Blonde Bitch
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Just how do you get rid of over 200 sgts? Another redundancy round? - is there any money for that (even though the payouts have now been reduced)? Hope that if you treat people poorly enough that they'll just leave?
As to the earlier post of putting other trades in charge of drafting their own, I suspect that when ACOS Manning (nee PMA6 et al) moves to HW there will not be as much opposition to that as their might have been had it remained at Innsworth.
The move of ACOS Manning to RAF High Wycombe is no different to any other unit move and as other units have shown the personnel involved will continue to provide a professional service despite the location whether they want to be there or not. This will not have an impact on whether other trades will draft their own personnel. This has been discussed many times and the final decision has always been that TG17 are best placed to do this. The alternative as far as I can see is for us to follow the Army route and be drafted by civilians. I know what I would rather have and it involves a blue suit.