once in . . . .
once in . . . .
Unfortunately (as usual) it's a bit more complicated than reviewing what the Branch does. The terms and conditions of employment in the RAF state that they are 'accepted' only once they have completed professional training i.e. post-JAIC. Up to that point the RAF, or the individual, may terminate employment. In the case of the individual they may depart the fix without giving a reason. The RAF, on the other hand, have to show good reason for termination of contract - failing professional training is regarded as good enough.
The RAF accept that the JAIC is
the professional training for the Branch and currently take no account of the follow-on training. There would have to be an extremely strong case written to get the further training accepted as part and parcel of the overall professional training. There is a precedent already accepted - aircrew. Fail the OCU and you're off, so it's not impossible but I venture that it would be a little like trying to push rope uphill to get the moth master-race to accept that a SqnIntO needs to be properly trained!
As for the quality of the people coming in . . . . The aptitude tests are designed to test someone's physical/mental ability to perform the function (and have been in place at OASC since 2000), whilst interviews etc are there to test their motivation. So I don't question their ability, capability or motivation, nor do I think the current course drop-out number is high, I think a degree of it might be caused by a dislocation of expectation. We have no-one at OASC and the only source of information on the branch and what it does is on the RAF web site (
http://www.rafcareers.com/jobs/intelligenceofficer.cfm ). Have a read and see if you recognise anything that we do there. It is so out of date and inaccurate that there it's no wonder that people joining are disillusioned during training!!!
A couple of examples:
"After your training, you could be attached to an operational flying squadron as a tactical Imagery Analyst. Your abilities will be tested to the full as you rapidly interpret incoming reconnaissance imagery." We haven't had a RIC for 3 years and even when we did have only 3 squadrons had one!! (I don't include PR9).
"Or you could be posted to the Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre (JARIC) at RAF Brampton, or even Headquarters Strike Command – where you’ll help produce a strategic overview of the intelligence picture." With the exception of a couple of briefers we haven't had anyone at STC in that role for 5 years. In addition, less than 5% of Branch JOs are at JARIC so the chances of getting there are slimmer than the blurb would appear to represent. Furthermore, the largest single concentration of the Branch (AWC) isn’t even mentioned.
The CIOs, OASC and the candidates use this hoop as their baseline understanding of what the Branch is about. We can't very well blame the poor sod that's joined up thinking the Branch is one thing then finding out it's something completely different when they hit training, if we can't get our particulars in a sock to accurately describe and illustrate what we do.