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Speeding trap- the new police trick!

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Good thing about Windmillville is the DJ's and traffic programmes announce all day on all the radio stations where the feds are set up at any particular time, so they're like, shoot and scoot all the time. The feds fcuking hate it but they can't do a thing about it.
Get caught in a built up area then you get what you deserve!

Personally I would love to get rid of the speed limit on Motorways but then again would you ever get over 30 Mph on somewhere like the M6 :)

You can on the toll road. Open road, I've had, well lots of Mph above that :PDT_Xtremez_17: and no cameras.
You have been lucky then. I have seen marked and unmarked Police cars operating on the M6 Toll Road.

When it first opened the only police cars that that you would see were marked cars because the un marked cars had to pay the toll.

Obviously sorted that loophole then. BUGGER!
