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Ranks swapped?


Somewhere else now!
Looking around the official lying site, sorry, that should read the official RAF site, I stumbled across the rank structure for the non commisioned.

The SAC T would appear to outrank the JT!! Senior technician my ar5e!!

How the feck did that happen?? We all know the real truth, SAC T = Sweeping And Cleaning T-bars.


Warrant Officer
Looking around the official lying site, sorry, that should read the official RAF site, I stumbled across the rank structure for the non commisioned.

The SAC T would appear to outrank the JT!! Senior technician my ar5e!!

How the feck did that happen?? We all know the real truth, SAC T = Sweeping And Cleaning T-bars.

Try looking again, it goes SAC, SAC T, JT, CPL ......

Looks ok to me.


It shows it in the right place, the JT is between the SAC(T) p1ss boy and the Cpl, where it should be.

Although SACs and JTs are all one and the same nowadays. :PDT_Xtremez_06:


Somewhere else now!
My point is that the SAC T is called a Senior Technician on the website. We all know that in reality they are pi$$bags.
It just looks wrong written like that, where a lower rank is described potentially as more senior.


Try looking again, it goes SAC, SAC T, JT, CPL ......

Looks ok to me.

Thats just the abbreviations, if you look under rank it goes senior technician then junior technician, which i thinks is the bit he was talking about :PDT_Xtremez_28:

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Senior technicians my arse. Just watch the smalley feckers get a superiority complex now. Thank you very much MoD, yet another cockup. Still I suppose we should be used to it now.


Warrant Officer
Thats just the abbreviations, if you look under rank it goes senior technician then junior technician, which i thinks is the bit he was talking about :PDT_Xtremez_28:

Just count the propellers there in the right order then. It just confuses the pongo's who think senior is higher than junior!. Still the argument used to be that JT was a technical rank so you could apply the same to the SAC T Rank.


I think it should be Senior Aircraftsman (Technician) not Senior Technician

That's better....

After all, it only signifies an SAC with Technician status (post gaining Q-OPS) so it's more than likely they just forgot a word instead of twisting the knife in putting em higher than JT's.


Trekkie Nerd
Looking around the official lying site, sorry, that should read the official RAF site, I stumbled across the rank structure for the non commisioned.

The SAC T would appear to outrank the JT!! Senior technician my ar5e!!

How the feck did that happen?? We all know the real truth, SAC T = Sweeping And Cleaning T-bars.

The word "Senior" in SAC already confuses many, as I've been on many dets where the SAC's are treated better than everybody else, until either a) those making the mistake realise that they are both younger and more numerous than everyone else or b) the Aircrew get wind of it.

Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
An interesting discussion but as I have taught both the Junior Technicians (J/T) and the SAC Technicians (SAC(T)), can I put my two penny worth in. J/T’s were initially Mechanics who returned for a Further Training (FT) course (of which I was one) to be trained to technician level and on graduation were promoted from SAC to Jnr Tech.

The SAC Technician’s course was for Mech Techs who retuned for FT training after approx 2 years and on graduation were “promoted” to the rank of SAC Technician (SAC(T)). There was also another course for the Mech Mechs who returned for FT training and graduated as SAC Assimilated Technicians (SAC Assim Tech).

When the J/T course’s stopped, the trainees were then trained on a Technicians course where they did an abridged version of a joint Mechanics and Fitters course and graduated as a Technician, albeit at the rank of LAC. With me so far – good.

Now the main difference between the SAC and J/T courses (apart from the extra propeller blade) is that the J/T received a more in depth level of technical training than the SAC(T) of SAC Assim Tech. For instance the J/T received training on bay maintenance and fault diagnoses which the others did not. In addition, on graduation the J/T was fully qualified to progress to the next rank (Cpl), whereas the SAC T’s had to achieve their NVQ’s etc through distance learning. So, I suppose technically you could say that the J/T was the more highly qualified technician.

However, the new FT course for the AMMs will put them as Senior Technicians on a slightly higher level of technical training than the J/T as they will obviously be dual trained and they will have received training in areas the J/T did not do such as LITS, Policy & Regulations, and on the mechanical side helicopters and composite materials,. However, they are not due to graduate until at least November 08.

Providing you are still awake by now, I hope that clarifies a few points on the discussion.

Captain Gatso

As one of the few JT's hanging around the Air force these days, it's nice to know that we have not been truly forgotton by some folks out there, with of course the exception of the official RAF website. Senior technician, what's that about. A senior technician should be a Chief? looks like the official RAF still likes to screw things up. Run by the senior unknowing airships.:PDT_Xtremez_35:


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Looking around the official lying site, sorry, that should read the official RAF site, I stumbled across the rank structure for the non commisioned.

The SAC T would appear to outrank the JT!! Senior technician my ar5e!!

How the feck did that happen?? We all know the real truth, SAC T = Sweeping And Cleaning T-bars.

What a load of bollox.
J/T’s were initially Mechanics who returned for a Further Training (FT) course (of which I was one) to be trained to technician level and on graduation were promoted from SAC to Jnr Tech.

Rubbish! Some time ago before all this confusion there was Direct Entry (DE) technicians and Apprentice technicians. After approx 1 years training at the rank of AC, DE's passed out as JT's, (Eng Tech A etc). Apprentices spent three years at the rank of AC learning at least two trades before passing out as a JT, (Eng Tech A/P etc), usually promoted to Cpl a year latter.

The SAC Technician’s course was for Mech Techs who retuned for FT training after approx 2 years and on graduation were “promoted” to the rank of SAC Technician (SAC(T)).

Yet more tosh! Prior to the whole Mech/Tech thing (which, many may not know, started in 1991) if you didn't join as a DE or Apprentice you joined as a Mech. After around 6-12 months (depending on trade) training as an AC, all passed out as an LAC (A Mech A etc), leading on to SAC at 12 months of service with the RAF, assuming TATS etc was passed. With hard work and solid graft Further Training (FT) was offered, this was usually referred to as a "fitters course". Training at the rank of SAC, passing out as a JT

Now then, Mech/Techs. First Mech/Techs arrived at RAF Halton in early 91, all other forms of entry to technical trades ceased. They were, I believe, recruited with a min of 4 GCSE's or similar. They did around 9 months of basic training as an AC then passed out as an LAC, then promoted to SAC. After around 18 months after passing out they were recalled for further training above any Mechs from the old scheme. This was almost a god given right, I don't know of any that missed out but by god there was many that should have! They passed out as JT's.

During the mid 90's when the RAF shrunk somewhat there was no recruitment. Then around maybe 96 or 97 they started again with Mech/Techs, same as before.

On all Mech/Tech entries were some people that were recruited that did not have the pre-requisite qualifications, quite often refferd to as Mech/Mechs. They often got upgraded at training and passed out the same as Mech/Techs. Failing this they were selected for FT the same as the old A Mech's.

Around 98 or 99 the RAF began to offer Assim courses to SAC's. Many took them as they feared they may never get a FT course. The Assim course was similar to FT with out the heavy schooling element. They passed out as SAC's but (I believe) they had the same status as JT's.

One JT who used to work at Lossie AMF, 12 and 617, I can't write his name as I got told of last time. Its the same name as that gay chap who is yellow and presented Supermarket Sweep, he used to be called Stinkbomb an 617 or Stale ****** on 12, he was offered Assim training but turned it down as he "always wanted the pride of being a JT". Spawny prick got offered a place on the very last FT and ruined the rep of all the all the Jelly Tot Mafia out there!

What cracks me up is when the Mech/Tech knob heads that joined up circa 97 onwards complain about the hardship they have from SAC(T)'s! They can all Gettae as far as I'm concerned! By the way, can anyone guess I'm a bitter and twisted A Mech A bred at Halton!


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Rubbish! Some time ago before all this confusion there was Direct Entry (DE) technicians and Apprentice technicians. After approx 1 years training at the rank of AC, DE's passed out as JT's, (Eng Tech A etc). Apprentices spent three years at the rank of AC learning at least two trades before passing out as a JT, (Eng Tech A/P etc), usually promoted to Cpl a year latter.

Yet more tosh! Prior to the whole Mech/Tech thing (which, many may not know, started in 1991) if you didn't join as a DE or Apprentice you joined as a Mech. After around 6-12 months (depending on trade) training as an AC, all passed out as an LAC (A Mech A etc), leading on to SAC at 12 months of service with the RAF, assuming TATS etc was passed. With hard work and solid graft Further Training (FT) was offered, this was usually referred to as a "fitters course". Training at the rank of SAC, passing out as a JT

Now then, Mech/Techs. First Mech/Techs arrived at RAF Halton in early 91, all other forms of entry to technical trades ceased. They were, I believe, recruited with a min of 4 GCSE's or similar. They did around 9 months of basic training as an AC then passed out as an LAC, then promoted to SAC. After around 18 months after passing out they were recalled for further training above any Mechs from the old scheme. This was almost a god given right, I don't know of any that missed out but by god there was many that should have! They passed out as JT's.

During the mid 90's when the RAF shrunk somewhat there was no recruitment. Then around maybe 96 or 97 they started again with Mech/Techs, same as before.

On all Mech/Tech entries were some people that were recruited that did not have the pre-requisite qualifications, quite often refferd to as Mech/Mechs. They often got upgraded at training and passed out the same as Mech/Techs. Failing this they were selected for FT the same as the old A Mech's.

Around 98 or 99 the RAF began to offer Assim courses to SAC's. Many took them as they feared they may never get a FT course. The Assim course was similar to FT with out the heavy schooling element. They passed out as SAC's but (I believe) they had the same status as JT's.

One JT who used to work at Lossie AMF, 12 and 617, I can't write his name as I got told of last time. Its the same name as that gay chap who is yellow and presented Supermarket Sweep, he used to be called Stinkbomb an 617 or Stale ****** on 12, he was offered Assim training but turned it down as he "always wanted the pride of being a JT". Spawny prick got offered a place on the very last FT and ruined the rep of all the all the Jelly Tot Mafia out there!

What cracks me up is when the Mech/Tech knob heads that joined up circa 97 onwards complain about the hardship they have from SAC(T)'s! They can all Gettae as far as I'm concerned! By the way, can anyone guess I'm a bitter and twisted A Mech A bred at Halton!

I think you will agree, we are all victims of whatever technical scheme the RAF is running that week. It grips my sh1t when I hear JTs harp on about how feckin hard done by they are blah blah blah, I've met plenty of 4 blade throbbers and plenty of Mercedes badge throbbers, all this Fitter course pish is just sour grapes.


Can any one put any truth to the rumour that a bunch of CT's are taking the RAF to court because the technical trades have to go through two extra ranks to get to FS?


Trekkie Nerd
As one of the few JT's hanging around the Air force these days, it's nice to know that we have not been truly forgotton by some folks out there, with of course the exception of the official RAF website. Senior technician, what's that about. A senior technician should be a Chief? looks like the official RAF still likes to screw things up. Run by the senior unknowing airships.:PDT_Xtremez_35:

I haven't forgotten you mate and never will as my best years in RAFG were spent as a J/T. Loadsa dosh and f@ck all responsibility. It's always been the best rank in the RAF.


I haven't forgotten you mate and never will as my best years in RAFG were spent as a J/T. Loadsa dosh and f@ck all responsibility. It's always been the best rank in the RAF.

I was obviously doing something wrong! Either that or I spent too much on Shoarma, possibly explaining my girth now.