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RAF Regiment promotion path

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Hi guys sorry to bore everyone and don't worry I have attempted the search bar option for my question. Not to get ahead of myself but I was wondering if anybody could give me a time scale on a realistic promotion timescale in the RAF Regiment please? I'll be starting from the bottom
I know there is no definitive answer but what would a realistic first 1-3 years look like?
Thanks for all advice so far cheers Scotsman
Yous better listen in cos ims tru rock and nails. 5 miler of death is nails when yous done it yous stands nose to nose wiv loser Paras and storm tosser Marines.
Induction to AS2 - 12 months (Trade Ability Tests part 1 dependent)
AS2 to AS1 - 12 months minimum, completion of Phase 2 Trg and TATs pt 2 dependent
AS1 to Cpl. 3-4 years Appraisals with a "Rec" minimum on the last and a bum hole unsullied by a mortar plate.


RAF Regiment now have the rank of L/Cpl, this itself has a promotion board.

If its 12 months training - That's 1 year.
If its 12 months for SAC (now AS1) = That's 1 year.
If its 3x SJARs from SAC (now AS1) to L/Cpl - That's 3 years.
If its 3x SJARs from L/Cpl to Cpl - That's another 3 years.

Total to Cpl = 8 years..

RAF Regiment now have the rank of L/Cpl, this itself has a promotion board.

If its 12 months training - That's 1 year.
If its 12 months for SAC (now AS1) = That's 1 year.
If its 3x SJARs from SAC (now AS1) to L/Cpl - That's 3 years.
If its 3x SJARs from L/Cpl to Cpl - That's another 3 years.

Total to Cpl = 8 years..
Not terribly attractive, is it?
Just to throw a spanner in the works, there is the Below the Zone initiative.

I wrote on one SAC(T) /AS1(T) who was successful in promotion to Cpl after only 2 SJARs using the BTZ.
Yous better listen in cos ims tru rock and nails. 5 miler of death is nails when yous done it yous stands nose to nose wiv loser Paras and storm tosser Marines.
I wonder what the promotion path looked like for such a gifted young gunner? 😀
realistic promotion timescale in the RAF Regiment please?
In general terms, across all trades not just RAF Regiment, promotion time is very fluid. There are many factors for example your individual peformance at the task when graded against others, the shortage or glut of suitable candidates to select from when the promotion board sits etc, etc. The better guys will get there earlier and ahead of the curve, the less capable will take longer (if they even get there at all).

How long does it take to get promoted is right up there with how long is a piece of string