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so a while ago, the round om15 tin was binned for a square engine/gearbox etc. style tin.
Some panicked and said we were asking for flight safety trouble - others didn't give a fook!

anyone heard of anyone buggering it up with a cross contamination, off to see the FS trousers on backwards type incident yet?????


An ex-DF - in dog rescue!
OM15 always used to come in cubic tins.

Round puff tins came in the late 70's.

Square ones are better to make patches for car wings from!


Tashied Goatee
Don't know of any "actual" cross contaminations but there have been a few close shaves at ISL where an OX-26 risbridger has been found attached to a tin of OM-15.

Relevant checks carried out and no contaminations found.

Thare have been several posts in different threads on this subject......You gotta READ the can these days.....and Line controllers have to make sure the "Oil Contamination" sup is filled in correctly.

Crack on............:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Master of my destiny
I believe cross contamination has occurred in the last month on a det across the pond, oops beadwindow.:raf:

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
The Civvies at Valley might have... I wouldn't like to comment:PDT_Xtremez_06:

Someone always has to have a pop at the civvies don't they, even though they are more than likely ex RAF.:PDT_Xtremez_17:

But surely someone must have have applied some basic human factors psychology to the possibility of cross contamination when the decision was made.

If this problem is a recurring one, then colouring the OM 15 tin a different one to the standard olive green might do the trick.



Tashied Goatee
If this problem is a recurring one, then colouring the OM 15 tin a different one to the standard olive green might do the trick.


Or we could be RADICAL and make it a different shape.......oh like it used to be !!!!! Sorry we had to save money and the contractor with the lowest bid would only supply the same rectangular can for both OM-15 and OX-26. Apparently there are plans afoot though to make some of the writting RED to make it stand out........yeah right

Crack on.................:PDT_Xtremez_09:
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Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Or we could be RADICAL and make it a different shape.......oh like it used to be !!!!! Sorry we had to save money and the contractor with the lowest bid would only supply the same rectangular can for both OM-15 and OX-26. Apparently there are plans afoot though to make some of the writting RED to make it stand out........yeah right

Crack on.................:PDT_Xtremez_09:

That's a little short sighted Tashy.

The MoD ? RAF may have had little choice over the shapes of cans supplied from believe it or not, a civvie oil company. In civvy street, with lots of different aircraft types to work on in one place, we get lots of different oils supplied in big cans, small cans, round cans, rectangular cans etc etc.

Coloured can labels seem to do the trick. As does reading the label, checking the reference and batch number and expiry date.

On a unit that only flies one aircraft type, surely it isn't to difficult though?

But I understand your point, it's a problem that has been generated from outside of the RAF systems of work, so fair point.

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rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Someone always has to have a pop at the civvies don't they, even though they are more than likely ex RAF.:PDT_Xtremez_17:

But surely someone must have have applied some basic human factors psychology to the possibility of cross contamination when the decision was made.

If this problem is a recurring one, then colouring the OM 15 tin a different one to the standard olive green might do the trick.

That wasn't a pop at civvies.....THIS IS A POP AT CIVVIES...."CIVVIES ARE RUBBISH"...lol

Like OM15 red?
Unfortuneately the heavy side of TG1 are allowed to be colour blind...(In fact I think that it's mandatory for sooties taking into account their fashion sense...)

Albert Park

What's wrong with reading the label?

It shouldn't matter what shape/colour the can is.

When I go to fill up my car I am faced with several fuel pumps which all look alike. How do I fill my car up with the correct fuel? I read what's on the pump. Not difficult at all.

Why try to complicate something that is simple?

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
That wasn't a pop at civvies.....THIS IS A POP AT CIVVIES...."CIVVIES ARE RUBBISH"...lol

Like OM15 red?
Unfortuneately the heavy side of TG1 are allowed to be colour blind...(In fact I think that it's mandatory for sooties taking into account their fashion sense...)

Ha HA :PDT_Xtremez_15:

I thought civvies were rubbish too, until I had to become one:S

Agree about the sooties.

Colourblind techies? paint the tin yellow


rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
What's wrong with reading the label?

It shouldn't matter what shape/colour the can is.

When I go to fill up my car I am faced with several fuel pumps which all look alike. How do I fill my car up with the correct fuel? I read what's on the pump. Not difficult at all.

Why try to complicate something that is simple?

It may be simple but look at what's coming out of Cosford at the moment...


When I go to fill up my car I am faced with several fuel pumps which all look alike. How do I fill my car up with the correct fuel? I read what's on the pump. Not difficult at all.

Not to mention that diesel comes out of the black hose, unleaded out of the green one? And how many times have you heard of unleaded going in a diesel motor and vice versa?!?!?


The training cell on my erm.. last squadron at Marham, managed to put OM 15 in the gearboxes. it was a rigger in charge of the trainees too! Similar excuse, was a square tin, managed to put 3/4 of a litre in. Doh!

Albert Park


Not to mention that diesel comes out of the black hose, unleaded out of the green one? And how many times have you heard of unleaded going in a diesel motor and vice versa?!?!?

Are you purposely missing the point? It's about READING not recognising colour/shape.

If anyone has c0cked up with the wrong fuel, then they should have read the sign/label.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Are you purposely missing the point? It's about READING not recognising colour/shape.

If anyone has c0cked up with the wrong fuel, then they should have read the sign/label.

Are YOU missing the point?

Dark POL store, torch low on batteries, been working for 10 hours, need to get kite ready for early morning sortie, need to top up engine oil, no wait was it hyd oil or engine oil. Aaah there it is, OM15 tin in the place I normally get OM15 from. Back to aircraft. Engine oil topped up satis.

Humans make mistakes.

How do you prevent them though?


Are you purposely missing the point? It's about READING not recognising colour/shape.

I'm not trying to be obstructive at all. It's an easy solution to a possible cross contamination resulting in hefty repairs. Thats why people colour code stuff, make it easy for the hard of looking. Add into that, working on a pan where lighting is less than ideal and it being the last job on a 10 hour shift and what do you end up with?

Little Tronk

No man is at all times wise!.................Sh*t happens and this is more likley under pressure. Taking simple steps to HELP prevent this should not be hard like putting different oils in different shaped cans.

I can't remeber hearing a case of cross contamination when OM15 was round tins however, there have been a number of cases since it was put in the same shape. Also you could not fit an engine oil risbridger to an Hyd oil can cos of the length of the stack pipe...you can now!
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You techies must be a knightmare when shopping, do you all go to buy a tin of beans, but buy a tin of peas instead? or do you read the label!