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Hi everyone,

I am currently at the very early stages of applying to join as an Aircraft Technician (Mechanical) and was wondering what the prospects for promotion are? From reading a few things on line I get the impression it is common to be stuck on the same rank for quite some time and was hoping this was not the case. Would a new guy be 'stuck' as a Leading Aircraftman for ages or if you keep your head down, work hard and dig in is it possible to move up quickly?

Thanks in advance for helping!

The Masked Geek

Join the Admin or Cook or Driver trades. Faster promotion to warrant and the same pay. :PDT_Xtremez_14:
Or you could go CIS OM Tg 4 and become bitter and twisted like TMG. It's all down to you and how well you do, that will get you promoted.

You will get a lot of losers on here who are not worthy of promotion but think they are, that have been held back. If you are good it will happen, if you are not it won't. Same as Civvy Street.

Be your own person, ignore the loser's and you will get where ever you want to go, I did.

Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
Firstly, providing you don't do something really stupid, you will advance to Senior Aircraftsman 12 months after trade training. To advance from there, you will have to take the necessary steps to become technically qualified as SAC(T). Promotion times vary but you can expect to be promoted to Cpl within 3 to 5 years. Promotion beyond that level varies even more due to competition and number of slots available. Outflow of personnel varies from year to year and depends on external factors such as the economy and pressures to reduce numbers. LOS30, an engagement that allows Sgts and Chf Techs to sign on for 30 years where previously they had to leave at age 47 has also had a negative effect.

Don't be persuaded to take up a 'lesser' trade thinking things will be better as they are likely to get even worse as the inability to match salaries in civvy street will mean more will stay in to the bitter end. There is also no guarantee that shineys will always be on the same pay and/or payband as the dire situation we are in now might eventually be redressed.


Firstly, providing you don't do something really stupid, you will advance to Senior Aircraftsman 12 months after trade training. To advance from there, you will have to take the necessary steps to become technically qualified as SAC(T). Promotion times vary but you can expect to be promoted to Cpl within 3 to 5 years. Promotion beyond that level varies even more due to competition and number of slots available. Outflow of personnel varies from year to year and depends on external factors such as the economy and pressures to reduce numbers. LOS30, an engagement that allows Sgts and Chf Techs to sign on for 30 years where previously they had to leave at age 47 has also had a negative effect.

Don't be persuaded to take up a 'lesser' trade thinking things will be better as they are likely to get even worse as the inability to match salaries in civvy street will mean more will stay in to the bitter end. There is also no guarantee that shineys will always be on the same pay and/or payband as the dire situation we are in now might eventually be redressed.

I agree with 'Soon to Leave'. Join in a trade that you want to do, not one which is possibly better for promotion.

Who knows what the future brings for promotion for all trades, but if you do well, you'll get promoted. Simples. :PDT_Xtremez_30:

Drill Bit

Hi everyone,

I am currently at the very early stages of applying to join as an Aircraft Technician (Mechanical) and was wondering what the prospects for promotion are? From reading a few things on line I get the impression it is common to be stuck on the same rank for quite some time and was hoping this was not the case. Would a new guy be 'stuck' as a Leading Aircraftman for ages or if you keep your head down, work hard and dig in is it possible to move up quickly?

Thanks in advance for helping!

If you're good enough you'll advance, if you're not then blame it on the reporting system, your reporting officers or the promotion board. Never for once consider that ou haven't been promoted because you're not ready or not good enough.;)


If you're good enough you'll advance, if you're not then blame it on the reporting system, your reporting officers or the promotion board. Never for once consider that ou haven't been promoted because you're not ready or not good enough.;)

Haha great advice, thanks!

Thanks for all the help everyone.
Promotion is slow as an aircraft technician but your civvy prospects are good when you leave though. My advice is, join, get the best training in the world, have a laugh, do about six years, do your licence, leave and earn proper money and not have to worry about promotion prospects!!

JT 4 ever

For my 2 pence, I'd join as an officer.. (there I said it!) if you want to stay in the RAF, climb the ranks and have that sort of life style, if promotion is what you really want.

But if you want to be a techie, doing work you enjoy (most of the time). Then go for that instead. No point being unhappy in your work is there?

Promotion is slow in this trade, who ever it was who said 3-5 years to get CPL... thats crazy, doesnt matter how good you are, you're actually looking at 5-7 years as a SAC(T) before CPL.


I definitely want to join as a Technician to do something hands on that I will enjoy, was just looking ahead and thinking it may be a bit of a struggle spending the best part of 10 years on the 17K you start on. Unless there are pay rises within the ranks?


Tashied Goatee
thinking it may be a bit of a struggle spending the best part of 10 years on the 17K you start on. Unless there are pay rises within the ranks?

Well there are (were...sure there still are) but TBH if you are joining for the money then you need to rethink quickly !!!

Crack on................:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Oh no not at all, if I wanted money I'd stay on at uni and finish this bullsh*t degree! Just want to do something I enjoy and have enough to get by that's all =)


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Oh no not at all, if I wanted money I'd stay on at uni and finish this bullsh*t degree! Just want to do something I enjoy and have enough to get by that's all =)

Even if you only ever reach SAC(T), level 9 pay is nearly £28,000, so I wouldn't worry about money.

Money isn't everything though, I speak from experience!

If it were me, knowing what I know now, I would finish my degree first.


If it were me, knowing what I know now, I would finish my degree first.

It's a toughie, but a degree in mechanical engineering leads you down a fairly boring managerial path and it's just not for me!

Hopefully I don't live to regret it!


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
It's a toughie, but a degree in mechanical engineering leads you down a fairly boring managerial path and it's just not for me!

Hopefully I don't live to regret it!

It certainly does not. I have completed a degree the hard way through the OU, now studying for a Masters. There are plenty of hands on technical roles available for graduate calibre engineers.

Finish your degree and join the RAF then (even as an airman if you want) it will stand you i much greater stead in future life.

A couple of extra years won't make any difference to your RAF career.

Seriously, think about it!

Also, get professionally registered as an Engineering Technician as quickly as possible (upon completion of the RAF apprenticeship)...and try to leave the RAF as at least an Incorporated Engineer (unless you want to work in Civvy Aviation of course then you licences are much more important).
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It's a toughie, but a degree in mechanical engineering leads you down a fairly boring managerial path and it's just not for me!

Hopefully I don't live to regret it!
But having a degree in mechanical engineering is a damn sight better than a half finished degree. Circumstances can change, and you may even find a few years down the line you want out of the RAF. In that case a degree would be benificial on a CV.


Gaaargh it took me months to come to this decision and now I'm doubting myself again haha. Guess I have some thinking to do!


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Gaaargh it took me months to come to this decision and now I'm doubting myself again haha. Guess I have some thinking to do!

At the end of the day mate, it's your life. Just think about it - like I said, a couple more years won't really affect your entry into the RAF. Don't be someone like me, approaching 30 before becoming a Graduate, it's not easy studying part time trust me!

You could be one of the lucky ones who gets the RAF to pay for a Post Graduate qualification whilst you are in the service!! :PDT_Xtremez_14:


Warrant Officer
Agree with Monty and Mono, do your degree now and then decide as a few years down the road you might have kids etc that means studying won't be impossible but alot harder.

I do OK in civvy straße, but I could do a hell of alot better with a degree behind me!

Finish your degree first, you'll regret it in later life if you don't.