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What happened to all the 'fugees?


Flight Sergeant
Just come back off a short stint of leave. When I left there was a refugee crisis in Europe - hundreds of thousands of displaced people, some of whom we were really concerned could be terrorists. It was deemed to be a significant threat to the UK.

Switched on the News TV in work this morning, and there's not been a single mention of them all day.

Did I miss something? Did we magically fix the situation? Did they all make it to Germany somehow? Did they decide to go home?

Considering it was a 'massive crisis', requiring 24 hour coverage only a fortnight ago, they now seem to have vanished off the face of the earth.

Obviously people have concerns about Russian involvement in Syria, the Rugby (though that's gone a bit quiet too since England fell on their arses to the Aussies), Osbourne is on telly spouting the usual pish and there are other news stories, but is there no follow-up to the 'mass migrant crisis' story? Aren't we tracking these hundreds of thousands of migrants any more???

All in all, the news today just feels more...normal? They're even talking about videogames!


There here

There here

They all arrived in Germany. Angela had them registered in the EU and sent them stright on to the UK!!!!!!!

Max Reheat

Resident Drunk
1000+ Posts
Until they all start arriving in Calais I don't think the average Brit will care that much. Out of sight, out of mind.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Joe Publics appetite/memory for the 24 hour trash pumped out by the mainstream media has a shelf life measured in hours, not days.

Ex-Splitter and Proud

Flight Sergeant
Still very much in the news here in the land of wurst, bier, lederhosen and dirndls, although it has been sidelined a bit by the Oktoberfest (keep 'em ****ed and keep 'em under control).

Banners on Autobahn bridges proclaiming "Flüchtlinge willkommen" (Refugees welcome) - and that's not German irony :pDT_Xtremez_15:

"Mutti" Angela is still throwing the gates open, berating the regions to do their bit, Sigmar Gabriel (vice-chancellor) keeps saying they can handle 500,000 per year, but the CSU in Bayern is shouting "Stop, we're full!", regular demos from Pegida and the Bavarian spin-off Begida and then there are the arson attacks on refugee shelters in Baden-Wurttemberg and Thuringia.

It all seems a little confusing to me, seeing local people at Hauptbahnhof offering cuddly toys and chocolate to refugee children getting off the trains, but hearing conflicting and opposing views from my landlord's family and neighbours.

All Germany needs now is a charismatic leader, high inflation, an easy scapegoat and a return to marshall music - especially now Oktoberfest is over...