i agree with most of the things said here. Being one of god special SAC(T)children myself, i actually got off my arse and did my NVQ BTEC etc and got my AMA.
Wot gets my back up is when old sweats who are quite right to be mildly annoyed that they havent been promoted, keep saying well i should of been promoted not him cos i've been in longer. I understand that people dont bother anymore if they have, but unfortunatly thats counter productive and shooting them selves in the foot. The ones that i have worked with that do this are quite frankly whinging oxygen thiefs who cant even wipe their own rear end, let alone be trusted to supervise someone. one i know got his actings as a kick up the arse , but still carried on like he used to, being late no commitment etc. I have found that the ones that dont whinge are the ones that should of been promoted and thats just life and ****e happens.
Promotion in my humble eyes is something that is EARNT and not a given. and that should be based ONLY upon you abliity to do you job NOT cos you spend one day a week at work and the rest studying/secondry duties. That is the most annoying thing there is. As for tech knowledge well you may know everything about tornado for example butget posted to chinooks, OOPS LAC time for a while you learn, but you still ahve the basic skill sets paperwork etc. but go to tornado your a god. its all swings and roundabouts.
And sadly the way the rank system is at the minute CPL is my next rank. i dont make the rules i follow em. personally i dont want it yet but if offered ill take it as i cant go up anymore paybands now. lifes a bitch