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One for all you ex Wessex sumpies


Somewhere else now!
Ah, similar to the mighty Sea King engine of death!
Ours is a Gnome H1400.
What on earth would make you stick one on a trolley in your front garden though?
I take it that that one has IGV's on it as well seeing as he was fiddling up front there with something?


That'll **** the neighbours off no end. I think it's the throttle acc he's tinkering with not the IGV's. Not a blue one like ours though.


Somewhere else now!
He does alter IGV's for shut down by the looks of it. Scan fwds to about 1min 58secs and he reaches fwd past the front frame of the trolley.
As for the throttle acc, yeah , he's controlling the Ng/Nf with it throughout.

born free now trapped

The engine thing in your front garden could be fun, but searching for a gnome video on the internet. Mr Masher no need!!!!!!!!!!!


Somewhere else now!
The engine thing in your front garden could be fun, but searching for a gnome video on the internet. Mr Masher no need!!!!!!!!!!!

Easy now, you'll be calling me a geek next!:PDT_Xtremez_35:

I think you'll find the originator of the post is historically the first entry!

In this case The FOMz
One for all you ex-Wessex sumpies..............

Gnome on a trolly




What amazes me is that a "Geek" like that was actually allowed to purchase a potentially lethal toy?!!!!
You can just imagine it......
"Honey, it's a nice day out there..... I think I might just wheel that old Gnome out onto the drive and flash it up"!!!!
"Alright dear.... if I hear you scream then I will call an ambulance"?!!!!!
'Kin ell!!!!!!
Just for the record, a guy at Boulmer lost several fingers whilst leak checking the back-end of a Gnome not so long ago, and in that configuration the High Speed shaft coupling is VERY exposed and spinning at great speed?!!!
I have seen it all now!!!!


Somewhere else now!
Just for the record, a guy at Boulmer lost several fingers whilst leak checking the back-end of a Gnome not so long ago, and in that configuration the High Speed shaft coupling is VERY exposed and spinning at great speed?!!!
I have seen it all now!!!!

Just out of interest, WTF was someone doing down the back end of a gnome when it was running? I havent heard of this incident, please enlighten me, if you would be so kind.


An ex-DF - in dog rescue!
If you click the more button in the text he explains that he intends to use the donk in an off-shore power boat.


Leak Checks on Gnomes...

Leak Checks on Gnomes...

Well, a certain NCO (Name with-held!) was doing a leak check around the back on the engine following a 5 bearing oil-seal replacement I believe?
Up on Port engine door, engine running, all back-end panels removed!!!
Daft t*at puts his hand down the back and underneath, and off come two of his fingers??!!!!!
This information came to me via a third-party who works at Boulmer, and I believe it to be true.
Rumour has it that this almighty f*ck-up (and many more at Boulmer!) drove the decision to change the shift system as alot of incidents were linked to tired people (Surprise, surprise!) and we've all experienced that I'm sure?!!
Anyway, it will all change when the Civvies move in this year to run SAR, and perhaps some of the "Evil Taskmasters" that currently crack the whip on UK SAR Flights, without care or consideration for the troops won't be laughing anymore when they are posted to SH?!!!
Still think he was a daft t*at putting his hand there in the first place, and he was one of the most experienced Heavies at Boulmer, but it amazes me what people will do when tired and under pressure. Hey-ho!


Somewhere else now!
Well, a certain NCO (Name with-held!) was doing a leak check around the back on the engine following a 5 bearing oil-seal replacement I believe?
Up on Port engine door, engine running, all back-end panels removed!!!
Daft t*at puts his hand down the back and underneath, and off come two of his fingers??!!!!!
This information came to me via a third-party who works at Boulmer, and I believe it to be true.
Rumour has it that this almighty f*ck-up (and many more at Boulmer!) drove the decision to change the shift system as alot of incidents were linked to tired people (Surprise, surprise!) and we've all experienced that I'm sure?!!
Anyway, it will all change when the Civvies move in this year to run SAR, and perhaps some of the "Evil Taskmasters" that currently crack the whip on UK SAR Flights, without care or consideration for the troops won't be laughing anymore when they are posted to SH?!!!
Still think he was a daft t*at putting his hand there in the first place, and he was one of the most experienced Heavies at Boulmer, but it amazes me what people will do when tired and under pressure. Hey-ho!

I wonder who he is? I may know him!
So with all the panels off he obviously didn't require any fireproofing integrity?
And people wonder why we sometimes slag off the "flighties" for being gash!!
I wouldnt stand up there with the engine running. I assume it was also a ground crew engine run? Engine runner should have know better as well. And, we can only run No1 engine (port) so WTF were they playing at standing up that side??:PDT_Xtremez_35:
I heard rumour that the shift system was changed because of a day worker moaning about the fact that he didnt get every other day off like the flighties. Never mind the fact that its a day standown/recovery after a 24 hr shift. Now they see it as a productive 12 hour shift instead of 24 hrs of not quite so productive work!
Hmmmmm, 2 fingers off is a bit of an exageration, the lad involved( who I wont name even tho he has since had even more of himself removed (spine) and is now rumoured to be one of our gallant commisioned cheps) lost the tip of his finger, didnt even hit the nail, although that was removed when they stuck it back together.
Thing is , it was a totally uncalled for procedure, post an engine change in the runs for a leak check. The Ipswitch fan decided to check for air leaks off his own back....how you can detect an air leak in the area of a shaft turning at 19000 rpm is beyond me, but there you go.
Even funnier tho was the other heavy nco who was there who alledgedly almost fainted at the blood who has since become a first responder!!!

as for shifts etc we went from 7 day cycle to 5 day cycle to try to cut down the sar FLEET wide incident occurances, and can honestly say you cant single out Boulmer from any other SAR unit or that matter any other flying unit for the avoidable clusterf***s we have all seen, and if you think you they dont happen you aint looking!

that saying the bloke with 9.5 fingers did us all a favour by being commisioned , he was a walking incident report, the mockney wockney canker!

Experienced heavy "MY *RSE!!!"




Dave (Oops sorry - I've blown your cover?!!) - all so very true, and you are probably right that he done the Airforce a favour by getting out of his overalls and taking a commission?!!!
Funny that, as most to**ers go the same way?!!! I suppose it keeps the accident stats down?!!
Wokney Canker indeed my friend! Good luck with the de-mob mate.

A fellow civvy!!!


That is me shooting rabbits! (Clue!)


I know the gentleman with 9.5 fingers as he used to be at our place before promotion to two banana and being banished to the frozen north. I had not heard that he had joined the slacks and crimpoline brigade-what on earth is he doing,hopefully nothing grander than supply officer!!! He is an Ipswich boy by the way-not a watney canker.


Techie & Proud
Well, a certain NCO (Name with-held!) was doing a leak check around the back on the engine following a 5 bearing oil-seal replacement I believe?
Up on Port engine door, engine running, all back-end panels removed!!!
Daft t*at puts his hand down the back and underneath, and off come two of his fingers??!!!!!

Was it perhaps Jeremy Beadle :PDT_Xtremez_28:

Teh Wal

Flight Sergeant
...as for shifts etc we went from 7 day cycle to 5 day cycle to try to cut down the sar FLEET wide incident occurances, and can honestly say you cant single out Boulmer from any other SAR unit or that matter any other flying unit for the avoidable clusterf***s we have all seen, and if you think you they dont happen you aint looking!...
You forget to mention the even more tiring 12-hour shifts that we're on nowadays '...fall in line with the European Working Hours Directive...' :rolleyes: ! Thank feck we oop North fought the 4-on, 4-off system :PDT_Xtremez_19: , our pattern at least gives us time to get fatigue levels back down to low levels during our 5-off. :)

And that Gnome on a trolley; don't know what he's doing up front 'cos the IGVs should open by themselves 'cos they're actuated through fuel pressure as the engine winds up (open fully by 78%). Actually I think he's got a fuel shut off cock there. And the fuel actuator looks like it's from an old Mk1 system (it's black is the giveaway :D ) and that's only if it is an ex-aircraft ECU. I should think he'll be running the engine manually rather than electronically tho cos I wouldn't have thought that he's got a fuel computer and if he has he certainly won't have the required inputs for it on a boat! (tho I do know that Gnomes have been used on hovercraft).
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Wessex Problems

Wessex Problems

Hi, Im posting this because the thread had wessex in the title and I'm using my initiative!
I'm a Flight Sergeant in the Air Cadets (don't ignore me! Please!). Our sqn has been given an old wessex, trouble is its got a flat tyre and the Health and Safety bods say we can't work on it unless we get the tyre changed.

Now the tyre is well and truely F****d, when i say flat i mean pretty much off the rim! We need a way of getting the bird jacked up, the tyre off anf fixed (foam possible) and back on again, safely so we can work on it.

If there is anyone with ideas, bits, tools, sketches, money, the like who is interested in our project,
please drop me a Message. It'd be great hearing from you!




Decorated war hero
1000+ Posts
I used to work on Wessex. It can be jacked up for a wheel change using a normal car bottle jack, under the jacking point on the inside of the leg