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Why did you choose your trade?

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Went to the AFCO aged 17 having been romanticized by my Fathers tales from Riggering on Phantoms, Vulcans etc with the view of becoming a Lecky. Recruiter told me that even though my scores were good enough across the board he was desperately short of MT Drivers and Scuffers. Having said 'No thanks' I waited two years before being invited back, told all sorts of BS such as being a 2 Banana within 3yrs, signed the dotted line and got shipped off to Halton 3 months later.

12 yrs later still seeing no sign of those elusive tapes and not really being happy with the job anymore I remustered to the Dark Side as an ABM. Still undergoing IOT until March 2012.
Loved making models as a bairn so once I got my O levels off down the CIO I went demanding to work on Aircraft. Thought I was going to be an armourer but got told I'd been accepted as one of Gods own children - DE Rigger, lucky escape that was.
I decided I had enough of seing daylight, so Joined up as an EngTech El, and have steared my job into mainly Telecomms posts with no windows. :PDT_Xtremez_14:

Also the fact that it looked like the most varied job, if you got bored working 100ft underground, you can work outside under canvas.
As a 16 and a half kid did'nt really know what I wanted so after a trip to the careers office, aptitudes etc I was offered the trade of Telegraphist.
Not having a clue what that was I was taken to a back room (ooh-er) and shown some guys setting up comms in what looked like a exotic place.
Anway after being told I would travel all over the world (found out later the film was of 38 group (TCW) ) so that swung it for me.
9 months later after all my training it was RAF Stanbridge and no sight of 38 group and never managed to get there.
Still manged 2 tours and a det to Berlin and a tour of Cyprus so not all bad.
From the get go wanted to be an Armourer
Had careers brief from Flt Lt who visited school to apply for Comms Radar Appo, did so and was in and clear until final interview before trip to Tossford.
The words which set me upon my career course were uttered "so is this the choice of trade you definitely want?"
I replied "erm not really I wanted to be an armourer" "ah well says" Officer with dissapointed look on face "come back in 6 months."
Came back in 6 months no Armourer slots no Comms Radar slots and the only techie job available was described in the booklet and by the Sgt in the CIO as the best non aircraft ground trade there was.

Gen Tech GSE it was then, 24 1/2 years later after 9 postings, various a/c platform support, mobile maint, assimilation, numerous tax payer funded 4 month holidays etc etc its's not quite as good as being an Armourer but when I get to shoot, service & fix guns in my spare time who cares.

Aged 16, no qualifications & colour blind, things were limited. After ruling out the obvious ones left, rock ape, copper & steward. Stacker all the way and glad I did, had a ball of a time. That said 23 years later I am 2 weeks away from hopefully leaving on redundancy
Why did you choose your trade

Why did you choose your trade

After WWII there was this recruiting advert: 'Was this Spitfire built for you?' YEAH YEAH YEAH!
Made it to the Aircrew Selection Board, Hornchurch, but they offered me Air Signaller. Nigged, I went down to the Recruity Office: "I wanna be a pilot!" Patient Sergeant says: "you'll still be flying - and after two years you can re-apply for pilot. All that experience behind you will count inyour favour. Besides you'll be a SERGEANT in a year!"
"SERGEANT! All my family were officers in the war!" I don't know how that Sgt didn't clock this 18-year-old cnut..........
Blurry glad I accepted. Years later I even turned down my commission because SNCOs and Masters were better off financially than Orficers!
Foolish again, cos in civvy street it was "Sgt. Edwards? we have a vacancy as bog cleaner." Whereas it could have been, "Flt. Lt. Edwards? we have a Senior Manager's position.......!"
I went to be an Flopsie (Fast-track) at 18 as I was bored with Uni after 6 months, AFCO tests passed, but you will have to wait 18 months. Feck that, what can i do now? Airframes is open you can start in 3 months, Yes please! 7 years later, dark side joined, 2 years later wife moaning, RAF PVR club time and Flt Lt MOD equivalent. The MOD isn't as fun as the RAF, 'High-jinks' are not tolerated, No comoradery, and red-tape everywhere...
Ex Squipper,
Cos I was so desperate to get in I jumped at the first trade offered and I fell for the old line "you can easily re-muster if you don't like it"!!
Got told at the AFCO "do you want to be a rigger, an armourer or a sooty?" didn't fancy guns'n'bombs, didn't want to drill my own broken studs out (Ha! not that i have a lot of choice these days) so i ticked the sootie box and became one of Gods Children. Wasn't sure i'd chosen the right trade all through training, then the day finally came round when the mighty J i'd been fixing flew away- and didn't crash! or anything go wrong.. and i knew i'd picked the right job.

shame i now hate my job :(
Really wanted to be a RAF copper cos the leaflet had a picture of a guy with an SMG and BIG dog and you were a cpl straight away. As it turned out I was too young so went aircraft leckie mech instead (cue comments about still going in as a trade that involved dog handling!).

No disrepect to RAFP but must admit I am glad I ended up being a techie as it just seems more fun.


Me too but they said I was too bright to be a snowdrop. I was shuffled off to Strawberry to become an Ops Clerk in ATC.

I had no idea what it was, but heck, it was fantastic. I made a fine career through A/c, NCO and Orificer. Loved every minute of it.