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Retention Bonus

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
To try and stop the current bleeding of experience from within our ranks by PVR do you think a financial retention bonus would stem the flow out to civvy street or do you think it is too late?
If you agree how much would you like, eg being some aircrew got £30,000 for staying in till 22!!!!
The aircrew had it, why cant techies?



Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Get Tae said:
To try and stop the current bleeding of experience from within our ranks by PVR do you think a financial retention bonus would stem the flow out to civvy street or do you think it is too late?
If you agree how much would you like, eg being some aircrew got £30,000 for staying in till 22!!!!
The aircrew had it, why cant techies?


It beggers belief how it was handled in the aircrew world...I was at 17.5 years in when they offered me a substantial sum to do 22...It had never crossed my mind to leave as I was getting close to pension time anyway...

Obviously I refused it on moral grounds............:raf:


Get Tae said:
To try and stop the current bleeding of experience from within our ranks by PVR do you think a financial retention bonus would stem the flow out to civvy street or do you think it is too late?
If you agree how much would you like, eg being some aircrew got £30,000 for staying in till 22!!!!
The aircrew had it, why cant techies?


They dont need so many techies (or anyone) experience means nothing to the policy makers!

The Panther

Maybe not ?

Maybe not ?

Would be a good idea, but i cant see it ever happing. Most Techies are that p*ssed off that the amount of cash that would have to be offered, would clear out the years defence budget ! Something needs to be done though, alot of experiance is going from are happy world. That means more work for us left behind ! ! ! !:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Somewhere else now!
It sure does look like it's going to get worse before it will get better!
......lashes himself to floor in preparation for bumpy ride.........

The origional Pob

they are deliberately trying to trim our trade down so they want techies to go as we are overmanned now after a certain amalgamation. If they offered me redundancy I would take it rather than them trying to p us off more and more so that we PVR!.

The "policy makers" believe that if You have done over 12 years You are pretty much green to the core...sorry meant blue there.... and don't need incentives to stay.




In the Guardian theres a story that Sgts in the SAS are now being paid circa £50k a year so they dont leave to join private security firms - hardly a level playing field is it!


Beerofund said:
In the Guardian theres a story that Sgts in the SAS are now being paid circa £50k a year so they dont leave to join private security firms - hardly a level playing field is it!

I think those guys deserve every penny!

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
Beerofund said:
In the Guardian theres a story that Sgts in the SAS are now being paid circa £50k a year so they dont leave to join private security firms - hardly a level playing field is it!

After having seen what those guys do here and there they are more than welcome to that extra money, no-one complained much when rocks and cooks got a ferkin massive pay rise, at least the SAS etc deserve thier money!!!


England 2010 Campaign
1000+ Posts
Just remember there are only three things stopping sausage2 joining the SF:

1. He is unfit

2. He is lazy

3. He is a natural coward

If he gets over those three, then he's in


Beerofund said:
In the Guardian theres a story that Sgts in the SAS are now being paid circa £50k a year so they dont leave to join private security firms - hardly a level playing field is it!


What do you mean we have got Pay 2000 now.


Get Tae said:
After having seen what those guys do here and there they are more than welcome to that extra money, no-one complained much when rocks and cooks got a ferkin massive pay rise, at least the SAS etc deserve thier money!!!


I am all for pay rises, but lets get things into prospective all the other trades have had a pay rise what have us techies got? Sweet F A thats what. If you look at the PTI's they now come as a proper full screws on £21,000 and the AMM's come out on £14,000 and then they have to come back and do a FT course and still they will not be on the same money as a FNG PTI. Where is the justice and why should they sign their lives away every day. With a feet together place jump. Jump on this !!!!!

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
Bombhead said:

I am all for pay rises, but lets get things into prospective all the other trades have had a pay rise what have us techies got? Sweet F A thats what.

What we did get was what you say, FERK ALL!!
Everyone else has come up to our pay but we get nowt. No wonder everyone is leaving to go onto pastures better. If I wasnt in the pension trap/less than 3 years left to 22 I would be offsky.
Just had one of the guys on shift last night come in and say " Hi ***, just to let you know even tho I got my tapes and have done my courses I didnt sign on so, as of today I am on terminal leave and I am out. I've got a job starting on the first of next month, ROV tech starting at £40k. See you at my beer call on friday!"
Now who can blame him?? Not me. Pay 2000 was the begining of the rot, where it will end who knows but I despair what it will be like in 3 - 4 years..................

lavvy heid

Feckin right wae the retention bonus. About time we got what we deserved. How the feck can they justify more cash tae cocks, rocks and bawbag cops.

Not sure how much though. What about £15,000 and a two level pay rise. That might just be enough to stop me PVR'ing in October should the auld redundancy application fail. Well, all that and a 3 year posting to Vass at Cyprus.



Warrant Officer
Retention bonus? I know plenty who've got an anal retention bonus:PDT_Xtremez_25:

lavvy heid said:
Well, all that and a 3 year posting to Vass at Cyprus.


Not all its cracked up to be mate, I tried that once. I got fat from the kebabs, suntanned and perpetually drunk on brandy sours.
Stay in the UK and eat manky donners, have **** wet summers and drink warm beer.
Got to go, the straightjacket is getting tight and matron's calling.


Flight Sergeant
IMHO Most of the trades that have risen from low to high pay band in recent times are the ones where there is a recruitment crisis followed by a retention crisis.

I know I'm likely to get jumped on by the techies here, but I will brave it anyway!

If the powers that be came make so many of you redundant are there not too many of you in the first place? is there really a recruitment crisis for you? or a retention crisis?

*digs in deep, expecting the incoming to start falling soon!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
skevans said:
If the powers that be came make so many of you redundant are there not too many of you in the first place?

That all depends who you ask...If it's the MOD purse string holder his/her/it's opinion would be that there too many of all of us...If it's air/ground crew on the front line you would definately get an entirely different answer...

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
skevans said:
If the powers that be can make so many of you redundant are there not too many of you in the first place? is there really a recruitment crisis for you? or a retention crisis?

Knowing that you are a fireman and not a techie I will limit myself to a small rantet, speaking from personal experience at ISK the two sections with the highest PVR rate at the present are the fire section and the line.

What the firemen have to moan about is above me (no guard/ord sgt duties to name one) but on the line there is plenty.

Constant OOA commitment (as with many RAF sections), rock bottom morale due to working weekend/SAR commitments, constant stby for Ops every weekend, poor management, loss of leave year after year, guard/ord sgt duties disproportionate to our percentage of the station manpower, IRT, IDT, CCS, SSVC, BFBS every time before we traipse out to the gulf for the Xth time BUT the main reason for PVR is the lure of jobs off-shore just along the coast with better pay, less time away even with two weeks on two weeks of shift rota, better management, better promotion prospects and next to no FCUK around factor of when you are at home doing guard etc etc.

To be honest the line at ISK is at the lowest I have ever seen in the short 5 years I have been there. PVRs are flying in at a great rate of knots with no sign of slowing. Every one to a man I have spoken to will not be going past thier 22 even if they get promoted.

Where do we go from here is anyones guess but the place is depressed and getting worse with no sign of getting better soon.

A very depressed and sad 'Get Tae'

Johnny Chiseler

skevans said:
IMHO Most of the trades that have risen from low to high pay band in recent times are the ones where there is a recruitment crisis followed by a retention crisis.

I know I'm likely to get jumped on by the techies here, but I will brave it anyway!

If the powers that be came make so many of you redundant are there not too many of you in the first place? is there really a recruitment crisis for you? or a retention crisis?

*digs in deep, expecting the incoming to start falling soon!
There were some quite arbitrary figures bandied round a little while ago i.e. 15% reduction in manpower, 30% increase in flying (not the exact figures, as I can't remember offhand, but they were ridiculous) and the sqn I work on is trying to meet that target and struggling.
Morale is at an all time low and I can honestly say that the sqn is currently haemorrhaging techies, who are off to civvy st, with no end in sight and I don't think that it's peculiar to this one sqn.

Yes there may be too many techies but that's a matter of perspective, is it not? We, the techies who remain feel there are not enough and with the PVR waiting times increasing steadily, PMA obviously feel the same.
The question is, how does the air force stop the flow once they meet the manpower target?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Get Tae said:
To be honest the line at ISK is at the lowest I have ever seen in the short 5 years I have been there. PVRs are flying in at a great rate of knots with no sign of slowing. Every one to a man I have spoken to will not be going past thier 22 even if they get promoted.

I heard a rumour that 15% of NLS had put their PVR in, is this true?