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I was under the impression (read it somewhere)
That if you PVR you are still likely to get pinged DWR. and have to wait to get confirmation and a date and then fight to get out earlier?
But if you put notice in, then they can't touch you. You have a fixed date and know you wont be messed around with OOA?

The rule of thumb is that you can't be sent OOA in your last 13 months of service unless you have already been warned for deployment prior to submitting your PVR/notice - although like all rules there are some notable exceptions.

Generally speaking, if you have a 12 month waiting time and haven't already been warned you will be safe. I remember one very unlucky fella who brought his PVR into PSF one day and his DWR notification arrived the next. Pure coincidence but he was convinced we'd given his drafter the nod (we genuinely hadn't).
PVR pending

PVR pending


On the subject of PVR I could do with some advice before going down the official route, but I think I know what the answer is going to be.

I have applied for an Overseas tour, done my full pensionable 22 in April and been back in the UK 18 years. I am at present in for LOS 30. I am in a small trade and by process of elimination I think I am certainly in the top 3 or top for the post. If I dont get it I want to PVR that day, not out of protest or anything its just that, that is my earmarked decision day as I have external obligations to keep and they have been put on hold and time is running out. I am sure though that if I am unsuccesful I will be hit for an OOA which will then mean doing 18 months to exit. That would really screw up my plans.

Firstly how do you PVR now, is it by JPA or an original paper application?

Now the crunch, could you do it pending ie, submit it writing if I am unsuccesful for the blah blah blah position I have aplied for then I wish to proceed with my 12 month PVR.

I think I can guess the answer but in these crazy times who knows it might be worth a bash.


Just to clarify:

Have submitted an Early Termination on JPA (no more giving notice or PVR) for an exit date in 20 mths time which is 4 mths after my 22 yr point. Am currently a chief on for LOS 30 past the 2 year point in rank and drifting so need a date to aim for - if not before you know its time up and nothing really gained for staying in.

As Get Tae implied - its like a weight of your mind
Just to clarify:

Have submitted an Early Termination on JPA (no more giving notice or PVR) for an exit date in 20 mths time which is 4 mths after my 22 yr point. Am currently a chief on for LOS 30 past the 2 year point in rank ...

Did a similar move myself (Chf on LOS30, 21 years in at the time),
chose a date past the minimum waiting time, past my 22 point, past 2 years in rank, then subsequently brought it forward two months although all the above still applied.

I did have in the back of my mind that giving so much notice would allow for that 'last OOA' which fortunately for me didnt come.
Rob I put mine in before christmas and gave them a date a couple of months past the pension point just to be on the safe side.

It was like a cloud had been taken away from over my head mate, i even gave a wee 'WHOOOOHOOO!' as I exited PSF!


Feeling that mate, anyone would think we`d joined together!!!
I did a 4 month OOA last year so feeling safe as I can. I think the psychological boost may be worth it and give me a focus point after 21 years of being institutionalised.
Thanks to all for the advice it`s much appreciated esp TBJ admin guru
Firstly how do you PVR now, is it by JPA or an original paper application?

Now the crunch, could you do it pending ie, submit it writing if I am unsuccesful for the blah blah blah position I have aplied for then I wish to proceed with my 12 month PVR.

I think I can guess the answer but in these crazy times who knows it might be worth a bash.

First things first, you apply for early termination through JPA; there is no requirement for a paper copy.

For the tough one, you either PVR or you don't, there is no halfway house. The best advice is to speak to your drafter. Be as honest with him as you have in your post on here and ask him straight if you will be shafted with an OOA if you don't get the overseas post. Even if he says you will at least you will know where you stand and can make an informed decision. Your conversation with him will not affect your chances of getting the overseas posting.
It has been suggested to me that I could PVR, (terminate) on JPA and forward it to my line manager but get him to keep it in his in box. That way if I get my overseas OC deletes it, if I dont press send then it is already in the pipeline with a date on it.

Obvoiusly have to make sure OC doesn't send by mistake.

Can anybody advice me on this ie can it be done, realistically how long could OC sit on it.