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Tashied Goatee
You techies must be a knightmare when shopping, do you all go to buy a tin of beans, but buy a tin of peas instead? or do you read the label!

Your right...i end up home with 50 cans of plum tomatoes FFS.......my missus is getting well pished off making everything with plum toms.......

Crack on.................:PDT_Xtremez_09:


You techies must be a knightmare when shopping, do you all go to buy a tin of beans, but buy a tin of peas instead? or do you read the label!

Has it got a picture of beans on it? Yup! See even the bloody supermarkets give a clear indication of what's in the tin!


Tashied Goatee
Has it got a picture of beans on it? Yup! See even the bloody supermarkets give a clear indication of what's in the tin!

Oh here we have the techie super MOD type that looks at the pictures.....I bow down, I am not worthy.....

Crack on.................:PDT_Xtremez_09:

The Panther

Reading the tin as mentioned is the best way, failling that why not take a quick swig. Om-15 should taste of strawberrys where engine oil taste like treacle. Everyone knows that.:PDT_Xtremez_15:


Well thats only in dire emergencies. Mrs_M does all the shopping or it'll all be wrong anyways.

"What? you said you wanted beans!!"
"Yeah, I said runner beans you tw@t!!!"
"Fair cop :("

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
You techies must be a knightmare when shopping, do you all go to buy a tin of beans, but buy a tin of peas instead? or do you read the label!

GOOD POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, imagine that you have gone shopping. you have only a few minutes to grab your goods.

5 minutes into your spree, you are in the value bean tin section , but want value peas.

They both have white labels.

Yoy see the "EA" on the tin and pick it up thinking you have pEAs. But no. You have picked up a tin of bEAns.

In your rush to get home and feed the kids some peas, you picked the wrong tin. You fed them beans and your kids fart a lot.

Your kids are well annoyed and promise to hate you forever.

A techy picks up the wrong can of oil and puts it into an engine, the aircraft falls out of the sky and a few kids are less one parent.

If colouring the labels on oil tins enables technicians to make the right and safe choice, then so be it, no matter how dumbed down it seems, the Mod should be doing everything they can to encourage this. Human factors should be paramount.

As an example, every parent teaches their child, what is hot, what is cold. They then teach what colours mean. Red is stop, green is go. Amber is a warning.

All oil tins in the Mil are painted green.

You seeing this now?


Albert Park

You techies must be a knightmare when shopping, do you all go to buy a tin of beans, but buy a tin of peas instead? or do you read the label!
Couldn't have put it any better.

By the way, what do you think a Board of Enquiry would do when listening to the sort of drivel that has been posted so far:

President of the BoE: What have you got to say in you defence for replenishing the aircraft with the wrong oil?

Liney/Techie:My torch wasn't working - so I put any old oil in.

The Oil Store was dark - so I put any old oil in.

I've been working 10 hours - so I put any old oil in.

I couldn't remember what oil to use - so I put any old oil in.

I'm under pressure - so I put any old oil in.

I can't be bothered to read, and anyway, I prefer to recognise pictures - so I put any old oil in.

President of the BoE: Didn't you think of changing your torch?

Liney/Techie: But, but .....

President of the BoE: Didn't you think of reading the label before replenishing with the completely wrong oil (you fuucking useless, lazy, dangerous cnut)?

Liney/Techie: But, but ....

President of the BoE: Get this fuucking moron out of my fuucking sight. There's too many of this sort looking to blame other people/ other things for their own gross incompetence. W@ankers.


AP, I don't dissagree that ignorance is no excuse, however they decided to originally make the OM15 tins smaller and round for a reason.

So an OX26 risbridger wouldn't fit on it, and the fact that it is easily identifiable as Hyd Oil from miles away.

Why did they remove this added precaution? Because it costs less to get them in the same tin as OX26. They've probably already cost the difference in manhours and incidents already, but it cost them less to start with so everyones happy?!


The problem with the last lot of OM15 was that they were in the same tins as OX26. To boot, the labels were stuck on, not printed on. Mr stacker picks up a crate on OM15, puts it outside POL yo put away first thing monday. It rains or its windy or something brushes against the tins, suddenly no labels.

But flying MUST continue, so the techie, trying his best, makes a cock up. Experiance goes against him, 'OM15's always been in a different can that couldn't fit on the risbridger'. And all of a sudden theres now hyd oil instead of engine oil in your gearbox.

This IS how it happened. seriously. Main issue is training, both for the stacker - not to put oil with no labels anywhere near a POL store, also the techie, never EVER put oil from an unlabelled/open tin near a jet.

But of course, the manufacturer could just save us the hastle and go back to rounded tins with printed labels.


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
That wasn't a pop at civvies.....THIS IS A POP AT CIVVIES...."CIVVIES ARE RUBBISH"...lol

Like OM15 red?
Unfortuneately the heavy side of TG1 are allowed to be colour blind...(In fact I think that it's mandatory for sooties taking into account their fashion sense...)

First you have a go at Civvies,:PDT_Xtremez_25: then the propulsive master race::/: and finally mock colour blind people:PDT_Xtremez_09: (like me) however I never cross contaminated fcuk all, drove on airfields for my entire 22 yrs service without a bump, and wired up numerous generators and alternators with no problems whatsoever:PDT_Xtremez_19: (at a recent medical it was stated that the RAF assessment of my CP status was exagerated) however it was funny when on duty sqn at Bruggen an F3 diverted and the wobbly grabbbed random bods and threw me the keys. Having arrived at the middle of the runway I then deemed it a good time to mention I had no 600A:S It was then quickly established that no-one on the tractor had one:PDT_Xtremez_31: still got it in the shed :PDT_Xtremez_19: no probs and kept schtum
Last edited:

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Couldn't have put it any better.

By the way, what do you think a Board of Enquiry would do when listening to the sort of drivel that has been posted so far:

President of the BoE: What have you got to say in you defence for replenishing the aircraft with the wrong oil?

Liney/Techie:My torch wasn't working - so I put any old oil in.

The Oil Store was dark - so I put any old oil in.

I've been working 10 hours - so I put any old oil in.

I couldn't remember what oil to use - so I put any old oil in.

I'm under pressure - so I put any old oil in.

I can't be bothered to read, and anyway, I prefer to recognise pictures - so I put any old oil in.

President of the BoE: Didn't you think of changing your torch?

Liney/Techie: But, but .....

President of the BoE: Didn't you think of reading the label before replenishing with the completely wrong oil (you fuucking useless, lazy, dangerous cnut)?

Liney/Techie: But, but ....

President of the BoE: Get this fuucking moron out of my fuucking sight. There's too many of this sort looking to blame other people/ other things for their own gross incompetence. W@ankers.

Albert Park.

I know what you are saying and fully understand your sentiments. But surely you must realise the issue of human factors?


Albert Park

Albert Park.

I know what you are saying and fully understand your sentiments. But surely you must realise the issue of human factors?

I fully understand - but to use it as an excuse is, well, inexcuseable.

We all c0ck up - but we also must be honest and be accountable for any mistakes that we make, not to pass it off as this, that and the other reason. The only reason, in this instance, is that the wrong oil was used for one reason only. The person replenishing ignored what was on the label and carried on irrespective.

Let me ask you a question:

If you put your car in for a service and later found out that they had used the wrong oil/grease (whatever) with the mechanic using an excuse that 'It used to be in a round tin and now it in a square one - so I used another one in a round tin'. I imagine you'd go fuuckin' mental and say 'Didn't you read the label, you fuuckin' cnut?'.

ps I think this has had the@rse kicked out of it now.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
I fully understand - but to use it as an excuse is, well, inexcuseable.

We all c0ck up - but we also must be honest and be accountable for any mistakes that we make, not to pass it off as this, that and the other reason. The only reason, in this instance, is that the wrong oil was used for one reason only. The person replenishing ignored what was on the label and carried on irrespective.

Let me ask you a question:

If you put your car in for a service and later found out that they had used the wrong oil/grease (whatever) with the mechanic using an excuse that 'It used to be in a round tin and now it in a square one - so I used another one in a round tin'. I imagine you'd go fuuckin' mental and say 'Didn't you read the label, you fuuckin' cnut?'.

ps I think this has had the@rse kicked out of it now.

Yes, and also No.

You have turned this round of questions and answers into an " oh sh1t, I don't trust car mecanics thread". You know as well as I do that there is such a concept called "Tech integrity" I believe that you have an absolutely high integrity within your technical background to be a respected engineer.

As you will know, tech integrity revolves around good training, purpose involved engineering and the ability to prevent mistakes before they happen.

You cannot compare aircraft engineering as to what happens in a road vehicle environment.

The thread starter wanted to know if any cross contamination had occurred
between two sets of oils which are delivered in the same shaped and same coloured can.

The opinions have been constructive.

Tashy literally asked why something that wasn't broken, was fiixed.

Nothing wrong with that.

What you are saying is, " I don't make mistakes" which is good if you are perfect.

The whole rationale to the application of Human Factors in an engineering environment is that ENGINEERS MAKE MISTAKES.

How we, as engineers reduce mistakes is a very important topic of discussion.

I have no doubt of your integrity.



Master of my destiny
Surely, regardles of the fact that people should read and not be complete cnuts etc, the fact that it has happened several times is a pointer that maybe something should be done to make it murphy proof (as it used to be!). If you fill up your car with the wrong fuel, it's likely to cost a couple of hundred quid to sort it out. If you misread the label at the supermarket, the worst that could happen is that you end up with something like Egg, Chips & Custard etc for your tea. If you put the wrong oil in the jet's hydraulic system/engines, it can mean fatalities. The contact writers(pah) should stipulate a foolproof canning system end of.::/:
I fully understand - but to use it as an excuse is, well, inexcuseable.

We all c0ck up - but we also must be honest and be accountable for any mistakes that we make, not to pass it off as this, that and the other reason. The only reason, in this instance, is that the wrong oil was used for one reason only. The person replenishing ignored what was on the label and carried on irrespective.

Let me ask you a question:

If you put your car in for a service and later found out that they had used the wrong oil/grease (whatever) with the mechanic using an excuse that 'It used to be in a round tin and now it in a square one - so I used another one in a round tin'. I imagine you'd go fuuckin' mental and say 'Didn't you read the label, you fuuckin' cnut?'.

ps I think this has had the@rse kicked out of it now.

You are right that this should be a straight forward task, and it would be a very sympathetic person who would excuse someone of the kind of qualifications,training and pay scale we are dealing with fooking it up. But I think the real nitty gritty of this arse kicked subject, is that if you could prevent just one aircraft piling in due to a different shaped tin - isn't that worthwhile?
If on the other hand we said could we prevent just one car engine not getting stuffed, then no it really isn't worth it!

But a smoking aeroplane shaped hole in the ground.......................:PDT_Xtremez_42:


Tashied Goatee
Surely, regardles of the fact that people should read and not be complete cnuts etc, the fact that it has happened several times is a pointer that maybe something should be done to make it murphy proof (as it used to be!). If you fill up your car with the wrong fuel, it's likely to cost a couple of hundred quid to sort it out. If you misread the label at the supermarket, the worst that could happen is that you end up with something like Egg, Chips & Custard etc for your tea. If you put the wrong oil in the jet's hydraulic system/engines, it can mean fatalities. The contact writers(pah) should stipulate a foolproof canning system end of.::/:

Has been said many a time and it was a good system...but we gotta save money these day....forget saving lives...money is the factor.....

Crack on..................:PDT_Xtremez_09:


dont know what you lot are worrying about, OM-15 will run out in about 3/4 years and only one place in the world that makes the stuff, a small south american country begining with a V. nice one RAF

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
First you have a go at Civvies,:PDT_Xtremez_25: then the propulsive master race::/: and finally mock colour blind people:PDT_Xtremez_09: (like me) however I never cross contaminated fcuk all, drove on airfields for my entire 22 yrs service without a bump, and wired up numerous generators and alternators with no problems whatsoever:PDT_Xtremez_19: (at a recent medical it was stated that the RAF assessment of my CP status was exagerated) however it was funny when on duty sqn at Bruggen an F3 diverted and the wobbly grabbbed random bods and threw me the keys. Having arrived at the middle of the runway I then deemed it a good time to mention I had no 600A:S It was then quickly establishred that no-one on the tractor had one:PDT_Xtremez_31: still got it in the she:PDT_Xtremez_19: d no probs and kept schtum

I've seen your wiring and it's just a good job that aircraft wiring connections have keyways LOL.

Was that WO GT that sent you out? aaaah as a visually colour challenged person I bet it was only the stink of pi55 that alerted you to his gingerness...lol

What are you on about paddy...the OM15 wells are running dry?


if the latest release from tornado topics is true. the fully story is there in black and white


Tashied Goatee
if the latest release from tornado topics is true. the fully story is there in black and white

So this latest OM-15 rumour will have the MOD buying all stocks otherwise in 6 years the tonka fleet wont be able to operate......so gov,nor it aint gonna be OM-15 that stops the tonka flying it will be one of 2 other major componenents.

When you can be arsed an realise that you up sh!te creek give me a call.

I won't be able to sort your **** out but i can tell you what went wrong !!!!

Then again...look at BAE and you got you answer

Crack on............:PDT_Xtremez_09: