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Secondary Duty

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How about Hospital Radio and the like? I did this for some years in the frozen north, most rewarding, good fun and and get to expand your social circle etc.
You a member of any station clubs? A high profile part of a station club like IC/2IC/treasurer of the club fund is good. And obviously it'd be something you enjoy doing.

Yeah last 3 yrs as Junior Ranks Welfare treasurer, which apparently counted for very little because it didn't benefit the community. Go figure.

Studley :PDT_Xtremez_09::0
Does your Unit have a Youth Club? I was a volunteer at my last Unit. It was really rewarding and also disappointing that some activities had to be cancelled due to a lack of volunteers.

There were at least 20 - 30 kids there every week and yet only one of their parents was a volunteer. The other two of us had no kids.