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SO...JOB INTERVIEWS THEN!! Any Stories? Here's mine!!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
So. Good start beginning last week doing some online Maths tutoring. Not lucrative but topping up the pension and keeps me off the streets.

A few months back though banged CVs and Cover letters into a well-known defence contractor. Recruiter phones me after asking if I had received his e-mails and request for return form. ME: Apologises since realises hotmail not doing what it should be doing Guy very amenable and courteous on phone. Gives him a gmail account instead. Happy days.

So gets dates through if all good for a phone interview end of March for one job. Fair enough but not really the job I want but interview doesn't do any harm.

Then get request for interview for job I preferred. That was quickly organised. E-mailed by their HR from dann saff who were seriously on the ball, courteous and quick.

ME: Travels on the day knowing that this could be a journey (only 43 miles but traffic and crappy roads made it 1hr 20 mins and that was off-peak time..AND THIS IS JOCKLAND. Ok. Red Flag but wanted to try it out if feasible. Ok I thought. Not fussed, mortgage paid, no debts, got a pension and happy with my burgeoning tutor business, but will speak to these people maybe enquiring about hybrid/flex/remote work. Finds the place and arrived early. Got checked in by the kind, courteous on-the-ball admin woman at the front desk. Sit and have a chat while watching TV.

Now this is where things started to change. Elderly gent walks through door!

HIM: "Are you RJL?"

ME: "Yes I am and you must be SUGAR [Name changed to protect the innocent]. How are you doing?"

HIM: [Abruptly] -" You're early?!!!"

ME: "Well I'm always early."..RED FLAG in my mind..Not how you introduce yourself and sell your organisation to a prospective candidate.

In the words of SPONGEBOB...And a few minutes later.....Stern faced woman comes out another door and peeks out.....A few minutes pass.

She comes out the door...Unenthusiastically "Hi RJL I'm SWEET [Name changed to protect the innocent] you can come in for your interview now"...RED FLAG NO. 3.

ME: "Is that bottle of water for me?" THEM: "Yes it is."

ME: " I could do with some water."

HIM: Starts telling me vaguely about format of interview and who they are with docs and my CV in front of them. Ok pretty standard.

HIM: "And you should have a presentation with you?" RED FLAG NO. 4

ME: "Nobody mentioned anything to me about a presentation?! Can do a quick run-down on that flip-chart there on {TOPIC] if you want though?!"

HIM: "Oh right....Well that's our HR should have informed you of that. Sometimes they don't pass the message on".

HIM Looks at HER (This was constant throughout the interview as if for validation...RED FLAG NO. 5).

HIM: "So what do you know about [BEEP]?" RED FLAG NO. 6...

ME: (Not interested in researching some bollox I can find on the internet and massaging egos of how great there company is and what there products are.)

ME: "Well you are a big defence contractor corporation out of [BEEP] and fingers in lots of pies making billions. And you do [BEEP] which is why I'm here. I'm busy with other stuff".

HIM: "Well we do....[Rambles on about they do this, this, this and this].

ME: "Pretty standard really for most defence contractors". [Think he was getting the gist at this point...And I looked at HER occasionally to check out her stern face].

HIM: "We do score this for all candidates and use [BEEP] model for interviews"...RED FLAG NO. 7...Can't think outside the box!!!

ME: "I'm not really happy with that model. Formulaic and doesn't allow grey areas but I'll go with it. Prefer it to be two-ways".

HIM: [Looking at HER] "Well obviously we'll have time for discussion and you can ask questions". Then starts rambling again how he is the [BEEP] and HER is HIM boss.

ME: "So I would be working for you then?!"

HIM: "Yes. I'm also the Hiring Manager and HER is who we would both work for".

ME: "Ok..Just getting into my head the structure and organisation".

HER: Question No.2 "Do you know what the job is?".

ME: "Description was a bit vague. Understand the review of [BEEP] but the rest...?!"

HER: "Well we do this, this, this..."

ME: "And as part of your review of [BEEP] you will be making sure that H&S, Regs, Policies, Procedures are all checked?" RED FLAG NO. 8...This didn't hit me until the next day after analysing. This is all part of the [BEEP] process and changes have to be documented and recorded before being pushed out.

HER: "We just do [BEEP] process." Stern faced of course.

HIM: Chimes in about how they purely look after [BEEP] process.

HER: "The job is located at [BEEP] X miles away?!"

ME: "So it's not in the Offices here, upstairs?"

HER: "No we can't due to [BEEP]."

ME: "Is that due to classifications?!"

HER: "Yes it is. Is that a problem for you?! " ...[She was noticing my face and body language at this point is less than impressed].

ME: "Well it took me X time to get here and unless we do hybrid/remote/flex this isn't going to work".

HER: "We don't have to continue if you don't want?!"

So we canned the interview. I called it and think HER was happy I did as she was getting more annoyed at me interviewing them as well!!! Threw them off their stride and formulaic process.

Got home feeling like I dodged a bullet. They probably thought the same their end. "CULTURE FIT" and all that jazz. E-mailed HR woman and cancelled interview for other job.

AND 24 hours later......

Their official Recruiter phones and apologises for distance to travel. Explained to him that was a RED FLAG BUT that was my choice since it was to be a tester and thanked him for his service. He enquired about the other job I withdrew from and was worried if my experience of yesterday had soured the experience of the company. Told him I wasn't impressed with those two interviewing and how they didn't like me interviewing them and how for me it is a two-way process.

Recruiter was like: "That's what you do. Damn right you do. I will pass it onto HR".

Apologetic e-mail from HR woman. I E-mailed back politely saying philosophy and cultures don't fit and faults on both sides.

But the up-shot of all this...

IT'S EFFING GREAT NOT BEING IN-HOC TO PEOPLE!! Interviewing the Interviewers was a great experience :- D!!!!!!! Back to online maths tutoring. Less money but no corporate bolloxxxx and happy!!!
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Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Glad I never had got through that sort of bolleaux. Had three jobs in my life so only three interviews ever and nothing like the rigmarole that RJL had to go endure. 73/79 civvy engineering job, 79/02 RAF 02/17 MOD then pipe and slippers. Happily retired and with absolutley no wish to put my shoulder back to the wheel especially if that is an indicator of the modern workings of HR.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Cracking memory by the way

For one reason or another I’ve had quiet a few interviews over the past couple of years mainly with big organisations, some have been as expected, however, one or two have been dire, during one a Hiring Manager ate a sandwich over teams, wouldn’t have been so bad if her camera wasn't up close.

As a result I've had loads of rejections, however, I don't mind this, mainly because at the end of both main rounds I ended up with competing offers for work, that I want to do, and secondly if I’m not right for the job why would I want it, and if they can’t see that im right for their role they’re probably not the people I want to work for.

Yes most interviewers will ask for STAR but that doesnt mean you have to treat it like a check list, I always try to deliver a relatable and relevant answer in a conversational manner with two way interaction so I can understand the team Im going to working with.

On the other side of the table in the thousands of interviews I’ve done Ive seen some terrible performances from Apprentice to Director


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Glad I never had got through that sort of bolleaux. Had three jobs in my life so only three interviews ever and nothing like the rigmarole that RJL had to go endure. 73/79 civvy engineering job, 79/02 RAF 02/17 MOD then pipe and slippers. Happily retired and with absolutley no wish to put my shoulder back to the wheel especially if that is an indicator of the modern workings of HR.
TBH I actually enjoyed the experience. Having to put-up and shut-up for 22 years and be obediently compliant, makes you more rebellious when you are out :-D!! Especially when you have nowt to gain and/or lose!!! It's like...WHATEVER!!! :-D


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
My first interview for a job to pave my way out of the mob was an odd experience as I thought it was a total shoe-in i.e. I was the only candidate (for reasons I can't divulge here). This meant that I walked into a very old and grand boardroom in a huge shipyard with not a care in the world. I whistled thought my questions and presentation I had prepared (I thought I'd play the game on all fronts) and even mildly ribbed my interviewers over their IT abilities when my pres wouldn't load. Finished it and skipped gaily out and into the cold sea air to drive home to Lincoln at the time.

Subsequently I received an offer (of course I did...it was a shoe-in!), named my price and got it and even wangled a relocation grant so moving across the country actually made us a little moola.

I started my new role, working with one, and under the other interviewer. Over a cup of tea one day the bloke remarked 'You did well there...we had around 20 applicants and you just nosed it in the end'!!

I think being so relaxed, because I thought it was purely process being followed helped me to come across as confident and a little devil may care...when he told me that I didn't know whether to laugh or faint!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
The next one that ripped me out of the above role and into the one I do now was interesting because I had nothing to lose (they had called and wanted me to talk to them, I already had a good job and prospects, and if they offered me a new role they life could only get better but by percentages).

The first interview of three was on the phone. I skulked around the shipyard, trying to find somewhere away from people and quiet...virtually impossible. It went OK aside from being asked what Belbin trait I was. I said 'Completer-Finisher' and he said, over the phone and without meeting me, 'Oh...are you sure?'. Course I am you dicksplat...I'd just done an assessment weeks earlier with the company and I'd manipulated the result to the trait I fancied!

Second interview was a real ballbreaker. I booked time off and travelled down to Bristol for a 0900 start. Shitty nights sleep and straight into project management question after question. 2.5 hours later I was released and drove 4 hours home in a daze. The interviewees made sure I put in mileage and my hotel costs which was, I thought, good form.

The third interview was on a Friday at 2pm. I didn't need to overnight it and set off in good time. Got to the motorway and a couple of miles later traffic stopped. An hour later we were still stopped. Some sheep had got onto the road and every now and then I saw a copper running after a woolly bastard who was messing up my travel plan. Eventually I cracked and phoned them stating my excuse which was less than believable that 'the dog ate my homework'. I got lucky whilst on the phone as a copper walked past my stationary car, with window down, with a sheep in his arms that let out a massive 'Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt!' right by my ear which they heard. 'Fine' they said. Just get here when you can. I rolled in at 4pm in the end and they commenced the interview which I found was really conversational, talking about anything and everything...I got out at 5.30pm, grabbed a filthy kebab and got home gone 11pm.

I then flew out to the States (CT) with my original company on business a few days later. Whilst unable to sleep at their bedtime I was idly surfing the net when I saw an email come in from the interviewers saying 'welcome to the company'. Its 2am Eastern time, I'm due up in 5 hours to talk at a meeting and I just found out I'm going back to Cornwall on someone else tab! Que one fuckroo'd Vim the next day. On returning to the UK we checked into the Virgin Lounge (we were able to travel Business back then) and my colleagues wondered why I was hitting the free bar (and encouraging them to do so with me) so hard! (Never tell anyone until you've agreed T&Cs and signed a contract...until then its entirely reversible).


Really had no idea what to do when I left. Had my HGV from the Queen and TBF enjoy driving so took and ADR on resettlement. Sat on terminal leave thumbing through the local Norfolk Beano and saw job advertised at Honington as a driver, 'must have full HGV and ADR an advantage' Right up my Strasse and a good flow into civvy street. Rang the number to discuss, bloke says 'mate can you come in for a chat 'no probs, smart or casual' I just want to see your license. Popped across and saw the fella who was ex MT so it becomes a chat of who where and when. The phone rang mid interview, I must get that' OK where's your T. Bar and do you want a brew, NATO Fella. Probably the easiest interview and TBF a great 2 years driving for the training teams, plus I also knew a couple of the instructors. Ok it was Sennybridge, Otterburn, Salisbury, Hythe and Lydd etc in 20 man rooms with the support staff but getting free food, accm and £35 a night tax free stop out pay was a no brainer.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Really had no idea what to do when I left. Had my HGV from the Queen and TBF enjoy driving so took and ADR on resettlement. Sat on terminal leave thumbing through the local Norfolk Beano and saw job advertised at Honington as a driver, 'must have full HGV and ADR an advantage' Right up my Strasse and a good flow into civvy street. Rang the number to discuss, bloke says 'mate can you come in for a chat 'no probs, smart or casual' I just want to see your license. Popped across and saw the fella who was ex MT so it becomes a chat of who where and when. The phone rang mid interview, I must get that' OK where's your T. Bar and do you want a brew, NATO Fella. Probably the easiest interview and TBF a great 2 years driving for the training teams, plus I also knew a couple of the instructors. Ok it was Sennybridge, Otterburn, Salisbury, Hythe and Lydd etc in 20 man rooms with the support staff but getting free food, accm and £35 a night tax free stop out pay was a no brainer.
:-D!! My "interview" for my online tutoring job (got my own private stuff as well to top up) was like that. My Boss is in N. Ireland and deals with their education system. But after reading my CV, saw that I could teach, done OU maths like he has so knows what I should know as far as he is concerned Maths is Maths no matter where you are :- )!!! Like I say. Not lucrative but keeps me off the streets. Some people just GET IT!!! And as you can see from my interview I just had people who DONT!! :- D!!
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Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
2019 / 2020 was a massive upheaval for me with a lot to deal with (as I'm sure we all had). One of those issues was leaving the warm embrace of the light blue poorly made shirts and finding a new role in life as I was determined to leave at 22 despite some lunatic in Air Command trying to tell me there was nothing wrong with being a LOS30 CPL and offering to take a further 4 years away from me for a fiscally paltry amount.

1st interview was for a major airline carrier in the role you'd best describe as a combination of the Rects Controller / Scheduler. On offer was double my (at the time) salary and the associated relocating da'an saaf. Apparently down to between 2 of us and I narrowly missed out.

Fresh off the back of this with a massive uplift in my confidence as I got so close to such a high profile and well paying role, I approached the interview for my current role with a general sort of 'meh'. It didn't help that I felt rubbish with some sort of lurgy and had to drive 5hrs to get to the interview but hey ho. Answered the questions well enough and despite my giving off the vibe that I wasn't all that bothered, was still offered the role on the spot.

Had plenty of other interviews for various companies and outputs but then Covid hit and the shutters came down everywhere. The only one to keep the offer open was the one I half arsed the interview for. As stated, I was determined to leave the uniform so tentatively accepted it. Found the team I was embedded within was brilliant, some ex-uniform but overall a huge range of individuals of varying age and experience to work with on projects with some fantastic capabilities being realised. Proper Engineering.

Just interviewed again for an internal promotion which I smashed, decent pay increase but it involves moving teams. Intent behind going for the promotion was so as to become substantive in the high profile role I was acting up in but that's kind of back fired as another area has a higher priority.

Not sure what I'm going to find as my current team covered a lot of my new destinations work off as no one in that team has a clue.

Looks like I'll have my work cut out for me in what is a senior management role as I bring that team around and get them working in the same direction again.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Good luck SM!!! But remember to try and maintain as best as possible that Work/Life Balance ;)!!!



Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
During my resettlement I had an interview for a FTRS post at Brize which was for part week. I suspect that someone was already lined up for the role and wasn't surprised to find I was 1st reserve, but was surprised to get a call from one of the interviewers telling me that I was an excellent candidate and there's a FTRS post on his section at Brize that he wanted me for, and he'd fix the hours to whatever. Duly applied and went for the interview which was with an officer and his Sqn WO. Seemed to be going well until WO spoke, accusing me of being disloyal to RAF for PVR-ing. At this point I snapped, asked him about why he left the RAF for the FTRS world then told him that I left as a regular because my wife had cancer and I couldn't deploy for 4 months any more. He looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him. I terminated the interview on the spot, thanked the officer for their time and went home via the Sqn Ldr who had begged me to apply to tell him I wouldn't be working in an area with a WO who was judgemental.
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A strange thing happened during an interview I was conducting. I was with a senior IT manager interviewing undergrads. During one interview the senior IT manager stood up and annouced "I'm dying for a poo" then left the room.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
A strange thing happened during an interview I was conducting. I was with a senior IT manager interviewing undergrads. During one interview the senior IT manager stood up and annouced "I'm dying for a poo" then left the room.
:-D!! At least he's honest!! Or were it just a personification of recognising that in his view you were just....5H1t??!!! :- D
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