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Special Educational Needs - Cyprus

Afternoon all,

Apologies if this is the wrong forum.

I am after some information regarding the provisions available to children with Special Educational Needs in Cyprus. My 11 year old has high functioning autism and has a EHCP. We have previously completed a 4 year tour in Cyprus but this was prior to his diagnosis.

He is currently supported in school receiving near 1 on 1 support. His EHCP makes extra funds available to the school in support of this.

I will be contacting CEAS also but I am keen to hear from anyone with recent experience.

This information maynot help at all, but it may make you aware and then therefore more positive in obtaining support for your child.

My grandson was with his parents on a 3 year tour at Aki. My wife who had worked with Nursery children for many years had concerns at the little chaps development and voiced them gently to our daughter. Via Sick Quarters, SSAFFA, Health Workers etc etc and many appointments and visits, the diagnosis came about as anxious parents and over anxious grandparents.

On return to the UK and after an initial appointment my grandson was diagnosed with speech dispraxia which resulted in him attending a special school in Ipswich. Here he made remarkable progress. When the little chap returned to mainstream schooling and again after testing he has been diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. He now receives additional support including a dedicated TA in class. He is progressing well and although he is never going to be top of the tree, we all know he works hard to obtain the results he does.

I write this to support you. Don't give up or accept the first advice or diagnosis given, particularly if your gut instinct tell you different.

Good Luck and enjoy your tour


Which side of the Island are you looking at? My wife is on the School Governance Council at King Richard School in the ESBA and could make some enquires for you.