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The E Goat Stance on Racism.

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Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
On behalf of the E-Goat staff, we would like to make something clear.

Freedom of speech is encouraged here and freedom to get involved with p1sstaking is also encouraged. After all, RAF Banter is what makes service in the RAF so special.

What will not be tolerated, is racism.

Any user who demonstrates racism in their posts will be banned by the Moderators who police this site.

No excuses, no cop outs.


Geek Scuffer
No names no pack drill on this occasion mate but we are all adults on here and know what constitutes racism but basically don't type something you wouldn't be happy to say out in public. The internet isn't as anonymous as some would like to believe.


Warrant Officer
Well said Chip, I think this little public information film highlights the issue.



Whilst I agree with the concept, we must remember that what is one man's racism is another man's social commentary, we need to be careful in examining statements so as to not accuse someone of racism where none was intended or in fact exists. simply because someone of a particular race makes a comment regarding another race is not by definition racism despite what our PC overlords would like to have us believe.

I was part of a RAF where we had people from just about every commonwealth country and even some that were outside that organisation, there were words and phrases tossed about from all directions that were simply part of everyday banter and all said in fun with absolutely no malice intended.

I give you Prince Harry referring to one of his friends "This is my Paki' mate." He was practically vilified in the press for using such a "racial" expression but neither he nor any of the other lads considered it to be so, including the lad of whom the introduction had been made.

When I was in the mob we celebrated each other's differences.

Also, as I think I've pointed out before, there are only three races of human beings and simply because someone is from a different culture or country does not make a derogatory comment about that person racist if the person is of the same race as oneself. It may be considered un PC or perhaps uncomplimentary but certainly not racist.

I'm not making excuses for anyone nor condoning rude behaviour but simply pointing out what to some may be an inconvenient and unpleasant fact.
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Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts

First and foremost, we have a zero tolerance policy against remarks which are either overtly racist or innocent remarks which may be construed by others as racist.

This is in line with the E-Goat Usage terms and conditions and it is not open for discussion. It's that simple.

The moderators on this site will continue to enforce this policy and will use their discretion as required when reviewing comments that are posted on the bulletin boards. If necessary, they are entitled to edit posts, delete posts, issue advice, warnings or even bans as a last resort.

That's the way it operates here and there are no "ifs" or "buts" about it.

End of story.



First and foremost, we have a zero tolerance policy against remarks which are either overtly racist or innocent remarks which may be construed by others as racist.

This is in line with the E-Goat Usage terms and conditions and it is not open for discussion. It's that simple.

The moderators on this site will continue to enforce this policy and will use their discretion as required when reviewing comments that are posted on the bulletin boards. If necessary, they are entitled to edit posts, delete posts, issue advice, warnings or even bans as a last resort.

That's the way it operates here and there are no "ifs" or "buts" about it.

End of story.
Well mate, I am not racist but I am certainly not PC and refuse at the ripe old age of 71 to be accused of racism for some innocent remark so perhaps it would be a good idea for me to pull the plug and wish everyone here a fond adieu. It's been a slice and I've enjoyed my time here but think it's time for a parting of the ways.


Geek Scuffer
Well mate, I am not racist but I am certainly not PC and refuse at the ripe old age of 71 to be accused of racism for some innocent remark so perhaps it would be a good idea for me to pull the plug and wish everyone here a fond adieu. It's been a slice and I've enjoyed my time here but think it's time for a parting of the ways.
Probably for the best mate take care.

For anyone else reading this who thinks the same and thinks that they can say what they like with no comeback in previous years the site owner has had legal paperwork land through his letterbox for things said on this site and I have received a phonecall from the civilian police regarding the same incident.

As I said before we are here to protect the site and its users not be bully boys just for the fun of it! If like Gord you don't feel you can stick within the law then please don't post .


Well mate, I am not racist but I am certainly not PC and refuse at the ripe old age of 71 to be accused of racism for some innocent remark so perhaps it would be a good idea for me to pull the plug and wish everyone here a fond adieu. It's been a slice and I've enjoyed my time here but think it's time for a parting of the ways.
When I joined the Forces in the late 70's(the TA before the RAF), what was considered 'banter' was by taday's standards, out-and -out racism. Overt statements by senior commissioned and non-commissioned staff along the lines of 'there will never be a (Gibson's dog) in this Regiment' were common.

Then again, we lived by a regime of personal correction sessions round the back of the Tank Shed!

I think that we are in a far better place now. Sorry old timers.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
In the 70s we didn't know any better (I was only just born so had an excuse) these days we do so we have to take more care.

It's not about being PC, it's about respecting those around us.

Past Engineering

My problem with this sort of thing is as a white British male if I make any comment or voice an opinion about any non white British person or group of persons I am considered non PC or 'racist' (a word I actually detest that is bandied around too much IMHO), however if any non white British person wants to hurl abuse/accusations in our direction it is considered acceptable by the apologists and no one bats an eye lid, as to do so is also considered non PC or racist and it is then us that is against 'integration' and acceptance, it is all one sided in my opinion.

The only way to avoid stepping over this imaginary line in the sand, as it is virtually impossible to have an opinion that won't upset someone, is to stop communicating in public, it is probably the safest way these days.

The indigenous people in this country have been virtually cleansed of free thought and opinion in public, something that we keep saying we fought wars to protect that freedom of speech, yet don't practice what we preach and I do understand what is not acceptable in polite society as I was brought up to respect all people, however I don't believe having and voicing an opinion/concerns about another ethnic group is wrong especially when there is a lot of justification for those responses, especially as has been stated above, these same groups can abuse and say what they like about me with a freedom I apparently don't have in return.

I assume that the stabbing incident because we are now bombing in Syria, will be turned around by the PC lentil eating apologists as being justified and ok, but god forbid a white British person retaliates the same way because of all the mindless killing of westerners going on by ISIL.

It will now be interesting if this little rant will upset the apple cart, and if it is then so be it I will retire nicely.

As an aside one of the worst cases I witnessed of racism was a white South African SNCO at a mess do with strippers, who took exception to the young black girl who was one of the strippers in question and he said something to her in the bar after and she reacted by throwing a drink in his face (deservedly so in most of our opinions), his retort was to shout at her that if he was in Africa he would kill her for less, we were absolutely gob smacked.


Geek Scuffer
Reference the stabbing I don't give a toss what the lentil eating brigade or anybody else thinks as the perpetrator was captured and will face a court who decide Edgar happens to him as he broke the law.

With regards to your other points racism is racism whether directed towards black, white, Asian or whatever it will be dealt with in exactly the same way by site staff.

This post was not about debating the policy it was just to make people aware due to some recent activity that had to be acted upon.

The post will now be locked but should you wish to strike up a debate on the subject please do start a thread on it I am sure many people have an opinion on the matter.

Cheers all for the understanding it's purely about protecting the site there really is no other motive at play here.
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