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The original Dog Shagger


Trekkie Nerd
Being a proud Dog f@*ker myself (thorough bred still, not a diluted Fairy fag) I have met 3 people currently serving who were at Honington when the incident happened, one of which was the Orderly Cpl on that famous (or infamous) night, but none of them would tell me who it was. Is he still in? Given that the said informants were Cpls/JTs at the time and are now Flt Sgts & WO's, it stands to reason that if he's still in, he'd be at that sort of rank now. Any one willing to part with info? Cash waiting!!!!!


Off Topic Sorry but I've just realised what your avatar is...... Always thought it was a clip from Ogrish. :PDT_Xtremez_40:


Hush your mouth

Hush your mouth

Stamp this out, dont let the Bstards win, :PDT_Xtremez_06: Just when us FOG DUCKERS were lying low, you have to remind everyone. It not true it never was, I cock one leg in the face of this abuse, rise up and deny everything!!:PDT_Xtremez_06: :PDT_Xtremez_06: ::/:
Leckies keep the faith
dont let the fairys in, resist.
Remember :Whats good for the dog is good for the gander.


Trekkie Nerd
No!!!!!! I've been a dog botherer for 17 yrs, man and boy and I'm proud of it. Are you ashamed of your heritage? I can only assume you've been assimilated into the fairy fag world of box changing and "NFF stamps". Keep our identification alive I say, shout it from the highest steeple and be proud - proud, do you here. It's always better to get the first shot in, before the Plumbers do, it takes the wind out of their sails.


You are a DF now live with it. And you are play group 2 so inferior to thicky armourers.
If you can't take a joke you should have worked harder at school


Trekkie Nerd
I can take a joke - that's why I'm proud to be a DF and I did work harder at school - that's why I'm a DEDF


I can take a joke - that's why I'm proud to be a DF and I did work harder at school - that's why I'm a DEDF

you fairies are all the same, gay as you like, and a chuffin DE, so youv'e never been a real liney. Have you nothing going for you.

Df/fairies what is so special about box out, box in. Or even more technical, Light bulb out, light bulb in, when it gets really difficult change the fuse before blaming other trades kit.


Let us not forget that amisdst all this talk of of fog ducking therewas also a sumpy SAC managed to get himself banned from te Mucky duck in coningsbyy for interfering with the landlady's cat!!

We could always start calling sumpies "cat wankers":PDT_Xtremez_42:


Cat Sha..ing that disgusting, Let it be known from this day forward that the noble trade of "The Sooty" shall be renamed Moggy Sha..ers. Next time you have an engine snag send in the pussys to deal with it( yes I know nothing new), let them place their sent, sniff out their problem and leave us FOG DUCKERS to get on with more important Technical Diagnoisis and rectification/ remedial/preventitive maintenence work!
Once a DF always a DF
It the Dogs Bullucks
You dirty dirty CAT botherers::/:


Good Shout

Good Shout

Tell it like its is, Moggy fiddlers!!
anyway, do you know of any K9 friends you could put me in contact with, you know the sort, baald as a coot, strong hind legs, distemper free, good for a chew on a boneeeOh.:PDT_Xtremez_15: :
In with Cat Sha..ers out with FOG DUCKERS


Trekkie Nerd
Just Remember, there are rules for dog shagging, I assume there are similar ones for Cat porking?

1. It can't be your own dog. That's incest
2. It's got to the opposite sex. Unless you're a gay dog shagger
3. It's got to be over 2.5 yrs old (dog yrs). That's peadophilia
4. It's got to have 4 legs. Tripod shagging's just sick

Remember - we do it, you know it, don't knock it til you've tried it.


I think its raining cats and dogs

I think its raining cats and dogs

Was nt that a song

Cheers for the Top Tips, been making mine up for years:PDT_Xtremez_30:
Do you have a kennel name, we did on XXX.
Seriously, Ive been trying to shake this unfounded tag off for years.
It gets me down., I am a serious tradesman with a job to do, it only serves to distrack me from what is the mainstay,backbone of the aircraft world, without the leckies where would they be?
Up Sh1te street without an AVO
PS, youve not been assssimulated have you, i am not talking to a FAIRY am I?::/:
Do you own dice?
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Was nt that a song

Cheers for the Top Tips, been making mine up for years:PDT_Xtremez_30:
Do you have a kenel name, we did on XXX.
Seriously, Ive been trying to shake this unfounded tag off for years.
It gets me down., I am a serious tradesman with a job to do, it only serves to distrack me from what is the mainstay,backbone of the aircraft world, without the leckies where would they be?
Up Sh1te street without an AVO
PS, youve not been assssimulated have you, i am not talking to a FAIRY am I?::/:
Do you own dice?

Don't make me laugh

you are a light bulb technician with a box that goes beep and some chicken bones


:PDT_Xtremez_30: I think the idea was that I did:PDT_Xtremez_31: :PDT_Xtremez_31:

Nout wrong with chicken bones, ive aced many a quick fix using them, its what keeps us flying. PTS
Thats Proud To Serve.

Woof Woof::P:
Do I detect a Fairy?


:PDT_Xtremez_30: I think the idea was that I did:PDT_Xtremez_31: :PDT_Xtremez_31:

Nout wrong with chicken bones, ive aced many a quick fix using them, its what keeps us flying. PTS
Thats Proud To Serve.

Woof Woof::P:
Do I detect a Fairy?

No I have a trade

TG1 not playgroup 2

uber pikey

:PDT_Xtremez_30: I think the idea was that I did:PDT_Xtremez_31: :PDT_Xtremez_31:

Nout wrong with chicken bones, ive aced many a quick fix using them, its what keeps us flying. PTS
Thats Proud To Serve.

Woof Woof::P:
Do I detect a Fairy?

Its funny that your chicken bones always end up in the shape of an arrow, and it faces the other trades, you work shy Fog Duckers.:PDT_Xtremez_32:


Trekkie Nerd
What you lot fail to realise is that we don't care. I stayed at school and worked harder when I was there so I didn't have to graft when I left. Looks like I achieved my aim.


Go doggies, :PDT_Xtremez_31:
Trade group 1/2 ,cats or dogs, we are all 1 big happy family at the end of the day. weve worked and played hard to get where we are today. there are no real boundaries, I have sooty friend, I have rigger friends, I even mix with faries. Plumbers I am still not sure!:PDT_Xtremez_27:

I think Olovv is a frustrated moggy feeder or closet leckie.:PDT_Xtremez_32: