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The ICT Warrior

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more importantly

more importantly

I can see them supping their tea....
"hmmm what nickname can we have?"

especially now we can't really be called techies?

How about spend some time to sort the trade out and start making some appologies?

I know you are reading this now don't I?

I also noted you said proposed ICT trade name.....

Best you tell the recruiters it is proposed cos they have it all over the website and appears on the advert!

Don't start me on promotion.....no promotions cos the base rank is short?
SAC OMS 80% manned IM CPL promotion 7 out of 300
SAC(T) 140% manned CISTECH promotion 3 out of 500

Can you even do maths?
Where's Rugby Jock Lad when we need him? :PDT_Xtremez_30:

First of all a very well done to the TS office. Very comprehensive and helpful. A lot of questions answered including the BT1/2/3 questions. At least now we are getting some answers.

A few points though:-

Ae Erectors. A specialist trade in my opinion and they should be left as such. How they are going to fully integrate into TG4 I don't know. Possible but a lot of extra training would be required for everyone followed by Assim trg etc. My worry is for WO/FS Ae Erectors working in a former TG3/TG11 environment. They would be out of their depth through no fault of their own.

Promotions. Still believe there should have been a joint TG3/TG11 Cpl-Sgt Board with a 50/50 split with Techs given the option to cross over to IM stream. It wouldn't sort all of the arguments but would at least placate some including myself who feel TG11 have been given a mile instead of an inch. 7 to 3 hmmmmmmmmmm.

New TG4 Names:-

Digital Switch B1tches.
Advanced Peanuts.
Porn Controllers.
IT Geeks.
Windows Boys.
Reboot Boys.
Power On/Power Off Boys.
Keyboard Warriors.
Reset Techs.

Also...Have they been swallowing dictionaries? For LEGACY we now call it ENDURING CAPABILITY?? WTF??? Legacy is a lot easier to say and everyone knows what it means.
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Are'nt we transfering 300 IT posts to the DCSA to civilianise? IF so:

TG4 will not be doing any IT apart from OOA.
Most of TG4 will be working on electronics based kit (no change there then).
Why change the name of the trade to s omething that will be out of touch before the actual name change goes thorough?
Why call the newspaper ICT warrior for same reason above.
Why be sarcastic in the e-mail saying 'information hungry TG4' when all they want is correct information (that is not just made up 10 minutes before posting).
Why send out the newspaper in TimesNew Roman - when IT policy says ARIAL.
Why are there always problems with the IT at Halton? Hmmm.
AE erectors should have gone to TG5 not TG4 - my mum could have worked that one out.
Peanuts should not in any circumstanses be let loose on any kit which requires brain power.
What planet is the TS on?

Anyway - the new nickname: I remember when a nameless TG4 Cpl wanted to be called Peppe. We all called him ploopy and it stuck for 15 years. Lesson learn't?

LordT :PDT_Xtremez_32:

Off Topic Ae Erectors came from TG5 into TG4.

Ooooh lets make up our own nickname, before anyone calls us something nasty


Like you made up peanuts? what a bag of w@nk that was - they only people who called you that was yourselves.

That just the type of stupid idea I expect from the new man in charge of CISMST.

You will get a nickname, but making your own one up never works - it'll just push things the other way.

Peanuts are TG11, got the name from TG3, while the only trade in TG3 with a nickname were the L tech AD's who got the JAFAD title from the Rockapes.

Whoever said that that needs a slap.

Does he ever, believe me!!!!!
Peanuts are TG11, got the name from TG3, while the only trade in TG3 with a nickname were the L tech AD's who got the JAFAD title from the Rockapes.

MJ - not just the JAFADs - don't forget the Toilet Cleaners, or they'll never forgive you... :) Why not call 'em "squitters" for all you old Tacan techs out there?

Why not call 'em "squitters" for all you old Tacan techs out there?


Don't go there, I met 'Squitter' in 88, and my replacement on my first DWR had the joys of being on shift with the pratt. For anybody not known anything about Navaids, A TACAN (TACitial Air Navigation) Beacon has a piece of kit within in it called a 'Squitter', which is also known as a Random Noise Generator, which was what the guy in question did, he just kept talking all of the time.
Imagine the scene, some office/Det, some wingco, some ICT Warrior.

Zob :- " So what is wrong with it ? "

TG4 bod :- " I Can`t Tell, sir ! "

TG4 bod :- " I`ll Call The Technicians "
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ICT Warrior

ICT Warrior

Just read the ICT warrior blurb that was lanquishing on a desk at work. Oh lordy, if the most important issue addressed is that of a name for the new trade then we're in trouble. Not professing to be IT literate or even slightly interested in it I had to search the whole document to find out what ICT actually stood for. I am sure I am not the only one who cannot contain their indifference to the whole thing. Maybe I am a dinosaur and its my time to leave. I certainly didn't join up to be a keyboard jockey. Nuff said (for now).::/:

Oh, AF's rule etc.
Peanuts are TG11, got the name from TG3, while the only trade in TG3 with a nickname were the L tech AD's who got the JAFAD title from the Rockapes.

We always used to call the TC's 'Nailbenders' Heard that in quite a few places over the years.