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Fcuking Assimilation . . . I'm still TG3

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The Other Mods Made Me Do It
They have finally dicked me for it (pre-req before OOA).

Hopefully it is only four days of egg sucking.

Apparently, the SAC/JT/Cpl course is being chopped to two weeks.

If we all cancel/stall them enough, maybe we can get it reduced further?

Has anybody gained anything from being made TG4?

Wing boy

well you asked so I will answer. I gained. I'm now on the high pay band

(duck for incoming)

rugby then work

Cider Drinker
Just got back from a week at Tossford, the AT course that was running at the same time as my SMS course were actually more bored than I was! Just been dicked myself for AT, thought I may get away with it but no exemptions for SNCO's we've got to do at least 4 days.

The SAC/JT/Cpl's course that was running was cut to 2 weeks but the next is back up to 3 weeks, don't think they can make their minds up


Flight Sergeant


Cool that means I can't go away if I turn it down....(if they ever offer it me)...!!!

When they compare a worker (as I am/maybe was?) with a no job Ex TG11 who spent his whole shift doing charity work and organising paintballing and go karting every assesment time.
Then add the problem of us CIS TECHs being overmanned when compare to the IM stream (assume they thought it takes more of them to do the job).
I think my promotion prospects are pretty much little more than poor.

Why degrade myself from an Electronic Engineering technician to a CISystems Technician.


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Well, done the course, and what a waste of fcuking time.

The TG4 brief was the only relevant part of the course.

More was gained from having 12 of Locking's finest sat around discussing the trade and what is happening, than the syllabus of the 'assim' training.

Any TG3 SNCOs that have to go and attend this - use the time to find out what is going on in the trade while you are there. Talking to SNCOs from AD/AF/TC backgrounds from the various locations in the RAF was actually a benefit. We achieved more in the teabreaks/lunch time and Off Topic chats.

We suggested to the instructors that a TMT style forum would be more beneficial, so we could get our heads around what is going on, but were shot down in flames. The party line for everything is: 'we do this because the Trade Sponsor tells us to'.

Thank God that the group that were there this week were all good lads (and the token Doris).

But at least FS Training Wing is a jolly nice chap and good egg to boot.:PDT_Xtremez_31:
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Flight Sergeant
Trade Sponsor....nuff Said

Trade Sponsor....nuff Said

I have my opinion of the sponsors, and it matches those others of my type who have met them on their travels.....

It made me laugh when THEY eventually announced THEY decided we didnt need to do the comms package as THEY thought of most of us more than capable, but a few weeks before THEY were insistant it was needed.

They have finally dicked me for it (pre-req before OOA).

Are you off anywhere nice??


I have my opinion of the sponsors, and it matches those others of my type who have met them on their travels.....

As a peanut (a proper ex-Tel peanut) I'm no fan of the way the whole TG4 debacle has been handled. However, our Trade sponsor (I'm talking Tate & Lyle level here) was a hell of a lot more pro-active than yours and we have dipped in with the extra wedge.

The way the Chief issue was handled was almost an embarrasment. Watch this space for when the AT programme is complete. Pay review, low band for all of TG4. I can't see how they will prevent this happening.


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
As a peanut (a proper ex-Tel peanut) I'm no fan of the way the whole TG4 debacle has been handled. However, our Trade sponsor (I'm talking Tate & Lyle level here) was a hell of a lot more pro-active than yours and we have dipped in with the extra wedge.

The way the Chief issue was handled was almost an embarrasment. Watch this space for when the AT programme is complete. Pay review, low band for all of TG4. I can't see how they will prevent this happening.

Unfortunately, when it was all kicking off, TG3 did not have anybody in the post (it was gapped). The peanut trade sponsor got away with whatever he could.

Can't knock him for it, he was defending his trade and he did a good job.

By the time they eventually put someone in the slot for us, the damage was done.
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Yep, that's about the size of it. I didn't realise that KC only joined the party once the presents had been unwrapped.


Flight Sergeant
Unfortunately, when it was all kicking off, TG3 did not have anybody in the post (it was gapped). WO Fat Boy got away with whatever he could.

Can't knock him for it, he was defending his trade and he did a good job.

By the time they eventually put someone in the slot for us, the damage was done.

Because we missed out on redundancies cos of the whole TG4 thing (check out the FMDLS now). Chubbs would have been better off declaring trade obsolete and letting them all get redundancy.
I would have prefered them all to get a healthy 'fcuk off' wedge and left, rather than them getting high band and inflated ego's.
Don't get me wrong some of my best mates are TCO's, but its just not right.

They couldn't have found a weedier (is that a proper word?) person to represent us though.
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There were never going to be redundancies in the first 2 tranches because of the uncertainty over the whole DCSA takeover and then DII.

In fact, a little bird told me that DII Increment 2 has still not been contracted. ATLAS have to be the preferred bidder, purely because it would be suicide for the government to look elsewhere at his stage. Apparently both sides are at each others throats over the delays to Increment 1. ATLAS say the MOD keep moving the goalposts, the MOD say ATLAS can't hit the target.

It'll end in tears! ::P:


Flight Sergeant
Back to topic

Back to topic

Whats the latest, have heard it may go down to 2 weeks for Cpls (ex TG3), have also heard the idea of skipping a few weeks if you have done the courses already, is out the window and we all have to do the whole 3 week block.

What happened to the April deadline to get us all through?

What effect is it going to have on the promotion boards. Do we have an IM board and a CIS tech board?

I have also heard the new JPA assesment will be in this year and has a courage/ bravery box???? WTF???

So many questions....


Well, done the course, and what a waste of fcuking time.

The TG4 brief was the only relevant part of the course.

More was gained from having 12 of Locking's finest sat around discussing the trade and what is happening, than the syllabus of the 'assim' training.

Any TG3 SNCOs that have to go and attend this - use the time to find out what is going on in the trade while you are there. Talking to SNCOs from AD/AF/TC backgrounds from the various locations in the RAF was actually a benefit. We achieved more in the teabreaks/lunch time and Off Topic chats.

We suggested to the instructors that a TMT style forum would be more beneficial, so we could get our heads around what is going on, but were shot down in flames. The party line for everything is: 'we do this because the Trade Sponsor tells us to'.

Thank God that the group that were there this week were all good lads (and the token Doris).

Having done it from my side of TG4 (Peanut), I can honestly say, what a load of boll***. As for the attitude of the instructors, had to point out to one very up his own ares civviy, that I was an NCO in the RAF, and not some AC on basic training.

The Co*k tried to report me to the FS training, well that just lit the blue touch paper and to battle we went, needles to say the civvy had to appologise.

Top and bottom of this is that it was a complete waste of time. That is apart from the pay!!!:PDT_Xtremez_28:
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I'm still waiting...

I'm still waiting...

How many of us are left then?
I know they are still doing the TG11 as a few guys from here are away but it all seems to have gone quiet on the TG3 lads.
I thought they were doing it in date order yet a lot of the young uns seem to have done it but not me?
Dont get me wrong I aint in no rush....

rugby then work

Cider Drinker
There's still plenty of TG3 courses going on, a SAC/JT/Cpl course finished a week ago and I know of 2 Sgt's courses in Feb. I haven't done mine yet, think I'm down for one in March.


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Whats the latest, have heard it may go down to 2 weeks for Cpls (ex TG3), have also heard the idea of skipping a few weeks if you have done the courses already, is out the window and we all have to do the whole 3 week block.

What happened to the April deadline to get us all through?

What effect is it going to have on the promotion boards. Do we have an IM board and a CIS tech board?

I have also heard the new JPA assesment will be in this year and has a courage/ bravery box???? WTF???

So many questions....

I have been told by a reliable source that all the courses for SAC/JT/Cpl have been cut to 2 weeks, but the amendment to the course hasn't reached PMA yet.
There's a bit of paper been posted in the corridor outside our office saying that the SAC/JT/Cpl course has now been dropped to two weeks... Handy that, don't reckon I could afford three weeks in Albrighton.

Still not been done either. But of the three Cpls in our place, only one's been there - and that was for OOA. I think all the Sgts have been now.

I'm quite looking forward to it - AT does mean Adventure Training, Doesn't it?

rugby then work

Cider Drinker
There's a bit of paper been posted in the corridor outside our office saying that the SAC/JT/Cpl course has now been dropped to two weeks... Handy that, don't reckon I could afford three weeks in Albrighton.

Still not been done either. But of the three Cpls in our place, only one's been there - and that was for OOA. I think all the Sgts have been now.

I'm quite looking forward to it - AT does mean Adventure Training, Doesn't it?

Indeed it does, don't bother taking any uniform all you need is a pair of Speedo's for the swimming and some walking boots.:PDT_Xtremez_15:


I had to do assim a few weeks ago and it was an insult.

Some of the guys there had been running IT sections for years, and had to endure the bollox that was spouted by the instructor.

To rub salt into the wounds, the civvy had the gall to inform us that because he had an MCSE, he was not a muppet - that really endears an ex TG11 Cpl (who didn't make snec) to a group of TG3 sncos.

We queried the content of the course, but got shot down each time by the Tossford mafia who hid behind the excuse 'the trade sponsors make us do it'. Its about time somebody there had the bollox to stand up to the trade sponsor and bin it, but nobody has the moral fibre to make a stand.

We were all dragged away from overstretched sections - one from Cyprus FFS - to sit about & listen to irrelevent sh1te, a waste of taxpayers money and our time.

As collie mentioned, we got more out of chatting in tea breaks than anything else.
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