so it is Agony Aunt, (or Uncle), time now.....
Shall we say 'one of his friends' has been put in charge of a room. Thankfully, the room is still there but some of the occupants aren't allegedly getting things done to that finite standard beloved of instructors.
When this happens, 'the friend' gets it in the neck and gets his kit turned over as well which is making him somewhat miserable. 'The friend' now, (allegedly), finds himself running around after everyone else and having to complete his kit work after the others have gone to sleep.
There's always two sides to a story so rather than a pinch of salt, I reached for the tin of Saxo. There's also the fact that this could just be one of those down points that will always be present due to the pressures of the training programme. Some youngsters idea of a lack of sleep can be anything under 11 hours so as I say, bucket of salt time.
My advice was to tell 'the friend' that he should reason / cajole / pressurise the errant scoundrels in the hope that this brings improvements but I'm told 'the friend' doesn't want to be disliked by them??
My other advice was to speak to an instructor on the side and explain issues as by not making someone aware of the issues, 'the friend' could be seen to be simply accepting the situation or even worse, indifferent to the situation. I also suggested that if this didn't work, a word with the WASPS could boost confidence.
I'm sure this issue isn't unique so I'd value any advice, (polite and legal mind you), I could pass on to 'the friend'.
Thanks in advance.