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What is your manpower level like?

I think 216 is screaming for more manpower, just had a major reshuffle and whilst it does what it set out to do there are less lineys doing the same amount of work for the same amount of time (ie all the feckin time). Add to this a few snags when the day's/lates heavy rects teams arn't in, a busy day of movements, a few people on trips/courses/guard/det or all of the above and it means that the guys in on shift are hammered non stop. Now before we get started on the whole "thats what you get paid for/life in a blue suit" row, please consider that we do probably 95% of our rects outdoors which is fine when we have a summer but crap over the almost non stop winter, also the herrick airbridge is vital to the image of our Sqn and the RAF (feckin tristar late again!) so when a manpower shuffle leaves us with precious few skilled men and a handfull of AMM's all being worked non stop for 12 hour shifts all year round in various conditions, ranging from ice cold and raining to boiling hot, its surley just a matter of time untill a bought of illness and zero slack in the system delays a herrick jet, the crap conditions leads to a work place accident or WORST CASE SENARIO flight safety is comprimised.
Rant over please sort it out and appologies for the crap spelling/grammer.::/:

What sort of manning levels is 216 at nowadays in terms of number of blokes per shift (including management)? How many movements can you expect in a 12 hour shift?

Genuine questions, just interested to make comparisons with a typical civvy set up. I agree with mickeyccfc, manpower problems also exist outside of the mob and can be dire at times.


Somewhere else now!
''I think 216 is screaming for more manpower'' not saying that they're not but everytime i ring the drafter get told no chance for bzn, apprently no slots.

There will be once someone in a higher up office gets off their ar5e and ok's the recent proposal from the manpower review. At the moment the review is sat on someones desk............................


With the way that sections have been changed sinced the cold war and contractorisation, we are luck to be afloat. Manning still think we can survive with 75% manpower with OOA, Gapped posts, resettlement, Pregnancy, Maternaty and to actually be on leave but only if everyone does a 3 shift and works a 56 hour week! No wonder everyone is leaving and I have worked out that those on OOA work less hours and actually get a week to 2 weeks off mid tour, lucky barstwards.


Techie & Proud
What is manpower !!! I think it was something that the management took away from us to save money but forgot to replace.
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With the way that sections have been changed sinced the cold war and contractorisation, we are luck to be afloat. Manning still think we can survive with 75% manpower with OOA, Gapped posts, resettlement, Pregnancy, Maternaty and to actually be on leave but only if everyone does a 3 shift and works a 56 hour week! No wonder everyone is leaving and I have worked out that those on OOA work less hours and actually get a week to 2 weeks off mid tour, lucky barstwards.

Aye, real lucky getting IDF attacks


101 has a shortage of manpower, what we do have is a lot of inexperienced AMM's too, jets always fooked as a result

Real Slim Shady

Just picked up on this thread, and will attempt to answer some of the points raised:

The manning cap of 41K means that we have to allocate manpower according to priorities. If you talk to the AT, SH, GR4, Harrier world they will all tell you that they should be the priority. It is a 3 or 4 Star decision as to who has the greatest need.
Some fleets/units are currently being manned at 120% of their establishment; others are down to 75% of what it should be – ideally.

As for an OOA being preferable to doing a 12 or 14 hr shift….tell that to the guys getting mortared 2 or 3 times every 24 hrs – and expect a robust response.

AMMs are most definitely the news guys on the block, but so were you once. Cut them some slack, from what I have heard (1st hand) the vast majority are really good guys and girls. The split between AMMs and Techs, below JNCO rank, is still at the historical norm i.e. 35 to 65 % on the vast majority of units.

Captain Gatso

I have been reading this thread with some interest, and from someone who has just left the service, I would like to add my view to this. RSS, nice to see you are keeping an interest here, however I feel that there is a bigger picture to this, not just the question abour AMM's. At the moment the Airforce is playing a juggling act, putting folks on sections or squadrons that are operationally criticle, while on the other hand, gapping posts on sections or squadrons that are not deemed operationally criticle. Personally, every section is criticle to the way the Airforce, or indeed all three services run. I think we can agree that mistakes have been made in the past on forcasted manpower levels. I think no one could have predicted the current strain on serving personnel, especially squadron personnel who are now facing more OOA commitments than ever before and not having time at home to be with families etc. My last posting in the Airforce, to be honest, was a complete joke. We were operating at 75% manning on average and that did include the people that were OOA, leave, guard etc. Yet we were expected to maintain an output to that of a 100% manned unit. I wrote on another thread not so long ago about an entire trade desk PVR'ing after they had returned from another rotation in the middle east because of the constant strain that they were under. When I left not too long ago, some trade desks on squadrons had roughly three to five bods a trade desk. I remember on average nine to ten bods a desk on a shift, that was roughly four years ago. People have had enough. You can only push people so far before they crack and say, " thats it, i've had enough, I want to get off" At the moment, that's excactly whats happening. The manpower levels are not at the levels they should be and it's starting to push experience to the exit door in even greater numbers. RSS you said that we had to start from somewhere, yes indeed, we did, however I always had experienced JNCO's and JT's to show me the ropes. However it's these folks that are leaving and the AMM's are going to find it difficult to get the knowladge they want, when most of the JNCO's, SAC'T and the remaining JT's, that have served for over nine years, have left to pursue other careers, because they have been pushed to the limit, due the lack of manpower. Surely you can see where I am comming from on this. I know it's not your fault, but it drives me insane to see good people, that you want to retain, leave, because of the current manpower problems in the Airforce. If you don't beleive me, than ask those people I have mentioned. No senior bods, just them and ask for honest answers, you will get them.:PDT_Xtremez_06:
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Somewhere else now!
Nice post Gatso.

I originally started this thread for purely selfish reasons. I was due posting, so I felt that if I could test the waters and find somewhere that was screaming out for manpower, I could then ask the local management of the possibilities of me getting posted there. That way I'd have something in hand over the drafter, and possibly a posting I'd maybe want rather than one from the drafter I didnt want.

Turns out it didnt work, although I found several posts, the drafter put me back to where I envionmentalled out of!

It seems most places are struggling for manpower. The drafters are trying to post people to Marham, Odiham & Benson before considering other areas/stations.
From our place the majority of people have got Benson.


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
At my civilian place of work we have three medium helicopters - 24/7 non-scheduled operations - three B1 and one B2 engineers and one 'A' mechanic, plus two more B1's "if Push turns to Shove".
At my civilian place of work we have three medium helicopters - 24/7 non-scheduled operations - three B1 and one B2 engineers and one 'A' mechanic, plus two more B1's "if Push turns to Shove".

Bloody hell Rigga, all them blokes for just 3 choppers!

At my place of work (busy civvy line station 24/7) we look after 6 different Airbus and Boeing types (30+ based aircraft) for company and third party operators. Typical shift consists of 4 B1’s, 2 B2’s and a couple of mechanics and will handle 60+ movements, OOP, defects and AOG’s in a 12 hour period. The company really does get its moneys worth out of the employees.
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Captain Gatso

Same deal with my work DH. We have two B1's, a B2 and about twelve mechanics on shift, we usually have 40+ aircraft on the ground during a night and we never stop. It's a completly different world out there but I am enjoying it as I am doing the job I enjoy without any related B***s***. Though I am completley worn out after the last day on shift. You definatly have to work for your cash out here.:PDT_Xtremez_30:
Though I am completley worn out after the last day on shift. You definatly have to work for your cash out here.:PDT_Xtremez_30:

Yep, I feel like that after my last night, completely shagged sometimes and the 4 days off is most welcome. You don't realise just how cushy life in the mob can be until you actually leave.

Glad to see you are enjoying your new job.


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
So now you know why I gave up Airlines and took a small pay cut (which I have now made up)

It became soooo much hassle to even get to work - and then it was hassle all day long.

I now park my car next to the entrance of the tiny little shed called 'work' and gaze all day at the little birdies on the little airfield.

But it is short-notice 24/7 Ops.
