Whats with the FOM's FOA's etc? I mean what do they stand for and what do they do?
PFOM= Principal Flight Operations Manager. WO or sometimes FS IC all FOM's FOA's etc on a station.
FOM= Flight Operations Manager. A SNCO in charge of a section of FOA's either in a tower, station ops room or Squadron. In towers they are also a kind of Adj for the SATCO.
FOA= Flight Operations Assistant. (Cpls, SAC's and LAC's) General Dogsbody, found mooching about in Towers, Sqn's and Ops rooms. Now split into 2 streams. Fast Trackers (FOA ATC's only found in towers eligible to become Fast Track SNCO's) and standard FOA's both of whom can be found wherever a map needs folding or a cup of tea need making. FOA's also work in tower's alongside their FOA ATC Brethren who are ineligible to work on squadrons or in Station Ops rooms.
What do the fast tracked SNCO's do in these controlling jobs? I'd guess along the lines of shift controller?
I just had an image of lots of sac's and cpl's looking at scopes wearing headsets with SNCO's and zobs running em all!
The SNEC's and Zobs are the ones doing the Aircraft controlling. Sitting in front of the round tubes and in the Visual control rooms looking after the visual circuit and ground movements.
The Assistants Job in these towers is just that, to assist. There are far to many jobs to list here but a few that need doing in a tower such as, keeping weather and Pressure information up to date. Updating and adjusting the days movements, and liasing with ops and squadrons. etc etc etc.
They also man the Storno's and talk to all vehicle movements on the airfield and liase with the ground and tower controllers to keep things moving about.
The FOM in a tower or a Cpl or occasionally an SAC will also do all your driving permits, as they are the guys who use the airfield the most and have all the Gen about it. They are also the guys you are most likely talking to when you're out and about.
At my last tower, some guys asked what we did, so I showed them around. Explained a few bits and pieces and introduced them to the guys at the other end. Next time you go to renew your permit, ask if you can have a look about, it's usually no problem.
Hope this helps.
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