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the new sac tech

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Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Don't mean to interupt but I am re-rejoining the RAF as an AMM.

Why would you not recommend it?

1) The fact that you are on lower pay band until you complete your FT course - even though you will be signing off aircraft as fit for flight every day. You might as well do a shorter trade training course and go straight on to the higher pay band.
2) The fact you lose 2-3 years promotion seniority compared to the old SAC(T) scheme (which Armourers are still on)
3) The fact you are treated like absolute crap by the RAF (no career management) and given the most menial tasks available, some squadrons find it difficult to provide AMMs with any "trade" experience as manpower is so tight. Expect to be doing lots of T-Bar and Tool Stores.

Obviously, the above is largely my opinion - others may have different views. Many of the lads on my current squadron are not impressed with the AMM system and some are even talking of turning down their FT course so they can leave (they are good eggs too; maybe too "good").

As I say, I wouldn't endorse the system to anyone.


1) The fact that you are on lower pay band until you complete your FT course - even though you will be signing off aircraft as fit for flight every day. You might as well do a shorter trade training course and go straight on to the higher pay band.
2) The fact you lose 2-3 years promotion seniority compared to the old SAC(T) scheme (which Armourers are still on)
3) The fact you are treated like absolute crap by the RAF (no career management) and given the most menial tasks available, some squadrons find it difficult to provide AMMs with any "trade" experience as manpower is so tight. Expect to be doing lots of T-Bar and Tool Stores.

Obviously, the above is largely my opinion - others may have different views. Many of the lads on my current squadron are not impressed with the AMM system and some are even talking of turning down their FT course so they can leave (they are good eggs too; maybe too "good").

As I say, I wouldn't endorse the system to anyone.

That's a fair point.

Just hope it sorts itself out within the next year or too then before I complete my trade training. Not likely, granted.


It would appear that you may have been in an office enviroment too long, can you say with confidence that even though you new sac' can spell, that they can be trusted to carry out technical tasks with minimum supervision?

Oh mate........even I am feeling sorry for you now.........

PLEASE read what you have typed before you submit it to this pack of dogs......

With all the mistakes you are making, this lot are going to tear you to shreds.



Just a little information if you're interested???

I was on course 1236 / 5 and passed out in feb. The DE scheme is supposed to be coming back i think the number mentioned was top 10% of amms coming through won't be posted and instead will go straight onto their fitters course. Also another point that might interest people, my last assessment as an amm i.e. the one before my fitters course, goes towards my promotion board, so i only theoretically need 2 assessments as an SAC(T) to get promoted, dunno if i think thats fair cos its a different job but am not going to complain!!!


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Also another point that might interest people, my last assessment as an amm i.e. the one before my fitters course, goes towards my promotion board, so i only theoretically need 2 assessments as an SAC(T) to get promoted, dunno if i think thats fair cos its a different job but am not going to complain!!!

Might interest people? More like down right anger them to the point of going postal maybe?

Once upon a time you could approach say, a linewalker where they would have a fair bit of time under their belts so you knew that their opinion could be trusted. Not any more.........

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
The DE scheme is supposed to be coming back i think the number mentioned was top 10% of amms coming through won't be posted and instead will go straight onto their fitters course.

The DE scheme of old ran very differently to what you describe. On the one hand there were selected mechs or indeed FLM's who due to hard work and perhaps talent got a fitters course. This could be many, many years after the intial mechs course. After the fitters course technician status was awarded, JT in those days. DE's were very different to SAC (T) and much maligned by some. Today SAC(T)'s undertake a course of further training that was always planned in to the career path of the vast majority, access to the old fitters course was not so easy and some never did get it. DE's entered directly from civvy street and left training as JT's the course they did however was somewhat different and was not a set of 2 sequential courses as you describe. It was a one off bespoke package. Whether DE JT's were any good or should have been shot is a topic for another thread but suffice to say they were not well liked by certain SAC's who had had to wait many years for the opportunity to gain technician status. For some the only good thing about a DE was the fact he wasn't an Appo.

DE's - 9 months ago I couldn't spell engineer now I are one.:PDT_Xtremez_30:


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
This is all true. The SAC's hated the DE's (who required 2 GCE's as I recall)and even more so the Appo's (who required 4), and who were destined for their tapes one year after passing out after their 3 years training. However, this wasn't kept a secret from anyone before they signed on the line as mech, DE or Appo. You chose the path you wanted to pursue so there really was no cause for moaning......not that that stopped it.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
I joined as a DE and sometimes met people who hated me purely because of it. There were those though who made up the majority and didn't have this attitude. The simple fact was, you had to knuckle down and learn the job quickly and the golden rule was to never patronise the SAC who knew the ropes.

As far as Quals were concerned, it was 4 or 5 O levels or GCSE's. Maths, English, Physics and one or two others at "C" pass or above. The more the better. I joined up with a OND after two years at engineering college so there was no quibble with the AFCO at the time.

Back on to the thread, I recall at Halton, there were lads on mech courses (as in the old mech courses, not mech/mech or mech/tech or sac tech) who were doing better than most and scored highly in the exams. They were Ceased Training as a mech midway and sometimes near the end of their course and re mustered onto the next DE intake .

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Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Point of order, you did not do a fitters course. You went back to cosford for further training.

JT must have done a Technicians course then ? Either that or the Junior Fitters were phased out before I joined up....


Rebel without a clue
Just a little information if you're interested???

I was on course 1236 / 5 and passed out in feb. The DE scheme is supposed to be coming back i think the number mentioned was top 10% of amms coming through won't be posted and instead will go straight onto their ft course. Also another point that might interest people, my last assessment as an amm i.e. the one before my fitters course, goes towards my promotion board, so i only theoretically need 2 assessments as an SAC(T) to get promoted, dunno if i think thats fair cos its a different job but am not going to complain!!!

This was an idea being chucked about to reduce the surplus of AMMs out at the front line and capitalize on spare capacity in the FT Sqn. I raised the topic at the recent AMM symposium - it is as I have stated; just an idea. It defeats the purpose of the 1st tour.