A view of the Presidents Report for anyone who hasn't seen it yet...
The following general observations were raised by the Board:
B Grade Candidates
A total of 11 ‘B’ grade candidates were read as part of the 10% check, and all were found to be promotable and therefore included on the Promotion Selection List. (PSL).
Report Writing
A great many of the Special and High Recommendations presented, lacked sufficient justification to substantiate the recommendation. It was felt that the pre-boarding scores reflected the promotion recommendations rather than the subjects’ narratives. The most competitive individuals were those whose reports testified to their suitability for promotion by sighting examples of potential leadership and ability to seek and accept managerial challenges. Many reports read as laudatory letters, thanking the individual for their endeavours, which although gratifying to the individual, does very little to assist the board in selecting the individual ahead of his peers. Punchy, factual statements clearly quantifying an individual’s performance and potential amongst his peers leaves little doubt in the board’s mind as to specific performances.
Individual’s Performance.
Reports applauding an individual’s ability to complete a difficult task that they have been allocated are less compelling than those where an individual has sought out opportunities to demonstrate their potential and abilities by taking the initiative themselves. Subjects that are afforded the opportunity to shine through substitution etc should have their performance in post substantiated with achievements detailed, and their performance in role quantified. Where opportunities do not exist within a place of work or within the immediate organisation for an individual to demonstrate additional capacity and their potential, then the opportunity must be taken to demonstrate qualities through other activities – Force Development lectures and Staff Rides were examples seen on this board that were positively commented upon by the board. It was evident that those pers on busy MOBs have a greater chance of demonstrating potential; therefore those individuals not currently posted to busy MOBS should seek operationally focussed and challenging OOA dets, which should also afford these opportunities to demonstrate capability and potential.
Timely Presentation of Reports
Some 9 months after the reporting period, 19 reports were unavailable. Of these, 5 individuals had sufficient seniority, but could not be pre-boarded, and therefore could not be presented to this PSB. One individual had two consecutive reports (04 and 05) missing, compromising their potential to be correctly pre-boarded. These omissions are completely unacceptable.