ends of those pathways could not be more different.

One will see the individual return to his or her unit, hopefully with a new sense of purpose and maybe even with a few new skills picked up along the way.

This element – A Company – is dubbed ‘Soldiering On’, and is true to the title of the establishment; it is both corrective and training in nature, and those in its ranks are not criminals.

But the other path – D Company, which is roughly two-thirds the size of A Coy – leads to the door marked ‘Exit’, and sees the sailor, soldier or airman serve a term of detention before being dismissed the Armed Forces for good.

A third area, Charlie Block, houses special-category detainees, personnel in pre-trial custody, those transferred for imprisonment and unruly individuals.



Thank you Mad Moriarty

Thank you Mad Moriarty

This is all good stuff so thanks a lot mate. I do know the basics of MCTC but I'd like to hear from anyone who has worked there, or has even served there. Being an "Attitude Re-adjustmant Therapist" myself in civvy street makes me interested - especially as they have a T.A unit now.,..,::/:


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
An ex-colleague of mine went there for a couple of months and wrote to his mom saying his addres had changed while he was at the "Motor Cycle Training Centre".


Nice one Rigga, I also heard it described as Muppets C***s Twa*s and C**ks etc.:pDT_Xtremez_31:


mctc colchester

mctc colchester

Mad mo is correct in 95%in all he says.. The ommitted parts are receptions, The SUS turns up at the guardroom, read the legalities and sent to receptions. They sort his kit - risk assess them, its in their interest of the SUS to be as open as possible with the staff as all welfare aid and help depends on this. I must emphasise that the MCTC staff are here to help the SUS, its their utmost priority, being fellow members of the armed forces, help - first and foremost, end of story. They then see the welfare officer, they will genuinely try to help the SUS out. Then its off to the lines. A coy are returned to service, D coy are dismissed, MCP are awaiting trial or off to civvy nick. The staff are all humane and professional in their sensitive dealings, they really do want to help unless the SUS are time wasting ****s, which is glaringly obvious, if in doubt ask attached RAF staff or Navy staff , then MCP cap badges, the attached staff are more humaine and you gotta bear in mind they are tradesmen "selected" through misfortune and generally are solid people.


I forgot to mention that out of the Air Force staff currently at MCTC there are 5 technicians, one copper and one rockape officer. There are always slots available for volunteers, the brass tacks are that the job can be hugely rewarding, sometimes funny, very regimented, sometimes shocking, you work shifts but if you live locally there is plenty of time off, it can be frustrating, you sometimes feel on a limb, that said the MPS staff do try their best to make you welcome and one of their own, great for developing people skills, great for management skills, bad for slackers, its just very, very different from all things RAF.


The RAFP have nothing to do with MCTC. They are after all employed to get you there in the first place.
I had the pleasure of an extended visit about 15 years ago, and whilst it wasn't a walk in the park, it ceratinly wasn't suicide inducing!
Once you get used to the senseless running around, 2 sessions of PT per day, 2 inspections, rushed meals, uniform ironing, boot polishing, floor polishing and locker layouts, then it does seem to have a comfortable routine to it.
The staff are initially extremely intimidating however, thay are only human and (some) enjoy a bit of a laugh in the right places! The main guys are the Army lot who are specialists, then theres an element of Navy and RAF though im sure theyre just there to deal with typical differences between the services.
Soldier on get your head down and dont get noticed for the wrong reasons and its gonna pass without too much drama.
OH, and does it work?
Well ill never knowingly do anything that could land me in there again!


OH, and winning the cr@ppy 1 speaker tranny radio for a week for best turned out room was like winning the lotto! A great incentive to have a little bit of a link with the outside world


Any RAFP there are there as volunteers as any member of the RAF can apply to be posted there (rank permitting) but not in a capacity as a police officer

Is that volunteer or posted? The later I suspect !!


What rank do you have to be a Subby Cpl? Becasue in the Army you have to be Substansive Cpl with at least two recommendations for Sgt!




I spent 120 days in mctc 2 years ago. if your still watching this thread ill fill u in.:pDT_Xtremez_34:


Its changed so much in the last 2 years, new carpets, curtains, more than one radio all the gear now.

Is the 'filling in' your reason for your stay?



I was on a course there last year. Was mainly army run, but there was a RAF guy there on the staff. He told me he was a Sgt, but had had to transfer over to the AGC. Once his 2 years was up he would transfer back to his original trade.

As for what rank in the RAF can do the MCTC job, there are currently (and have been for a while) requests for personnel to fill the posts. The criteria states of Sgt rank and for 2 years.

However, the army only requires Cpl rank, who will be acting up to Sgt. I'm unsure if the RAF would give acting rank (if they would i may be interested in the post myself!)