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Application for futher service Declined!



I am into my 11th year of my current 12 year engagement and recently applied to sign on to 15 which was declined. The letter I got back was that my application cannot be processed at this time.
My exit date currently stands at 1st Jun 2011 and I'm really hoping to stay in. My FS has said that he will get my SJAR brought forward to Dec/Jan then I can reapply to sign on again.
I'm married with two kids, in quarters and kids are just settled after a recent posting so any advise or good gen would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I don't mean to sound like an arse here but the best advice you can get right now is smash out the resettlement as much as you can and try and buy a house. You might get signed on and then you have a qualification for free and you've started down the road to home ownership, it's win win.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Did the letter say why it couldn't be processed?

Chad Norman

Had a few guys at my place turned down too, one has a very minor temp downgrade but no luck! The tide has turned.........

Out of interest, are you close to your tapes? Have you had a chat with the Chief Clerk, just to get his/her take on it, at the very least they might let something slip which you can report on here.

Whatever happens mate, all the best. In light of any further information best to do as already suggested, assume your leaving and get prepared.




Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
My friend. Ask to see your Flight Commander, ASAP. This is why he is paid the bucks - to investigate difficult problems and provide informed formal answers......get the right and authortitative response and accept no alternatives.

The Masked Geek

I'm married with two kids, in quarters and kids are just settled after a recent posting so any advise or good gen would be much appreciated.

As harsh as MM may sound, I have to agree; however, that isn't going to help you now.

Get your name on the social housing list (assuming you won't have the 20-30k needed for a house deposit now), prepare your CV and start looking for work. Don't just wait for the unlikely to happen.

One of my Ex-wife's friends from Brize is in the same boat.

Drill Bit

I don't mean to sound like an arse here but the best advice you can get right now is smash out the resettlement as much as you can and try and buy a house. You might get signed on and then you have a qualification for free and you've started down the road to home ownership, it's win win.

Got to agree with Joe; it's a harsh reality that none of us are owed a living, certainly at this time of uncertainty; look after you and yours and that probably means planning for life outside of the RAF.

My friend. Ask to see your Flight Commander, ASAP. This is why he is paid the bucks - to investigate difficult problems and provide informed formal answers......get the right and authortitative response and accept no alternatives.

Have you approached your 'Career Mgr' first? It may be simler just to ask him/her rather than you Flt Cdr; then if you don't like the response go to your Flt Cdr. Perhaps the recommendation of your initial application wasn't strong enough. There appears to be nothing untoward happening and look at it like promotion; there may be x number of places and y number of applicants (not that you apply for promotion) and it just happens that your application wasn't as strong as others. It's going to have to be a sh!t hot application for an extension from 9-12 and an even hotter application from 12-15.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
I can only echo what others have said about starting to make the transition to life outside the RAF, and you should start that on Monday morning!

If you havent been signed on by now, then the chances of you being signed on after the SDSR in October are a damn sight slimmer.

Max Reheat

Resident Drunk
1000+ Posts
If rumours are to be believed the RAF want rid of 7000 people, the more they can bin without paying off the better it is for them. Harsh but true. To anyone else reading this, apply for your next extension of service as soon as you're eligible, you can always PVR if your circumstances change. Better to have a safety net of a job than to start looking for new work at short notice.


Warrant Officer
As others have said, hope for the best and plan for the worst.

What trade are you? (This isn't a trade dig, it might help others point you in the direction of work possibilities).

In the meantime get as much out of them in resettlement as possible.

Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
I'm thankful to this day, the Sgt at the RAF Careers Office advised me to sign on for an initial engagement of 15yrs.

Too many people were advised to sign for an initial 9 years to get the 28 days re-engagement to 12 and likewise, from 12 to 15 without being informed of the risks of not getting an extension at the point the RAF can just dump you.

I can only echo previous posters advice in taking a 2-pronged approach to your dilemma. See your resettlement advisor as soon as possible and prepare for the worst by making the most of what's on offer. At the same time ensure you get your line manager, flight commander and PSF on side to press your case for re-engagement as strongly as possible.

In previous times of redundancies, those in your position would be re-engaged to take the place of those closer to retirement age as you were cheaper to employ and had plenty of years of useful service ahead of you. In the current climate, where there is little money for redundancies, I can see you as being the cheaper option and those closer to retirement will be allowed to fester until they leave as natural wastage.

When you go through resettlement I hope you are reassured that there are plenty of jobs available on the outside and there is good support.

Good luck!


I'm thankful to this day, the Sgt at the RAF Careers Office advised me to sign on for an initial engagement of 15yrs.

Too many people were advised to sign for an initial 9 years to get the 28 days re-engagement to 12 and likewise, from 12 to 15 without being informed of the risks of not getting an extension at the point the RAF can just dump you.

I can only echo previous posters advice in taking a 2-pronged approach to your dilemma. See your resettlement advisor as soon as possible and prepare for the worst by making the most of what's on offer. At the same time ensure you get your line manager, flight commander and PSF on side to press your case for re-engagement as strongly as possible.

In previous times of redundancies, those in your position would be re-engaged to take the place of those closer to retirement age as you were cheaper to employ and had plenty of years of useful service ahead of you. In the current climate, where there is little money for redundancies, I can see you as being the cheaper option and those closer to retirement will be allowed to fester until they leave as natural wastage.

When you go through resettlement I hope you are reassured that there are plenty of jobs available on the outside and there is good support.

Good luck!

Don't know when you joined or trade, but 9 years was the longest option i could have in 1990.
I'm in the same boat. 2 years left on my 22, got my third last year and my extension is still in the cell at manning. Want to sign on, but will take my resttlement workshop stuff at Rhein'd in Nov and start resettlement courses thereafter. I can't wait until my final year to be offered LOS 30, it doesn't work like that in my book.

Deep down have accepted that LOS 30 ain't coming to me, due to SDSR, so look after No 1. However, if I do get the offer, then the RAF will have to pay for my resettlement twice.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Deep down have accepted that LOS 30 ain't coming to me, due to SDSR, so look after No 1. However, if I do get the offer, then the RAF will have to pay for my resettlement twice.

I will be surprised if they do not honor the normal extension of service with substantive rank, unless there is a medical issue.

I honestly don't think the numbers of cuts will be as bad as the press have been reporting.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I'm in the same boat. 2 years left on my 22, got my third last year and my extension is still in the cell at manning. Want to sign on, but will take my resettlement workshop stuff at Rhein'd in Nov and start resettlement courses thereafter. I can't wait until my final year to be offered LOS 30, it doesn't work like that in my book.

Deep down have accepted that LOS 30 ain't coming to me, due to SDSR, so look after No 1. However, if I do get the offer, then the RAF will have to pay for my resettlement twice.

I know a FS who has had 3 lots of resettlement so far and will be entitled to a 4th when the time finally comes, he has been asked back twice during his last couple of months of resettlement, once to get promoted to Chief and once to take up continuance. During that last phase he got his crown, jammy *******.

Drill Bit

Don't know when you joined or trade, but 9 years was the longest option i could have in 1990.

I joined in 96 and the going rate then was 9+15(res); I know after me the going rate was 9+6(res). I've no idea when and never met anybody who was given a straight 15 years from signing on the dotted line.


Not so long ago, during my AMLC and at a briefing at Manning we were all told from the horses mouth that further service following promotion is still being offered but they have had to prioritise. Therefore, those with less time on their current engagement will be offered first.....

However I guess it does make sense to scutinise each application, especially when there is a medical issue.

I am in the same boat as at present I have a Perm JMES that precludes my signing on......I have 5 years left on current engagement (attended med board who authorised me to stay on this engagement), but I seriously doubt in the current climate that I will get my age 55 even if I get upgraded.


Cheers for the abundance of replies!!

I know what a lot of you are saying about signing on sooner but I have just been posted to marham and believe it or not I'm massively happier than at my last place.
I was in the frame of mind that I really didn't want to stay in but now I'm in a position that I'm actually enjoying going to work and I've not had that for years!
I have already started my resettlement and have my CTW next month so I am preparing for the worst.
I'm a Rigger for who asked.
Not sure about getting my tapes as my last SJAR stated that my priority should be Resettlement and CV writing!! That's a career stopper if I ever heard one! :pDT_Xtremez_25: But like I said when that was written I wasn't interested in staying in so I wasn't fussed what it said!!
The board is sitting mega early this year unfortunately(1st Nov), cuz if it was after 14th DEC then I could of had a brought forward new one from Marham. If this was the case then I would have edged my bets that I would have been picked up!!! Such is life!!:pDT_Xtremez_34:
I'm off to see the Chief Clerk next week to see what the black and white of my situation is and see what options I have to pry the extension barrel open!!

Thanks again for the advise
I'll keep you posted on the situation and any info I find out from the Chief Clerk

MQ-9 Reaper

I am into my 11th year of my current 12 year engagement and recently applied to sign on to 15 which was declined. The letter I got back was that my application cannot be processed at this time.
My exit date currently stands at 1st Jun 2011 and I'm really hoping to stay in. My FS has said that he will get my SJAR brought forward to Dec/Jan then I can reapply to sign on again.
I'm married with two kids, in quarters and kids are just settled after a recent posting so any advise or good gen would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

You could apply for a commission!!

what would you prefer, civvy street or back to training?? ask the afco what officer branches they are desperate for and apply for them all!