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Training and ethics

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Fellow techies of the goat I wish to pose a serious question for you.

If a family member was going through trade training and you were an instructor would it be ethical for you to instruct them?

I ask this question as such a thing has happened recently and the daily report written by said individuals family member seems to be somewhat biased, despite there being evidence to the contrary. Also this individual's family member has access to his portfolio and can amend at will should he wish. It really does call into question ethics in the training environment as my wife being a nurse wouldn't be allowed to treat me in hospital so what makes this any different?


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Fellow techies of the goat I wish to pose a serious question for you.

If a family member was going through trade training and you were an instructor would it be ethical for you to instruct them?

I ask this question as such a thing has happened recently and the daily report written by said individuals family member seems to be somewhat biased, despite there being evidence to the contrary. Also this individual's family member has access to his portfolio and can amend at will should he wish. It really does call into question ethics in the training environment as my wife being a nurse wouldn't be allowed to treat me in hospital so what makes this any different?

I think a trainer has to be as objective as possible when assessing an individuals skills or levels of competence. It is difficult if you get on well with the individual (or she has big whammers) but nonetheless, you should try.

In the training environment, there should never be opportunity for a family member to be a in a position to assist a relatives career by writing training reports or allowing access/editing rights to their portfolio!

Can't you make an official complaint? It sounds well dodgy to me!

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Does the chain of command know about this situation?

Probably, if not most certainly, but I think they have something in common with a chocolate fireguard and t!ts on a fish.

I can confirm the individual is fecking useless but that doesn't matter as he'll still end up passing out as stats have to be maintained and the system has to be seen to be working. I do hope the trade sposonsor can sleep at night knowing that changes to the course and dilution of standards allow this sort of thing to happen.


Flight Sergeant
Off Topic At Cosford how many trainees %wise would be the general concences amoungst intructors that would get binned?

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
If standards were raised I'd say at least 50% of what we're getting would/should be re-coursed and about 5-10% either binned out or re-mustered. However we have no targets to meet when it comes to failures, however if we did the course has been made so easy it'd be hard to fail them.

In the good old days when I came through as a mech if you safety failed you got recoursed, now you get a traing performance report raised and some ETT if required or recomended. If it wasn't so tragic it'd be funny.


Tashied Goatee
Probably, if not most certainly, but I think they have something in common with a chocolate fireguard and t!ts on a fish.

I can confirm the individual is fecking useless but that doesn't matter as he'll still end up passing out as stats have to be maintained and the system has to be seen to be working. I do hope the trade sposonsor can sleep at night knowing that changes to the course and dilution of standards allow this sort of thing to happen.

Why not call that "helpline" that I read about on here yesterday.....where you can report anything anonymously........why not make the most of it ?

Crack on.................:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
If standards were raised I'd say at least 50% of what we're getting would/should be re-coursed and about 5-10% either binned out or re-mustered. However we have no targets to meet when it comes to failures, however if we did the course has been made so easy it'd be hard to fail them.

In the good old days when I came through as a mech if you safety failed you got recoursed, now you get a traing performance report raised and some ETT if required or recomended. If it wasn't so tragic it'd be funny.

Of course there is ETT if you fcuk up in the real world and someone gets killed - oh wait, no there isn't!!

A recourse for a safety fail was for both the good of the trainee and the good of the RAF! I can't believe it's now been removed.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Why not call that "helpline" that I read about on here yesterday.....where you can report anything anonymously........why not make the most of it ?

Crack on.................:PDT_Xtremez_09:
Do you really think it'd make a difference? I don't think so.:PDT_Xtremez_21:

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Of course there is ETT if you fcuk up in the real world and someone gets killed - oh wait, no there isn't!!

A recourse for a safety fail was for both the good of the trainee and the good of the RAF! I can't believe it's now been removed.
The only time this seems to happen now is if there is space on a course for the little darlings to go back to, and we have to fight like you wouldn't believe for that to happen. Still if we keep on pushing the numbers out who cares?:PDT_Xtremez_42:


Flight Sergeant
What target have you got for passing students? When did all this start to change, I haven't been out of training that long (6yrs) and can remember people being recoursed for safety fails. I remember to w techs being re- traded. Is LTF still the biggest failure rate when I went through everyone was the most nervous, 2 re attempts was the max on your 3rd failure it was instant retrade.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
What target have you got for passing students? When did all this start to change, I haven't been out of training that long (6yrs) and can remember people being recoursed for safety fails. I remember to w techs being re- traded. Is LTF still the biggest failure rate when I went through everyone was the most nervous, 2 re attempts was the max on your 3rd failure it was instant retrade.

Same when I went through too mate. Seems things have taken a turn for the worse over at Tossford!

I still remember sh1tting myself about LTF ahh happy days :PDT_Xtremez_14:

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
LTF now only exists in the memory of those of us old enough to remember it, now 238 Sqn Line has taken over. You really wouldn't belive what and how much has changed since you passed through. We have no set targets for pass or failure rates, although some may say we have a default 100% pass rate, but then some of us are old and a wee bit cynical........


Flight Sergeant
LTF now only exists in the memory of those of us old enough to remember it, now 238 Sqn Line has taken over. You really wouldn't belive what and how much has changed since you passed through.

Try me I'm genuinely interested. I assume it's not just a name change. It was a hectic period, early starts with probably more (training) pressure than first line now. It seemed a world apart at the time from the rest of Cosford; LAC status was so close and passing out meant you got a posting date, you felt almost grown up. :PDT_Xtremez_42:Seriously there was quite some qudos to be getting a date everyone would be talking none stop it meant you were over the worst of it. :PDT_Xtremez_09:
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John Lloyd

Warrant Officer
Armourers Mech course 1979. One of the good guys safety failed one week prior to finals, a real smack to all of the course. But one serious reminder to all that performance was paramount. No pink n fluffy then.