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Ranks swapped?


Trekkie Nerd
I was obviously doing something wrong! Either that or I spent too much on Shoarma, possibly explaining my girth now.

F@ck me mate, you must have been. I sent half my wages to my UK bank account every month, bought a new BMW, my room looked like Dixon's front window, I was constantly p!ssed and I still couldn't spend it all!!!!!! It got even better when I got married and Mrs Rover got a job as PA to the Army Judge at Rheindahlen!!
stinkbomb, 4-props and 5 year-cpls......

stinkbomb, 4-props and 5 year-cpls......

On all Mech/Tech entries were some people that were recruited that did not have the pre-requisite qualifications, quite often refferd to as Mech/Mechs. They often got upgraded at training and passed out the same as Mech/Techs. Failing this they were selected for FT the same as the old A Mech's.

I was one of the lucky Mech/Mech's to be offered an upgrade, i bit their hand off!, out of 16 on my mechs' course only 3 of 9 Mech/Mech's made into the technician stream.

name as I got told of last time. Its the same name as that gay chap who is yellow and presented Supermarket Sweep, he used to be called Stinkbomb an 617 or Stale ****** on 12, he was offered Assim training but turned it down as he "always wanted the pride of being a JT". Spawny prick got offered a place on the very last FT and ruined the rep of all the all the Jelly Tot Mafia out there!

I have had the pleasure of working with said 4 propped technian, and yes he did drag the good name down!

What cracks me up is when the Mech/Tech knob heads that joined up circa 97 onwards complain about the hardship they have from SAC(T)'s! They can all Gettae as far as I'm concerned! By the way, can anyone guess I'm a bitter and twisted A Mech A bred at Halton!

Would you prefer me, a JT or an SAC (T) to work for you? considering I probably would have at least 3-5 years more experience than the SAC (T). Yes there are certain ability level 'fluctuations' however, im sure most SNCO's would like to have a few more JT's around. I am NOT referring the the assimilated mech/mechs of course, just the direct SAC (T)'s who are getting promoted after 4 years out of cosford (its happennig, we now have our 2nd JNCO who has been in less that 6 years)


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Hear hear!!!!

Whats up with you today Monty? Touchy subject is it?

Rant mode on.

It's just bollocks. There are plenty of JTs around who I wouldn't even trust to sweep the Hangar floor. Pigeon holing personnel due to what rank they have on their shoulders is balls.

It always used to grip my **** that JTs got more rates than SAC Techs on det. The only reasonI wasn't a fcukin JT is because they've been binned!

As an aside, not come across any Armourers that have been promoted after 4 years, earliest here was 7 years.

Most of the JTs left haven't been promoted for a good reason! (They are ****e maybe?)

Rant mode off.


What is needed is a clearly defined and distinguishable rank system that is understood by all.

E.g. if we went back to the 1950 method ranking whilst aligning modern day training and personal/professional development programs to them, understanding abilities would (in theory) match the rank you saw

If you go to WIKIPEDIA or HERE you may see what I mean - It may also put the JT at OR3 level giving them a bit of clout akin to that of a LanceCpl in the army.
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Mad Pierre

It may also put the JT at OR3 level giving them a bit of clout akin to that of a LanceCpl in the army.

Glad you mentioned the L/Cpl bit, an old chap I knew in the 80s was surprised when I passed my D/E course as in his day he'd worn an inverted stripe in the style of a spam PFC rather than a 4 bladed prop, apparently it used to wind up non techies as it gave techies the appearance of NCO's.
I always thought the RAF suffered by not following the Army idea of having a rank between nothing and Cpl, let's face facts LAC, SAC (T or not) and J/T were never truly ranks as they never had the mandate to enforce discipline. SACs used to accuse us J/Ts of being "just a technical SAC", to which we would reply that they were just an LAC with 12 months service and a couple of TAT's, likewise the LAC was just an AC with 6 months and so it went on. The RAF effectively had 3 different levels of a Private soldier, so why not recognise that fact and leave them all as AC's but with appropriate recognition of technical qualifications/experience recognised in the form of Trade Group and pay? Nothing would effectively change, you just wouldn't have to sew on so many badges.


Super Moderator
What I find slightly irritating is, being in a trade which did have and still does have JT's, however when the "change about" came and SAC(T) was implemented my trade were not allowed to wear the rank. We get the techie pay, my pay statement goes to SAC(T) ******, however we cannot wear the rank.
Well yes, this was indeed a touchy subject, so I sent the webmaster at the RAF website a wee email to give him the correct information and the site has now been updated to show SAC(T) as Aircrfatman/Aircraftwoman (Technician)


Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
Well yes, this was indeed a touchy subject, so I sent the webmaster at the RAF website a wee email to give him the correct information and the site has now been updated to show SAC(T) as Aircrfatman/Aircraftwoman (Technician)


Well I hope they spelt Aircraftsman correctly! :PDT_Xtremez_31: