I have been reading e-goat for a while and have found the majority of the postings to be witty, interesting or just letting off steam in general.
Then I found the TG 3 bit. What a bunch of whingeing, whining morons you all are. I can appreciate the fact that you, as a collective, should be known as a thicket and that you actually believe the cr@p you all spout but I would have thought that if you hated the thought of AT that much, you would vote with your feet and refuse - or would that mean showing some of that spine that you are castigating your sponsor for not having? The reality is that you have two choices, you can refuse to do AT and take the consequences or you can elect to do AT and become part of the future - whatever that holds! it's your choice but for God's sake make it and quit the whingeing!
I have, this evening sat and read the thread showing concern and support for an E-Goat poster who in the last week or so has been to hell and back over her young sister who has been hospitalised with a serious brain tumour, this supporting RAF is the one that I remember and puts all of you who are whingeing here to shame!
Just for the record, I know the instructor of whom "Hobbes the Gobbes" writes and
I know for a fact that some of the retards on that course were definately talking through their rectums! The phrase "We don't do that" was muttered regularly and was at times blatently incorrect because if "you didn't do that" the intranet would not work!: