The Almighty Fatwa Sam
Yeah mate. Because walting around with medals on that you're not entitled to wear is quite laudable isn't it?
If he's been issued with it, then why shouldn't he wear it?
Just because some pen pushing jerkoff has decided to invent some rule banning him from wearing it?
Apart from the fact that it's forbidden by QR's, can you give me a realistic and sensible reason why the wearing of this medal is forbidden?
Will it cause the very fabrics of integrity that hold the RAF together to split at the seams, bringing all of modern society crashing down with it?
I hope it's some nutter of an old SWO who catches you doing your best mitty impression.
If it is, I do hope for his sake that he remembers to call me sir while he attempts to bollock a member of the civillian public.
He would need to be a nutter to think he could bollock Joe Public and get away with it. His bloody feet wouldn't touch the floor matey.
That would be some fizzer.
Indeed it would. I'd love to see them make it stick against someone who was issued with his discharge papers years ago.
Enjoy your jankers is all I'll say.
That doesn't happen here in the real world.
There's enough of your type with your attitude around already without it spreading to "the kids".
Ah, now we get to the root of your problem.
You actually believe the hype about your glorious air farce don't you?
Do you wear a stable belt and bull your shoes every night?
Do you yearn for the day they'll allow ou to wear your SD cap with your blues?
Do you have a wee leatherman and maglight pouch attached to the back of your belt?
Do you wear blue pyjamas and quote your oath of allegience every night just before going to bed?
Sad really.
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