You Can Call Me Al
I've been saying for years that after TTF they should all wander down the road to the Hallowed Halls of CATCS and get a few lessons on the basics of controlling. Then spend a couple of days in the Sims putting it into practice.
After all they are the experts and would be able to grade them for appitude and abiltily for controlling before sending them on to the Stations.
That may work in a few cases, but some of those assessed as unsuitable could well develop the sort of maturity required after a period of time around the bazaars. dont't forget just how green a lot of TTF graduates are - a play with JATCC sims may frighten them witless (it did me!), although a gander round could be useful - WHY ISN'T IT DONE ALREADY fer feck's sake! ::/:
How many 'aptitude failed' peeps have we seen who we are pretty sure would actually make a damn fine controller? Mind you - the opposite also applies!!
Off Topic On a more worrying note - it may appear to the great unwashed that insideouttrouserlegman any I are having a relatively sensible debate. Rest assured, normal service will be resumed....