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Why is it so easy to wind up insideinfoman ?
Answer in no more than 250 words, using examples and incidents to illustrate your answer.

Ok then GS, I'll give it a go...
It is easy to wind up insideouttrouserlegboy because he makes posts like -

Actually it isn't easy.............I just let you think that you're winding me up. Much more fun that way!!!!

Sorry to disappoint you

We can all see this isn't true. If he really did get more enjoyment out of letting people think they were winding him up, then he wouldn't go to the trouble of persuading those people that they weren't winding him up, thereby spoiling his own fun. It is this lack of logic, coupled with his obvious inferiority complex, that makes him such an easy target.

How'd I do? :PDT_Xtremez_22:

So, what your saying is that when I use the name Insideinfoman I have an inferiority complex?

But I was a Controller and JATCC Instructor so how can this be? This is unheard of!

Surely, if I had such a problem then I would have work in FOTF, FOTS or SHQ?

Hey it all makes sense now.:PDT_Xtremez_19:

Vlad, thanks for that. I can now post as Chaka and Insideinfoman and hope you can all understand my mental state. I'll apologise to YCCMA and all his Controller chums for upsetting them, I love you all really.

I have now found Nirvana as a FOM anyway and I am sure my inner-self Insideinfoman will appear again to upset the Controllers!

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Insideinfoman must be a blighter with limited knowledge and experience - therefore his opinions are irrelevant.
Visitation said:
Insideinfoman must be a blighter with limited knowledge and experience - therefore his opinions are irrelevant.

Damn................ You found me out!!!!
