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Old Folk to be banned


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Looks like the over 70's are to be ordered to stay indoors soon.

It may make shopping a bit easier - Morrisons in Stamford today was rammed full of OAPs shopping like the curfew was starting tomorrow!

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
My next door neighbour is mid 70's never leaves the house unless family are giving her a lift to the doctors. She'll not even notice any changes.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Two members of my team at work are over 70. They choose to work as an alternative to being shut up at home with only death to look forward to.

I'm expecting a bit of anger from them tomorrow....


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
So there are two ways of dealing with this, everyone in the country reduces social interaction to reduce the spread of the infection so that the vulnerable are protected.

Or we protect those who are vulnerable whilst minimising the impact on those who seem to be able to shrug this off as a bad cold.

The first will totally shaft the economy, the second will shaft the economy less, if both methods have the same impact on the mortality rate then which one would you choose, hindsight is great, however we won’t have it until later in the year.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Two members of my team at work are over 70. They choose to work as an alternative to being shut up at home with only death to look forward to.

I'm expecting a bit of anger from them tomorrow....
Exactly. The government can't just come out with an arbitrary figure of 70. I've seen lots of fit and healthy 70 year olds and lots of unfit 60 year olds. The retirement age us creeping up it's now at 66 will soon rise yet again. Only last week Patel was saying we should get inactive 64year olds back to work. If anybody should stay in doors it's those with underlying health problems.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Exactly. The government can't just come out with an arbitrary figure of 70. I've seen lots of fit and healthy 70 year olds and lots of unfit 60 year olds. The retirement age us creeping up it's now at 66 will soon rise yet again. Only last week Patel was saying we should get inactive 64year olds back to work. If anybody should stay in doors it's those with underlying health problems.
It’s not about the people it’s about the system being able to cope, older people will need more care as they are more likely to suffer the worse symptoms, therefore increasing demand for teams of health care professions and resources, and we will run out of both. It’s also not about physical fitness, all our immune systems peak in our twenties, after that were all slowly deterioracting. Yes some are crumbling faster than others, however, the ability of a 70 year old to recover from this has been proven to be several magnitudes worse than that for a 30 year old, and that is with access to the right Levels of care.

There is no point trying to stop the virus until there is a cure/vaccine, as I said earlier there are two ways of dealing with this, a blanket close down society to reduce spread or targetted measures that cause some inconvenience but keeps the most vulnerable safest the longest.

Its about choosing the right pathway to minimise the number of deaths whilst maintaining as much of normality as required.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
As much as I don't like this Government, they have my full support in doing whatever is necessary to minimise the spread. If that means those of a certain age are shut indoors, so be it. There's enough of us remaining to check on someone we know to be old, alone and isolated. If it comes to that situation, I plan to request dropping to a 4 day week so I can go and visit my mum on a Sunday/Monday - its not like I'd be needed at work anyway if all foreign travel is banned!


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
It’s not about the people it’s about the system being able to cope, older people will need more care as they are more likely to suffer the worse symptoms, therefore increasing demand for teams of health care professions and resources, and we will run out of both. It’s also not about physical fitness, all our immune systems peak in our twenties, after that were all slowly deterioracting. Yes some are crumbling faster than others, however, the ability of a 70 year old to recover from this has been proven to be several magnitudes worse than that for a 30 year old, and that is with access to the right Levels of care.

There is no point trying to stop the virus until there is a cure/vaccine, as I said earlier there are two ways of dealing with this, a blanket close down society to reduce spread or targetted measures that cause some inconvenience but keeps the most vulnerable safest the longest.

Its about choosing the right pathway to minimise the number of deaths whilst maintaining as much of normality as required.
I agree we need to do something. But deciding that all those above 70 need to stay indoors. What about all those who are 69. You've said the ability of a 70 to recover is several magnitudes worse than someone younger. You don't stay fit and healthy in your 60s then suddenly deteriorate when you reach 70. How will we police the over 70s staying indoors, are we to fine them.if they venture outside are we going to check their age if they are seen outside.

E Flammis

I am 74 years old ex mob and still running Brutal Ten events. As a Glaswegian I will not be told by some overweight policeman I will be arrested and put in the glasshouse for 4 months. The Bar L (prison) will be full of old age pensioners getting three squares a day and watching the racing on TV. Scrap the present government and put the military in charge - per ardua.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I am 74 years old ex mob and still running Brutal Ten events. As a Glaswegian I will not be told by some overweight policeman I will be arrested and put in the glasshouse for 4 months. The Bar L (prison) will be full of old age pensioners getting three squares a day and watching the racing on TV. Scrap the present government and put the military in charge - per ardua.

I guess the problem is that if you become unwell, symptoms escalate and there is contention for ventilators, certain age groups may be less likely to receive intervention as is happening in Italy right now.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Why 70? Part an arbitrary age where immunity levels drop (so I’m told) and I assume a deal of feedback from other countries ahead of us on the infection curve that this is a reasonable age to draw a line under. If you’re an unfit 64 year old (for example) I’d hope you have a semblance of common sense and remove yourself from as much social contact as possible rather than not just because you are under 70...To not do so would be stupid.

I tire of the political sniping on here and other social media at the moment...it’s not the time for that because some people (perhaps a lot more than we dare to imagine) are about to die. The bloke in the chair happens to be a Tory at the moment with the weight of the entire country ultimately in his shoulders...He’s taking advice from PHE/NHS who aren’t political in nature (they have their preferences but aren’t seeking re-election) and are committed to preserving life...So when you choose to spurt garbage like ‘fecking Tories are doing xxxxx now’ remember it’s from the aforementioned scientists and doctors. I’d much rather see us, if we are fit and healthy enough, forgetting the political divides and concentrating some energy on helping others in our locale.

Tomorrow night I’m running a meeting of my executive at my rugby club. We are now shut down for the season so I have food in fridges and a few chest freezers to disperse and I have hundreds of members who I want to form a service to anyone who needs stuff doing over the next few months. Fcuk politics...time to bind on.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Lord knows how my folks will get through this. A 79yr old Mother in hospital with 4 of the 5 ailments that make her a top risk and a 74yr old Father who visits her every day.

I'm genuinely in fear of losing them through this.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
The two over-70s in my team were sent home yesterday. Both were philosophical about the situation, but not entirely happy.

Many of us at work have elderly relatives/neighbours that need our support. If there is no plan announced for what we will do at work once passport applications completely dry up, I plan to request a temporary cut in my working hours so I can help in the community in whatever way I can. Others are thinking likewise. I'm fortunate enough to not need a full wage from the public purse and if going on half pay means another ventilator gets paid for, then its a sacrifice I would make every day of the week.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Why 70? Part an arbitrary age where immunity levels drop (so I’m told) and I assume a deal of feedback from other countries ahead of us on the infection curve that this is a reasonable age to draw a line under. If you’re an unfit 64 year old (for example) I’d hope you have a semblance of common sense and remove yourself from as much social contact as possible rather than not just because you are under 70...To not do so would be stupid.

I tire of the political sniping on here and other social media at the moment...it’s not the time for that because some people (perhaps a lot more than we dare to imagine) are about to die. The bloke in the chair happens to be a Tory at the moment with the weight of the entire country ultimately in his shoulders...He’s taking advice from PHE/NHS who aren’t political in nature (they have their preferences but aren’t seeking re-election) and are committed to preserving life...So when you choose to spurt garbage like ‘fecking Tories are doing xxxxx now’ remember it’s from the aforementioned scientists and doctors. I’d much rather see us, if we are fit and healthy enough, forgetting the political divides and concentrating some energy on helping others in our locale.

Tomorrow night I’m running a meeting of my executive at my rugby club. We are now shut down for the season so I have food in fridges and a few chest freezers to disperse and I have hundreds of members who I want to form a service to anyone who needs stuff doing over the next few months. Fcuk politics...time to bind on.

Probably the most coherent and best post on here in a decade.


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
As a post 60, overweight, post-triple bypass, type 2 diabetic, on the ‘at risk’ band for Covid-19 poisoning and currently placed on compulsory “Working From Home”; I’m going on a cycle ride tomorrow - in Lycra.
Stop me if you dare!

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
As a post 60, overweight, post-triple bypass, type 2 diabetic, on the ‘at risk’ band for Covid-19 poisoning and currently placed on compulsory “Working From Home”; I’m going on a cycle ride tomorrow - in Lycra.
Stop me if you dare!
As a QAM, you are lucky. I will have to drive to Newcastle. NWI is dead as a fixed wing airport next week.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Interesting... I hae flights booked out of southend in 2 weeks and Loganair are adamant they will be operating.

As long as you are happy to fly around the UK FIR for a few hours, maybe do a few bumps and rolls then land back at the same airport you left from it should be fine...I can't see them being allowed to go anywhere by then.