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TG3/11 Amalgamation - Is It Working??

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The Other Mods Made Me Do It
As a TG3 bloke for (cough) years, the amalgamation between us & our peanut brethren is somewhat disconcerting.

At the moment, all the lads/lases employed in the section are all TG3. However, I have heard rumblings about TG11 bods posted into ex TG3 slots that are not up to the task.

Is this true??

And similarly, are there any TG3 bods posted into TG11 slots that can't cut the mustard???


Flight Sergeant
As an ex-TG3 type, are you still looking after navaids and comms? If you are - are the ex-TG11 guys being given training to be able to maintain the kit?


mad_collie said:
As a TG3 bloke for (cough) years, the amalgamation between us & our peanut brethren is somewhat disconcerting.

At the moment, all the lads/lases employed in the section are all TG3. However, I have heard rumblings about TG11 bods posted into ex TG3 slots that are not up to the task.

Is this true??

And similarly, are there any TG3 bods posted into TG11 slots that can't cut the mustard???

Don't really matter mate 'cos it all be civilianised in the end!!!!!:PDT_Xtremez_28:

The Masked Geek

There are ex-TG11 guys in TG3 posts who are still needing 100% supervision by a TG3 guy 6 months after starting the job so it has halved the manpower available.....Not sure what it's like on the other side of the fence but I can't imagine it being much different.

The RAF, I believe, has acknowledged this as a problem and, as usual, are going to do nothing about it. We have to train up those who are out of their natural trade but I ask the question, "Who is gonna train someone up to be competetive on a promotion board?".

It's the same bollox we had with SAC(T)s promoted too early to be proper Cpls. The guys running TMT many years ago said that it would be up to us as real Cpls to train these kids up to speed......Bollox I say, if they are supposedly good enough for promotion, they should already know the job and need no training from me and the whole TMT course agreed.

If you didn't have the aptitude to be a techy when you joined up, you ain't gonna have the aptitude now and no amount of training will change that. I know plenty of TG3 blokes who cannot grasp the higher levels of techieness after 18 years in the job so what chance does a TG11 bloke have?

Things will smoothe out as the wheels turn but for now, it's a bit of a calamity.
As a newly promoted ex TG11 Peanut, i've done my assimilation to TG4 and got posted into a ex TG3 slot (along with another) working on computer networks. In my view the 10 week course gives you some information but not nearly enough to be confident with all aspects of such a intelligent trade.

I can't speak for other TG11 lads, but i've found it a long learning curve finding the local knowledge for different procedures, but the most rewarding. I'd agree that the opening of TG4 has given us peanuts a new lease of life (for the ones willing to be open minded and change). I've not found any problems working alongside Techie's, because i don't pretend to know everything because i don't.

Having ex TG11 lads in the section also helps the Techies, i've had alot of prior knowledge about IGS/DATO Procedures and User account/Mail box set up. So i'm able to advise on size limits and other s*ite ....

I know that there has always been the old TG3 and TG11 banter, but i have found not to take it serious, like it or not we are working together, Granted if the ex peanut lad can't be arsed to learn or is not willing to try then he/she deserves to be shat upon. But we need to be given a chance to try before the pre-conception of us being thick, because it's not true for the many.


TG4 Peanut said:
............I know that there has always been the old TG3 and TG11 banter, but i have found not to take it serious, like it or not we are working together, Granted if the ex peanut lad can't be arsed to learn or is not willing to try then he/she deserves to be shat upon. But we need to be given a chance to try before the pre-conception of us being thick, because it's not true for the many.

Well said, never thought I'd respond kindly to a peanut, but you'll do fine if you keep that attitude.

In my experience, a lot of you are pretty thick (by thick sometimes it's just a lower standard of education, not actually retarded ... lol :PDT_Xtremez_31: ), but I know a good many that are pretty switched on! Equally I know a lot of thick techies, especially the old radar boys....(perhaps one or 2 TC's too, don't want a savaging by the mad_collie)

Anyway don't want to talk about TG4 anymore 'cos as as far as I'm concerned it's the last knife in the back of us Techies!


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
The-Dark-One said:
Well said, never thought I'd respond kindly to a peanut, but you'll do fine if you keep that attitude.

In my experience, a lot of you are pretty thick (by thick sometimes it's just a lower standard of education, not actually retarded ... lol :PDT_Xtremez_31: ), but I know a good many that are pretty switched on! Equally I know a lot of thick techies, especially the old radar boys....(perhaps one or 2 TC's too, don't want a savaging by the mad_collie)

Anyway don't want to talk about TG4 anymore 'cos as as far as I'm concerned it's the last knife in the back of us Techies!

Agreed dark-one, but at least when we all amalgamated last time, we had the same 9 month foundation from 3, 4 & 5T before we went our seperate ways as AD/AF/TC. The fundamentals were all there. The TG11 boys have not got the basic core skills required as tradesmen, and a few weeks at Tosford for the assimilation now will not replace all the months in training/the years of experience that the TG3 lads(and ladettes) have.:PDT_Xtremez_32:


mad_collie said:
Agreed dark-one, but at least when we all amalgamated last time, we had the same 9 month foundation from 3, 4 & 5T before we went our seperate ways as AD/AF/TC. The fundamentals were all there. The TG11 boys have not got the basic core skills required as tradesmen, and a few weeks at Tosford for the assimilation now will not replace all the months in training/the years of experience that the TG3 lads(and ladettes) have.:PDT_Xtremez_32:

roger that, however as I understand it, the TG4 peanuts aren't actually CIS Techs, they are still peanuts and won't fill 'techy' roles per se.... So if they find themselves doing a job a tech did before, thats because the job wasn't deemed a techy job as such but as a job at a low if not non technical level that a TG4 peanut could fulfil, so if they struggle at these jobs then.................:PDT_Xtremez_21:


Hi folks, I'm new on here! TG4, bollox. I was on the one of the first assim courses, and it was alright if you are computer oriented, which I am, so it has come in handy, but a 10 week (appreciation) course, which is now 6 weeks for peanuts, is pure ballz.

I was a mech before going on to do my FT course, thats 10-11 months at good old Locking, and another 11 months in the Deathstar at Tossford. So a 6 week course will gen em' up to that standard? Nope. SAC(T)'s aren't anywhere near to our training, OM's no chance, so a TG11? Come on.

We get reemed out, lose all the jobs with courses that would set us up in civvie street, TG11 get a pay increase, (Cpl's) and we get civilianised. Leaving 2 c*nts wif a wireless m8, the only future for us.

Has some peanut somewhere, just licked our trade s(poncer)s ballz so good, he just had to fcuk us over so badly?
Stop with the fcuking peanut fcuking bashing you pr1cks.. I have already had this conversation with MC. We are the ones who have been shafted. We joined up to do one thing and then we were told we needed to learn a whole new trade. you will carry on doing your jobs. no way us mere fcuking peanuts could do something as hard as order a new part.. I have worked with techies for 8 years and unless they are doing AD or AF stuff we will never see that side EVER!!!!!! its the new OMs that are going through Tossford at the moment you have to worry about! not us, we will still do the same as before but instead of switch b1tch we will be helpdesk bitch... if we have an aptitude for fixing PC and maintain Networks then we will get more involved... so yes you might dip out but what do you really do? I know many a techie who hasnt actually fixed anything unless they were stationed at a 3rd line unit... and before you start bitch1n that you do maintain equipment.. ask yourself.. was there a peanut around!!! Answer NO...

To answer your question PVRisthefuture, No we didnt suck balls. it just that your trade sponsor hasnt got any and for once we have got one that has done us a massive favour! Chill the fcuk out and lets see what we can do.. yes theres some fcukwits out there but as said before you get them in every trade. dont tarnish our whole trade by one stupid fcukers jackness to actually pull his finger out his ass!

Rant over! :PDT_Xtremez_25:


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Blue Van Man said:
I thought this was a techie thread???? I didn't realise the trade groups went as high as 3 or 4 and certainly not 11 :PDT_Xtremez_28:

It would be sooooooo easy to bite to that . . . deep breaths & count to 10 slowly . . . . :PDT_Xtremez_32:

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
Blue Van Man said:
I thought this was a techie thread???? I didn't realise the trade groups went as high as 3 or 4 and certainly not 11 :PDT_Xtremez_28:
Blue Vein Man

Does your brother know you think like that?

Maybe I should ask him!!!

macthegooner said:
Stop with the fcuking peanut fcuking bashing you pr1cks.. yes theres some fcukwits out there but as said before you get them in every trade. dont tarnish our whole trade by one stupid fcukers jackness to actually pull his finger out his ass!

Rant over! :PDT_Xtremez_25:

I totally agree with you mate, we need to be given a chance. Techies need to remember that we didn't join up to fix computers, i was quite happy working in a Commcen. But seeing that the trade was closing moving is the only way to continue a career. I don't pretend to think that we're not the most intelligent trade, but for what we were trained for we are highly skilled.
I'm sure many don't agree with this, but i know alot of people who were thankful for my back hand nod about their inpending OOA before being shafed by the Chf Clk. People need to chill and play the game that is the RAF!


TG4 Peanut said:
but i know alot of people who were thankful for my back hand nod about their inpending OOA before being shafed by the Chf Clk. People need to chill and play the game that is the RAF!

Aye, had the nod a few times, good old commcen. Let's be honest, any bitterness is not with TG 11, good luck to them I say, we are just ****ed off that TG 3 have been shafted, u guys have gained a lot we have lost a hell of a lot! Not your fault or ours, the fault lays with the CISMST - Trade Sponsors, they looked after u guys at our expense.
...some might say at the expense of operational effectiveness, but thats yet to be seen....
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The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Then again - who cares????

At least we have got some blart to look at now in the TG, we never had that before . . .:PDT_Xtremez_28:


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
no-ones_princess said:
Are you ever not the voice of reason?

Dark One, methinks you have an admirer . . . .

Let's hope that Mrs Dark One doesn't find out or any of the lads in the section get wind of it . . . .

I hope your hutch is well secured in your garden :PDT_Xtremez_35:

The origional Pob

I don't object....

I don't object....

I really don't object to the ex TG11 guys improving themselves...The people i do have a gripe at are the trade sponsors who have their nests feathered nicely and agree to all the cutbacks and civilianisation in our trade. If had wanted to do "green" jobs and run around a field playing soldier I would have joined the proper Army!.

There are fewer and fewer post available to us at the moment, and to be honest there aren't that many jobs these days that a switched on Op could not do!. Good luck to them I say, but when something goes wong with a piece of kit and an OM goes to fix it and he/she gets a belt who is to blame?. Their supervisor?, them?,OK thay have had SOME training, but does everyone REALLY understand what and why they are doing it?.

I know I busted my balls to pass my fitters course, the main reason why we joined as techies?.....a trade and money. Whats the incentive now?...job satisfaction?. Why should certain people in TG4 go onto the higher payband?. (not a gripe at TG4 but the hieracy).


Flight Sergeant
The origional Pob said:
I know I busted my balls to pass my fitters course, the main reason why we joined as techies?.....a trade and money. Whats the incentive now?...job satisfaction?. Why should certain people in TG4 go onto the higher payband?. (not a gripe at TG4 but the hieracy).

Good point, lets extend that to the AFCO. (Recruiter) You can join as an OM or a CIS TECH (Hopeful) Whats the difference ? (Recruiter) Well, OM`s spend less time in training and get to the better money quicker, have more postings and stand less chance of being bitten/killed by 9.6Kv, Oh! and you wont go near radars so
all your male producing sperm wont get nuked. (Hopeful) Does this Comcen place have Skysports ? (Recruiter) You learn fast my young Paduan.

A few of my lads are TG11, some are better at IT than me some aren`t. In the days when just about everyone has a home compter this doesn`t surprise me.
Intelligence/ability is not governed by your trade number.

It`s true that if you pay peanuts you get monkey`s, that said have you seen
the difference in pay..........So my fellow TG3 dinosaurs.... Evolve or bear the wrath of Mr Darwin.

Right, a proud T89 fitter off for a nice cup of T.....rex......D`oH !


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
JAFAD666 said:
Evolve or bear the wrath of Mr Darwin.

Right, a proud T89 fitter off for a nice cup of T.....rex......D`oH !

Or - the the flock out of dodge & earn some real money as a tradesman :PDT_Xtremez_28: (not long til pension . . )
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