Having started this thread a few months ago
I am quite determined that the people in high places hear my opinion, so just two weeks ago I vented my opinions on one of the JSP 886 'managers' from Andover who was 'shocked' when I said that the current version is so 'poor'.!
I also pointed out that you can't open it in the Falklands because the Intranet is so slow to which he offered, as a solution "well it's on the Internet!" Having explained again that 33k download on either is useless and that we need a CD version, he offered a memory stick as an option, not sure if he comprehended QA or IT security!
Then the bombshell- The current locations of the old AP 830/JSP386 documents are not the final resting places for these documents - they will be moved again, maybe soon, maybe later !!!!!My top tip is not to put any references on any document just 'somewhere in the JSP 886- i'm confident no QA cell will be able to find the correct reference!
Is this a way to run a stretched, integrated, complicated, supply chain without the correctly manned Sqn's- mad as a bag of frogs!