True Blue Jack
Warrant Officer
- 4,438
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I was under the impression (read it somewhere)
That if you PVR you are still likely to get pinged DWR. and have to wait to get confirmation and a date and then fight to get out earlier?
But if you put notice in, then they can't touch you. You have a fixed date and know you wont be messed around with OOA?
The rule of thumb is that you can't be sent OOA in your last 13 months of service unless you have already been warned for deployment prior to submitting your PVR/notice - although like all rules there are some notable exceptions.
Generally speaking, if you have a 12 month waiting time and haven't already been warned you will be safe. I remember one very unlucky fella who brought his PVR into PSF one day and his DWR notification arrived the next. Pure coincidence but he was convinced we'd given his drafter the nod (we genuinely hadn't).