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Opinions wanted please!

Cake or Death

Flight Sergeant
Right SAC(T) CoD today had an offer of a posting to 28sqn at benson.
I myself am an A TECH M, single, no ties except my bike and car :PDT_Xtremez_19: , never been anywhere, only have fast jet experience, and i hail from devon

1. what is the camp like?
2. what is the camp facilities like?
3. what is the sqn like? ie detachments (i know its desert season), work wise fun etc
4. what is the area like?
5. what is the access to the m4 like for when and if i go home?
6. Is it goning to be better than marham?!?! ::P:
7. should i go?

Any useful comments appreciated (my world sorta got turned upside down today!) crap comments will be dealt with a firey death emminating from your keyboard!

Peace, Love (non gay), empathy



How long have you been at Marham?
Personally I've never turned a posting down, mainly because part of the attraction of the RAF for me was seeing and doing as much as possible. Being posted so much,7 tours in 18 years on 5 different aircraft types, probably didn't do my career the world of good but it's been well worth it for me.
I'd say go for it.


Thoroughly Nice Chap
1. Camp is great.. Accomodation is not fantastic and about 2 years to super block
2. Facilities great... New lounge is good for juniors
3. Good Sqn but dets have an effect on morale
4. Wallingford area is good, if you have a bike then you will be close to anywhere
5. 19 miles from M4 and 8 from M40
6. Much better than Marham
7. Yes you should

Al Mac

Totally agree with SSH. Go for it, especially if you have no ties. Remember it really don't mean a thing if it ain't rotary wing!:PDT_Xtremez_28:

Humble Scribe

Great area like SSH says but 28Sqn doesn't come with a good reputation; don't know why (except for dets) but many don't like it and very under manned! Can't think that Marham can be much better so go for it - you'll enjoy it!


hmmm, should you go...........

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes



If my situation was yours - I'd jump at it. People will always say its not as good as it once was, then again nowhere is.

Honestly, i'd kill for the chance!


I was a rigger on 28sqn. I was there with SSH and I'd agree with everything he said. thing is though, we had a really good set of lads, and were only just going operational after bringing the cab into service.

Work wise the Merlin is hard graft at times, and you'll probably find all the gucci sales trips have been done now. Even though it was hard graft, it was the most modern bit of kit at the time and I enjoyed the challenge.

People say 28 comes with a reputation, I say it's what you make of it. Another thing to think about, once you are in the rotary world it can be difficult to escape.

Oh, the Q course at Yeovil is great !

Couple of things about the local area, Reading is just down the road, Oxford is 20 miles up the road. if its a motorbike you have, go and visit Grant at GP Performance if you have any problems, He's beside M+P at Dorchester. The guys a genius.

The families club at Benson used to have a really good atmosphere on a Friday, lots of the 28 lads used to go there.

Cake or Death

Flight Sergeant
Well i have been at marham since feb 02 and now i suppose on me 2nd tour. first TASF now TPS.

Trigg i take it the q course at fishhead HQ is indeed ****e. dont step on the grass as its manover board! bollox.

is it really hard to get rotary wing, like its hard to get off swing wing!

Oh and the correct phrase is 'it dont really mean a thing if it aint swing wing'.

Cheers all for the replies. anymore will be appreciated.:PDT_Xtremez_28:


Somewhere else now!
The course isnt at Yeovilton as in RNAS, its at Westlands in Yeovil. I did my SeaKing Q there as well as a blade repair course.
I am suprised though that they are posting someone out of Marham. We are led to believe that they are well undermanned and potentially the SeaKing manpower due for release next year will be going that way as well as to Benson and 28 Sqn.
May very well see ya there next year either way!
Go for it lad, get yourself into rotary! Broaden your experience!

Cake or Death

Flight Sergeant
Cool, didnt really want to walk round a navy base, might get jumped from behind. I was rather suprised to be posted, although one lad has already been posted to benson from the engine bay here , considering im tonka Q'd and have never needed to use it (got my q cousre and got posted to the 15 bay). The thing is the engine bay is due to close soon and cmu/sqn dont need that many sooties. all beit half of us are multi skilled, many of the people there have never seen these things that the engines go into!


Trigg i take it the q course at fishhead HQ is indeed ****e. dont step on the grass as its manover board! bollox.

Nah its at GKN Westlands, in their training dept. I stayed in a hotel, but there was talk of busing folks from fish land.

If you like camping, definately go for it.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
I've heard from some of the armourers there that there is a pretty active wife swapping/swinging set going on. If you're into that sort of thing of course.


I've heard from some of the armourers there that there is a pretty active wife swapping/swinging set going on. If you're into that sort of thing of course.

There is everywhere - you just need to know where to look:PDT_Xtremez_06:

Cake or Death

Flight Sergeant
I've heard from some of the armourers there that there is a pretty active wife swapping/swinging set going on. If you're into that sort of thing of course.

Armourers eh! well they are a strange bunch. then again that usually goes on at every camp

think im gonna go as this place is to$$.

hey ho im not afarid of hard work just hot lead form AK-47's:PDT_Xtremez_42:


I've heard from some of the armourers there that there is a pretty active wife swapping/swinging set going on. If you're into that sort of thing of course

Pretty much an open secret at Benson when I was there.


Rebel without a clue
Pretty much an open secret at Benson when I was there.

Sh*t, 12 years there and never a sniff, mind you, I wasn't all that astute after 5 hours in the Sports & Social! but still able to navigate to the kebab van.

Like all camps, Benson is what you make of it, it is certainly handy for a good night out.
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pie sandwich

if you dont want to goto benson you could always swap with me at AMF leuchars