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Rejoining RAF and AST score for new trade

Hi all

So I left the RAF 4 months ago. (PVR). Since then my circumstances have changed a lot and I want to rejoin. Civilian life isn't working for me. I was in Logistics. I applied to rejoin, but was told my old trade (Logs Mov) was overmanned. I had been in 7.5 years as a regular as an Sac and 2 years prior to that in the Reserves.

Civilian life really is difficult and I live in an area that is going to be hit with big Honda job losses soon. I feel that I need stability and need to go back to the RAF, as that is what gave me the most fulfillment.

I have been told the list of alternative trades that I can consider, given my old trade is full for the foreseeable future. (Can't see how, the lack of staff was a reason why I left!).... I really like the sound of Air and Space Operations Specialist. As a Private Pilot in my spare time I think I would really enjoy this trade. I am off to the AFCO to sit the AST for this this week.

Doea anybody know what the AST score requirement is currently for ASOS flight ops please?

Can also someone please give me advice as to if I will keep same rank and pay, despite going recently back in to a different trade?

Will they extend my old contract or give me an extension?

Thank you for your help.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Knowing what the AST score is of no benefit. You’ll get the score and trades you scored for at the end.

WRT length of service etc, manning will make an offer based on service needs.
"Quote thingy not working still - ref Downsizer above"

What has been said above is correct. Knowing the score means nothing really. You have a raw score (amount you actually score correctly in each area) and then they are converted and put into a table to get the final pass mark.

Have you contacted the Rejoners Cell at CRN? I am surprised that, if you are looking to come back in as same rank and same trade, they would say your trade is overbourne. Particularly as you are only 4 months out of service and you would be classed as 'productive'.

I would ask your AFCO if this is the direction they have received from the Rejoiners Cell and ask to see the communications regarding this.

Logs (Mov) is recruiting at the moment but there is no push on it. But as you wouldnt need phase 2 it would seem sensible to get you back in as your previous trade rather than classing you as 'pre-productive' and having to do Ph2 again.

Any issues feel free to PM me.
"Quote thingy not working still - ref Downsizer above"

What has been said above is correct. Knowing the score means nothing really. You have a raw score (amount you actually score correctly in each area) and then they are converted and put into a table to get the final pass mark.

Have you contacted the Rejoners Cell at CRN? I am surprised that, if you are looking to come back in as same rank and same trade, they would say your trade is overbourne. Particularly as you are only 4 months out of service and you would be classed as 'productive'.

I would ask your AFCO if this is the direction they have received from the Rejoiners Cell and ask to see the communications regarding this.

Logs (Mov) is recruiting at the moment but there is no push on it. But as you wouldnt need phase 2 it would seem sensible to get you back in as your previous trade rather than classing you as 'pre-productive' and having to do Ph2 again.

Any issues feel free to PM me.

Hi there,

Many thanks for your detailed reply I really appreciate it. I will go in and do the AST tomorrow without worrying what the scores could be. I have spoken in depth directly with the Rejoiners Cell, they told me that my previous trade Logistics Movements is overbourne still, that they have no training dates and are unlikely to have any this financial year.

This seems really silly, because I am still in date on JPA with a lot of things in that trade and have a full FMT 600 with all the various driver qualifications. It would be easier for the RAF and easier for me just to get me back into my existing trade. I was told from the AFCO the same story as well, that the trade is full but did offer me four alternative trades. I just hope that all goes well for me at the AFCO tomorrow, I am not looking forward to explaining why I left and why I want to rejoin, but I have valid reasons. I have thought about the retrade and thought, do you know what - maybe it's a fresh start that I need? I was doing the same trade for the best part of ten years. It's a really tough call to make either way. I'm not enjoying my civilian insurance job one bit and am desperate to get back in asap. It's annoying that they can't give you any indication of what trade/terms of service you could potentially go back in as at this stage.

For a re-trade, all they have told me so far is that I will just have to do a condensed Halton Course (TaRC) to rekit and do admin, as well as 12 weeks trade training. I hope that I will be able to return as an SAC in a new trade, and that I get offered a few more years of service. I am really nervous about going to the AFCO tomorrow, I hope this all pans out for me.

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
If you only left 4 months ago, I can't see why there would be any re-training! Simple go get your kit and wander back to 1 AMW! According to a mate who works in an AFCO, Mover trade is open to re-joiners. Last year the trade was at 106% but not any more. Latest figures I looked at showed below 100%.
If you only left 4 months ago, I can't see why there would be any re-training! Simple go get your kit and wander back to 1 AMW! According to a mate who works in an AFCO, Mover trade is open to re-joiners. Last year the trade was at 106% but not any more. Latest figures I looked at showed below 100%.

I am being told differently then, that there's no intake training dates for movements for this year. If you could find out for me what it is right now I would be grateful. I am on my way to the AFCO right now. I will be really annoyed if they are trying to shoehorn me into something else.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I am being told differently then, that there's no intake training dates for movements for this year. If you could find out for me what it is right now I would be grateful. I am on my way to the AFCO right now. I will be really annoyed if they are trying to shoehorn me into something else.

Might be worth getting a second opinion as you're not looking to use up a training place.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


After ten years in the RAF it's perfectly reasonable to find yourself missing it and thinking about going back. It's important to consider the reasons you left and whether they are likely to still apply as a way to avoid you wasting a bunch of your own time.

You said your current job is in insurance, and I guess you're in/around Swindon - have you considered looking at civilian roles as a mover?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Latest figures I looked at showed below 100%.

Possibly so, but this is a static figure. They tend to look at where they want to be, whats in the pipeline and where the trend is heading.
Hi there,

Many thanks for your detailed reply I really appreciate it. I will go in and do the AST tomorrow without worrying what the scores could be. I have spoken in depth directly with the Rejoiners Cell, they told me that my previous trade Logistics Movements is overbourne still, that they have no training dates and are unlikely to have any this financial year.

This seems really silly, because I am still in date on JPA with a lot of things in that trade and have a full FMT 600 with all the various driver qualifications. It would be easier for the RAF and easier for me just to get me back into my existing trade. I was told from the AFCO the same story as well, that the trade is full but did offer me four alternative trades. I just hope that all goes well for me at the AFCO tomorrow, I am not looking forward to explaining why I left and why I want to rejoin, but I have valid reasons. I have thought about the retrade and thought, do you know what - maybe it's a fresh start that I need? I was doing the same trade for the best part of ten years. It's a really tough call to make either way. I'm not enjoying my civilian insurance job one bit and am desperate to get back in asap. It's annoying that they can't give you any indication of what trade/terms of service you could potentially go back in as at this stage.

For a re-trade, all they have told me so far is that I will just have to do a condensed Halton Course (TaRC) to rekit and do admin, as well as 12 weeks trade training. I hope that I will be able to return as an SAC in a new trade, and that I get offered a few more years of service. I am really nervous about going to the AFCO tomorrow, I hope this all pans out for me.

Very strange that, with only 4 months out of trade they are saying you cant come back in at that trade. Is this all in writing or only through phone conversations? Feel free to PM if you want. good luck at the AFCO tomorrow. Dont be nervous. Your reasons for coming out are valid as are the ones for coming back in.
Possibly so, but this is a static figure. They tend to look at where they want to be, whats in the pipeline and where the trend is heading.

Ok so I went to the AFCO today, got higher stanine scores than the requirement for my chosen new trade (ASOS OPS), but just 2 out on main score. Got 51 and needed 53! So frustrating. I don't know if anything can be done about appealing this or just having to resit.
Apparantly as I am ex service and am 2 marks short, with a degree also a waiver can be made. So I should be fine. :) thanks for all your help guys.


I hope you're back in, I left the MPGS in 2017 and applied to rejoin but COVID19 has slowed everything down. I was TG17 for years, left FTRS in 2013 and did some time at Boulmer on the gate. Paid the bills but jealous of the blue suits there.

I've tried calling the rejoiner cell and they're either working from home or going back slowly. Going back in as Pers Spt would make sense but after time away from trade I think I might have to redo Phase2. Twenty years ago I trained on SAMA but did use JPA during my FTRS and MPGS days.

Really want to be back in soon but getting answers from the rejoiner cell is hard. I email through the candidate portal but just hit the great wall of silence.


If anyone is looking a quick way back in, Reserves will expedite you in to the Reserves and get you a mobilisation to get the ball rolling till you get squared away with Re-joining. that said if you are in the reserves and fully SQEP its a seamless transfer just takes a bit of time.