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RAFFT to change - truth or rumour.

Heard on the old grape vine that the fitness test is changing, even to a point of bringing back the ‘Grip test’.

No more sit-ups or press-ups, replaced by the infamous Grip test, takes me back a while. Standing broad jump to be added

MSFT or Rockport Walk is apparently still there.

Is there any truth in the rumour if so… when will it be out on the streets?
I saw something about a roadshow to brief the details and answer questions a few weeks ago. Official announcements are planned for late October I believe although plenty of detail seems to be out already.


I never had an issue with any of the fitness tests. My issue was folks in fear of been thrown out whilst some in certain positions and ranks blatantly got away with been unfit and overweight!


Truth, at least here as it was briefed at our station execs last week. Starting in November.

Pressups and Situps are gone, replaced by the Grip Test and Standing Jump.

Bleep test levels have been lowered, reasoning given was to 'Bring in line with other NATO countries'


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
I was no racing snake and found the last two levels of my shuttle runs tough, but approached them with the mentality that it was 2 minutes of pain for 6 months peace of mind. I always passed it.


10% reduction in bleep test.

I do have the info at work, but i think it's over 50, choice of Bleep test or Rockport, over 55 Rockport. 50 year old, 6.1 level.

We have a challenge in the office of who can do the longest standing jump.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
This'll last until the next enduring conflict we find ourselves party to.


1000+ Posts
10% reduction in bleep test.

I do have the info at work, but i think it's over 50, choice of Bleep test or Rockport, over 55 Rockport. 50 year old, 6.1 level.

We have a challenge in the office of who can do the longest standing jump.
10% reduction? Is that to get their stats back in line??


I'm so glad I'm out in January, I was one of those fit as a fiddle types who always passed in Light blue or better, as I ticked into my 50's everything started to fall apart, knees, hips etc. I don't care what anyone says, a man in his 50's does not have the same athletic ability as a 18-29 women and shouldn't be doing a harder RAFFT. How do I know that? because I am in my 50's not some 30 odd year old PTI Sqn Ldr who thinks they know everything after reading some paper written by some PhD researcher who's never served. The sooner we equalise the tests the better, same standard for all ages/sexes. After all the enemy doesn't care what age or sex you are.


I'm so glad I'm out in January, I was one of those fit as a fiddle types who always passed in Light blue or better, as I ticked into my 50's everything started to fall apart, knees, hips etc. I don't care what anyone says, a man in his 50's does not have the same athletic ability as a 18-29 women and shouldn't be doing a harder RAFFT. How do I know that? because I am in my 50's not some 30 odd year old PTI Sqn Ldr who thinks they know everything after reading some paper written by some PhD researcher who's never served. The sooner we equalise the tests the better, same standard for all ages/sexes. After all the enemy doesn't care what age or sex you are.
I was one of those that only got to green then quit. You light blue types just made it harder for the rest of us as the RAF aspired to get us all to your supreme level of fitness.

I watched some of the best technicians be hounded out of the RAF because they couldn't run up and down the gym properly and then a matter of months after they'd been let go, the RAF in their wisdom were suddenly desperate for their very specialist skills due to changing operational commitments.

I was forced to go to the gym twice a year but preferred to get my exercise outside on a bike or hiking etc. Only failed one fitness test ever but I had an undiagnosed broken leg (thanks army doctors for missing that) , so could call that a reasonable excuse for failing.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
As a young lad I used to hit light blue but then one year just after getting posted to Lossie with 11 months remaining on my RAFFT Ticket, Harry Staish decreed everyone had to go and do it again no matter how long they had left.

From that point on I never hit past what I had to get for a 6 month ticket because f*ck em, they'll only piss me about again.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
I get that a fighting force has to be fit to fight, but kicking otherwise fit people out for not being able to shuttle run whilst retaining fat blobs with a permanent medical downgrade for bad knees (due to carrying said blob) was (and probably is) a ridiculous policy. It puts pressure on the remaining personnel to do more and more.

If you are not fit to deploy on a long term basis, then you are no use in the military. End of.


I remember when they brought in the fitness tests, the 1.5 mile run. I was a bit overweight but did some running and swimming and got fitter. I always passed the test. At age 40,you had to do the test on an exercise bike which got progressively harder as the load increased. I think there was a grip test and sit ups too. I started going to,the gym and enjoyed it.
There used to be some rather porky lads in Germany,including me. We all did our jobs including running around in NBC suits during regular exercises. Of course the beer and German food wasn't a contributory item:)
Never did the shuttle runs, Personally I am not convinced that the running back,and forwards with the turning is good for the knees! Certainly not mine as one is a bit worn!
The RAFFT Brief clearly mentions that it is "best effort" therefore performance should always be beyond the minimum required. Pers failing or just reaching the required standard fall short of this brief. ..if you just make it on best effort, you've failed.

Lowering the levels just indicates that we as a service as failing, I don't know why pers don't want to be "fit". Plenty of Sport, AT, Sport and Fitness options are available. If pers cannot be released, then we need to try harder..

Fit not just for Ops, but also Fit for Life!


i'll bite................

The fitness test is bollocks. Not a true representation of someone's fitness and is unequal. In a battlefield situation, we don't need racing snakes, we need people who can carry kit and press forward. Lots of snakes on Ops couldn't manage that and some of the females had to be repurposed as they were slowing down patrols etc.

And why does a geek or HR etc need that level of fitness? We need them for their skills, not on the very small chance of them having to pick up a weapon and fight.

Of course there should be a level of fitness, much like the SJAR/OJAR process, what we have atm is not fit for purpose and no, i don't have the answers either.

Plenty of opportunity, frick i don't know where you work, but FD/AT has been halted due to funding and with ACE and all the other stuff we are doing, we have less people and more tasks, FGEN's etc. I make sure my lot get away for phys, but i am maxed and counting down the days, unless they find me slumped over my desk before then.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where physical prowess is held above and beyond all other skills a person may have.

I, personally, am relishing in the fact that all the 'go getter' sports billies, who were basically PE teachers wet dreams, are frothing at the mouth at the fact that someone's technical skills is being seen as more relevant nowadays.

We're in an organization that has many skills and facets, many of which do not require someone to nacker their knees once a year. Leave that for the infantry or firefighters etc.

Have a good level of health and fitness yes, but let's accept who we actually are - skills and brainpower, and one that is leaving through the exit door at a rate of knots


Unfortunately, we live in a world where physical prowess is held above and beyond all other skills a person may have.

I, personally, am relishing in the fact that all the 'go getter' sports billies, who were basically PE teachers wet dreams, are frothing at the mouth at the fact that someone's technical skills is being seen as more relevant nowadays.

We're in an organization that has many skills and facets, many of which do not require someone to nacker their knees once a year. Leave that for the infantry or firefighters etc.

Have a good level of health and fitness yes, but let's accept who we actually are - skills and brainpower, and one that is leaving through the exit door at a rate of knots

And that's another issue, the yoof of today, rightly or wrongly, won't take the bullshit we used to.

An old Provost Marshal told us if we don't like it, you know where the door is - some took him at his word and left. The attitude that the Service is life, has vastly changed - if people don't like the work and conditions, there are plenty of opportunities out there.

I used to read here, hear stories of a mass exodus, but where i was, we had a good bunch and access to training, so never saw it. The last year or 2, i am now seeing it. The RAF is asking for more and more with less and less and people are threaders.

We had a visit from an Air Rank recently who told us it's going to worse (really?!) before it gets better, so knuckle down for the next few years and weather the storm - people today won't and aren't.
i'll bite................

The fitness test is bollocks. Not a true representation of someone's fitness and is unequal. In a battlefield situation, we don't need racing snakes, we need people who can carry kit and press forward. Lots of snakes on Ops couldn't manage that and some of the females had to be repurposed as they were slowing down patrols etc.

And why does a geek or HR etc need that level of fitness? We need them for their skills, not on the very small chance of them having to pick up a weapon and fight.

Of course there should be a level of fitness, much like the SJAR/OJAR process, what we have atm is not fit for purpose and no, i don't have the answers either.

Plenty of opportunity, frick i don't know where you work, but FD/AT has been halted due to funding and with ACE and all the other stuff we are doing, we have less people and more tasks, FGEN's etc. I make sure my lot get away for phys, but i am maxed and counting down the days, unless they find me slumped over my desk before then.
Press forward?

When I'm deployed, I'm in a hotel in Crete!

You've lost/missed me with your post fella..