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NEM Roadshow


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Anyone been to the NEM roadshows yet? Thoughts? What did they say? Spread the love....For those of us that can't get to one...


Sorry, I read that as NME (new musical express to our younger readers) roadshow and was slightly interested. Dame thas fukcnig dislecsia !! Then I realised what the question actually was…….

I haven’t been to one but a pal of mine said it was a load of sphericals. I intend to give it a good ignoring.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
How long do you have left if you don't mind me asking? The total apathy towards joining in the consultation process by most worries me.....if no-one speaks up they can shaft us even more....

Max Reheat

Resident Drunk
1000+ Posts
I've never heard of a NEM roadshow or the concept itself apart from on E-Goat. Wouldn't know where to look for one outside of these walls


Staff member
1000+ Posts
I've never heard of a NEM roadshow or the concept itself apart from on E-Goat. Wouldn't know where to look for one outside of these walls

Fairly certain there is one at your unit 5, 6, 7 August.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
There is meant to be one at ISL this week but I've not seen anything on the scrolling news / MOSS etc despite expressing an interest to attend.

PTR Hoar

It was today at ISL. Couple of the lads went and thought it worth it. I ran away before they could tell me though.
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True, I don’t have that long left so please excuse my cynicism.

However, my cynicism is the result of many years of experience and disappointment. Throughout my career I have seen endless ‘’consultations’’ ‘’studies’’ ‘’initiatives’’ and ‘’reports’’. I’m scratching my head trying to remember one that didn’t degrade our terms of service and generally make life in the RAF worse.

They have funked about with our working practices (lean is just one example), shafted us on pay (pay 2000 was an insult frankly) and most recently they have proposed and rammed through a trashing of the pension scheme.

Please give an example of something that has changed in the last 20 years that has made the life of the average airman better?

Do you really believe that our views are going to influence policy? The decisions are already made, as is the policy. These road shows are just fluff and window dressing to persuade people that they are involved in the process.

As said previously, I will be giving the whole process a damned good ignoring.


They've been here a month or so ago - the presentation was interesting, and left me with a little bit of hope for the future. Certainly if things are implemented the way they've proposed then it's not all that bad. What remains to be seen is... whether it actualyl will be implemented in the ways suggested. Major points I noted: * Not a savings exercise * Engagements will be changing, but not shortening * Manpower control measures (i.e. premature end of service) will be coming in, where the RAF can terminate your contract with a certain amount of notice. This will come with a payoff. * Career management will move to a presumption of geographical stability, unless service requirements are more important. * Placements into industry and Tri-Service career fields being expanded * Part-Time working is coming, probably up to a maximum of 3 part-time years * Pay is changing to a single pay scale for OR's as with officers - trades will be paid a supplement based on their importance etc * The AIP system is likely to be overhauled or removed entirely* Allowances are being simplified and consolidated. CEA is not under review for the NEM. * SLA/SFA will be remaining where entitled. Accom standards will be improved. 'Realistic' and simple charges. * Deposit going up to 25k/50% of salary, whichever is lower. * Review of training moving to regional hubs or e-learning where possible to avoid travelling. Sorry about the layout - DII sucks!


Staff member
1000+ Posts
I get it, you're out soon and NFI, thats cool, I understand that, I'm nearing the same position. I still worry about the 23 JRs who work for me who this will effect taking no interest whatsoever....


I get it, you're out soon and NFI, thats cool, I understand that, I'm nearing the same position. I still worry about the 23 JRs who work for me who this will effect taking no interest whatsoever....

I’m a lot of things but NFI is certainly not one of them. I still come to work everyday and take pride in trying my best to deliver a quality product.

Like you though I am also deeply worried about the younger members of our service. Their careers will never be as varied, rewarding and interesting as ours have been. It is sad to say but the RAF seems to be spiralling downwards towards irrelevance.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
I still worry about the 23 JRs who work for me who this will effect taking no interest whatsoever....


As long as you have done your job in encouraging them to take ownership of their own careers, by paying interest in things that directly affect them then you can do no more.

At the end of the day, you can lead a horse to water etc.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
They've been here a month or so ago - the presentation was interesting, and left me with a little bit of hope for the future. Certainly if things are implemented the way they've proposed then it's not all that bad. What remains to be seen is... whether it actualyl will be implemented in the ways suggested. Major points I noted: * Not a savings exercise * Engagements will be changing, but not shortening * Manpower control measures (i.e. premature end of service) will be coming in, where the RAF can terminate your contract with a certain amount of notice. This will come with a payoff. * Career management will move to a presumption of geographical stability, unless service requirements are more important. * Placements into industry and Tri-Service career fields being expanded * Part-Time working is coming, probably up to a maximum of 3 part-time years * Pay is changing to a single pay scale for OR's as with officers - trades will be paid a supplement based on their importance etc * The AIP system is likely to be overhauled or removed entirely* Allowances are being simplified and consolidated. CEA is not under review for the NEM. * SLA/SFA will be remaining where entitled. Accom standards will be improved. 'Realistic' and simple charges. * Deposit going up to 25k/50% of salary, whichever is lower. * Review of training moving to regional hubs or e-learning where possible to avoid travelling. Sorry about the layout - DII sucks!

If I had a shiney liney for every time I've heard that..... Every time they've pulled a set of cuts in, they've said that...lol... Sorry 29 years of experience kicking in there....


Staff member
1000+ Posts
I’m a lot of things but NFI is certainly not one of them.

Sorry mate, I meant in terms of the NEM, not work in general....


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
They've been here a month or so ago - the presentation was interesting, and left me with a little bit of hope for the future. Certainly if things are implemented the way they've proposed then it's not all that bad. What remains to be seen is... whether it actualyl will be implemented in the ways suggested. Major points I noted: * Not a savings exercise * Engagements will be changing, but not shortening * Manpower control measures (i.e. premature end of service) will be coming in, where the RAF can terminate your contract with a certain amount of notice. This will come with a payoff. * Career management will move to a presumption of geographical stability, unless service requirements are more important. * Placements into industry and Tri-Service career fields being expanded * Part-Time working is coming, probably up to a maximum of 3 part-time years * Pay is changing to a single pay scale for OR's as with officers - trades will be paid a supplement based on their importance etc * The AIP system is likely to be overhauled or removed entirely* Allowances are being simplified and consolidated. CEA is not under review for the NEM. * SLA/SFA will be remaining where entitled. Accom standards will be improved. 'Realistic' and simple charges. * Deposit going up to 25k/50% of salary, whichever is lower. * Review of training moving to regional hubs or e-learning where possible to avoid travelling. Sorry about the layout - DII sucks!

So this'll be the 'proposed' (Read: It is coming whether you like or not) measure to align SLA/SFA charges with local rents. What a crock of ****.

As long as you have done your job in encouraging them to take ownership of their own careers, by paying interest in things that directly affect them then you can do no more.

At the end of the day, you can lead a horse to water etc.

I get all that....but our job is to teach them how to drink the water is it not?


The point is we all know who is responsible for pushing this forward and it aint JR's. So as Spurdog has quite rightly said, no point in going as it has already been decided and will be pushed through.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
They've been here a month or so ago - the presentation was interesting, and left me with a little bit of hope for the future. Certainly if things are implemented the way they've proposed then it's not all that bad. What remains to be seen is... whether it actualyl will be implemented in the ways suggested. Major points I noted: * Not a savings exercise * Engagements will be changing, but not shortening Without more detail difficult to analyse but it would be a step change if they did it for the service persons benefit and not their own* Manpower control measures (i.e. premature end of service) will be coming in, where the RAF can terminate your contract with a certain amount of notice. This will come with a payoff.This can both be a good or bad thing dpending on your outlook...you may not want to be held in a contract or wish to get out so this saves you pushing the button and even though you may not have served the requisite years for a pay-out you may still get something....or you can be booted out if you want to or not...question is what is the pay-off deal...it could be as rubbish as a week for every year. This brings the forces roughly in line with civvy street though * Career management will move to a presumption of geographical stability, unless service requirements are more important. This may tie in with changes to SFA and encouraging people out of it and into their own homes...not entirely a bad thing since if you leave now without a house the social housing is under immense pressure and you may find yourselves living with family or worse for some time* Placements into industry and Tri-Service career fields being expanded Gaining a broader outlook on life will never be a bad thing... the RAF is too small now so IMO a good thing if you manage it yourselves!* Part-Time working is coming, probably up to a maximum of 3 part-time years Would help with couples who serve and have kids or just familes that are in remote posts with kids...But would this take those personnel off the list of deployable resource thus putting others under more strain?* Pay is changing to a single pay scale for OR's as with officers - trades will be paid a supplement based on their importance etc The more they simplify pay the more it seems that some specialists get a shafting...entirely depends on what or who they value and from past near history are the tech trades getting a warm and fuzzy yet?* The AIP system is likely to be overhauled or removed entirely* If removed then does that mean no recognition for time and experience?Allowances are being simplified and consolidated.That in the past has generally been code for 'reduced' and regulations/red tape increased to make it more difficult to apply or qualify for CEA is not under review for the NEM. And around the bouy we go...* SLA/SFA will be remaining where entitled. says something and nothing...what does 'entitled' mean in the future to them...only those in London or other tours where prices are unreasonable?Accom standards will be improved. 'Realistic' and simple charges.I think some accom has been improved and to a good standard so if they keep it up I can see no hidden agenda here! * Deposit going up to 25k/50% of salary, whichever is lower. * Review of training moving to regional hubs or e-learning where possible to avoid travelling. E-learning and the increased use of VTC is an industry standard these days and no reason why a deal of forces training could not be carried out similarly...of course only whee it fitsSorry about the layout - DII sucks!

My thoughts in red...overall it looks much like what I have seen before but the inertia from above would seem to be propelling the RAF more towards industry standards and conditions with part-time working, the changing of contracts to allow them to get rid of people and not have to wait for SDR's and rounds of redundancys, the reduction in cost to them by making you initially geographically stable before removing SFA in stages then posting you (I know...cynic) and making you a bean stealer with no retort...Be nice to see some more details incl figures attached to some of the proposals though.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Career management will move to a presumption of geographical stability, unless service requirements are more important.

CEA is not under review for the NEM.

If personnel are being encouraged to stay put, then CEA wouldn't be admissible anyway.