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Saying good bye doesn't get any easier.

uber pikey

I am not complaining in any way about being away, I love it sometimes as I have no restrictions to worry about and now that I am here it is a little easier on the wife and kids but that bit when you all say goodbye is a bit of a choker.

I hope the wife is keeping her mind off me by being busy(dishes, cleaning, ironing and good old house stuff).:PDT_Xtremez_42:


When I knobbed off to Kosova in 2000 for a 12mth tour my missus told me a number of times that it was far harder for the one(s) left behind...Due to the situation out there I thought.."yeah whatever dear" and left it at that.

I have lost count of the times over the last two years since she has been working and living in Egypt that I have reminded her that it is always harder for the one left behind

Unfortunately i think she has now developed Selective Hearing!

Hope all goes well out there and back home for you old boy


E-goat Head *****
I still hate it mate. My lads have grown up (14 & 12) with me being away all the time and I sometimes feel slighty detached from my family as I feel guilty for leaving them so often. I find it harder each time to say goodbye and at my age I should be kicking my feet up a bit more but as more and more people leave the dets get closer and closer.

As we always seem to be out in theatre together every 3-4 months I can fully understand that what we are going through isn't easy and each time I go through the process the more I look forward to the day when I can flick the V's up at the powers that be as I hand in my ID. However, by that time my family will be all grown up and I will be unable to give the time to my kids that they so rightly deserve.

Lost time with the kids is unrecoverable........end ex. Harmony guidelines are a peice of ****e and are not being adhered to at some parent units.


Flight Sergeant
I am not complaining in any way about being away, I love it sometimes as I have no restrictions to worry about and now that I am here it is a little easier on the wife and kids but that bit when you all say goodbye is a bit of a choker.

I hope the wife is keeping her mind off me by being busy(dishes, cleaning, ironing and good old house stuff).:PDT_Xtremez_42:

Oh I can't wait for Mrs UP to see this one!!!!:PDT_Xtremez_14:


When I went to Saudi first time , many moons ago, my 4 year old daughter wouldn't speak on the weekly phone call, when asked why later she said' If I talk to dadyy I cry , so I wont talk'. Took her years to speak to me on the phone again. :-(

uber pikey

Oh I can't wait for Mrs UP to see this one!!!!:PDT_Xtremez_14:

You know what I meant, I was just hoping that she keeps her self busy as not to worry thats all, but then again if she could get those bits done then that's a help in it's self and the car needs a hoover if you see this Mrs UP.......:PDT_Xtremez_15:


First of all good luck mate and stay safe!
As a wife of (although army!) we all cry those leaving and those staying, if you weren't sad or gutted then more reason to worry. Kids adapt it's hard trying to explain daddy is away but after a while they except daddy/mummy is working! If you're wife is lucky she will have freinds around in the same boat that will get her through it. It's crap but we do it!

I have always told my husband easier for you, as he has been surrounded by mates and always busy! Sitting at home on your own can be a lot harder as you have nothing else to occupy your time.

Still I am now appyling to join up to the RAF. Saying goodbye to the kids even to go on training (fingers crossed you lot will have me) will be hard as hell, but it goes with the job, and I would rather my kids grew up thinking I did some good in this crazy world. Plus thee is the fact I would love to proove to my husband how hard it is to be at home with the kids 24/7 LOL

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
I know it's not the same, but I have had to say good bye to my family every Sunday for the last 5 years now. We talk on the phone every night, but he still doesn't understand why his mates dads are all at home and I'm not. THe poor little bugger has even asked me if it's something he has done. That broke my heart I can tell you.

I have just sat down with excel and worked out that in 5 years (1825 days give or take) I have seen my wife and son for 650 days (Weekends and holidays), that's less than a third. So maybe I do appreciate how you feel, if only a little bit.
I guess that's why SB jnr has started to stay awake till I let them both know I have arrived here safely. :PDT_Xtremez_21:

Good luck to all of you going away on dets, all I have to deal with is idiots on the motorway. At least they don't use guns yet, well not on the M4 anyway !

Have a safe trip UP and come back safe and sound to those that love you.


Flight Sergeant
Keep yer 'ead down UP !!

The RAF has a great sense of humour sometimes. I got married on the Friday (for a reason that still escapes me) & on the plane to MPA on the following monday for 4 months. Great 2 day Honeymoon that was with her in tears the whole time !!


Techie & Proud

agree spot on matey , i left last week and Im out in sand pit but worst part is that saying bye bye ,then getting on the bus and once you on that bus with the lads the banter starts and its gets easier.

Everyday miss my lass and the dogs but you 100% spot on it dont get any easier and with more and more trips away for everyone now I can see why some just have had enough.

Anyway enjoy your tour and to all that out there the now and get home safe and sound :)


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I get the standard 3 questions either when I announce I'm going away again or when I'm away (like now but it's not too bad a venue) on the phone:

1. Daddy where are you [going]?

2. How far away is it?

3. What present are you bringing me back?

uber pikey

Hey Billy, I hope you have a good det mate. Wobbly will be joining me shortly so will be a bit more fun on monday, I have already printed off and stuck some dodgy replies on his bed space from previous posts...
Vim, if the kids want pashmina's then I am their man unless I have the order from MRS Up to open up my wallet and purchase some decent stuff:PDT_Xtremez_17:


Techie & Proud
lol UB you too buddy im sure Wobbly will appreciate the presssies hehehehe

Great thing these days is WI fi and tinternet so we all have comms , Saying that i been told by our dobber support they are watching what we are saying , i have text sex with my missus about 11.30 pm dobber time so listen in lads , learn a TG1 experience , ****ing dobbers i hate dobbers !!! :PDT_Xtremez_09: