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Two week course and GHY(T)

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There is a relatively easy way to determine which should be paid for a course. IIRC the exam question is can the individual get home for a minimum period of 24hours during a weekend using public transport. The availability and time tabling of Public Transport can easily be checked online. If they can (even if they don't) then GYH is paid, if not then LSA it is.

As had already been stated this should be actioned automatically as part of the move-and-track process.
Guys (Muttywhitedog)

This has confused me but sounds like I could be on a winner. I am of to Cosford just before Christmas for two weeks, so what can I clain for.

I am going to take my own car there arriving Sunday night and leaving 2 weeks later on a Friday, (my insurance has been upgraded to business level). I may come home the middle wkd or drive elsewhere to visit family. I have not even approached MT as it will be more hassle than its worth.

So can I claim MMA for arrival and departure and also GYH T for the middle wkd, from BZZ this might be a few pennies, or do I have a choice and vote to choose LSA instead, quite profitable as I am on Level 7. I cant believe this is right.

Anybody able to inform me or do the maths for me, I am afraid my own units admin are not the best informed when it comes to finances and I have dipped out and challenged them on many occasions.

Thanks very much.
Guys (Muttywhitedog)

This has confused me but sounds like I could be on a winner. I am of to Cosford just before Christmas for two weeks, so what can I clain for.

I am going to take my own car there arriving Sunday night and leaving 2 weeks later on a Friday, (my insurance has been upgraded to business level). I may come home the middle wkd or drive elsewhere to visit family. I have not even approached MT as it will be more hassle than its worth.

So can I claim MMA for arrival and departure and also GYH T for the middle wkd, from BZZ this might be a few pennies, or do I have a choice and vote to choose LSA instead, quite profitable as I am on Level 7. I cant believe this is right.

Anybody able to inform me or do the maths for me, I am afraid my own units admin are not the best informed when it comes to finances and I have dipped out and challenged them on many occasions.

Thanks very much.

On a loser I would have thought. GYH is mileage based and as has been said before is to compensate for 2 return journeys a month. The litmus test is the 24 hours at home, Cosford to Brize surely isn't more than 4 hours away so you get the time at home - GYH territory for sure.

Unless the course stipulates that you CANNOT go home then LSA becomes appropriate.

Earlier in the year I spent a couple of months away on courses, thankfully I was giving someone else a lift so both lots of GYH paid for the fuel each weekend.