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I believe it is in fact the product that is a fault it is without doubt very poor
You will hear no argument from me there... however, as an instructor I took the material provided and spent a great deal of time putting it together into a format that I personally could deliver. I found that no matter how hard I tried, I simply couldn't present the course in my own mind, in a structured way, as it was. I went on to create my own structured practical exercises that built on each other... a simple yet effective method consolidating each theory lesson with a practical element.
I appreciate that I am still new and keen to instructor duties this time round (although I have been there before, hence saving myself all the time and effort of having to do the DIT/BIT/insert suitable acronym here), and that my current enthusiasm will be expected to wane... however, I have always endeavoured to spend my time at the front of the class delivering the best I can... and if that meant a little extra effort on my part so the course ran more smoothly, then so be it. I would not have felt comfortable standing in front of a class with the package as it was.
Sorry but as an Instructor I do not believe that personnel experience or what trade you are is the overriding factor in this matter
I agree in part. Personal experience is, in my experience (if you pardon the usage!), a great asset when dealing with any subject. The ability to draw on knowledge practically gained could be just what is needed to clarify that difficult point. What I am NOT saying though is that you cannot teach without it... far from it. The point I was trying to make was that for me, it worked.
My quip about the TG11 Sgts probably knowing more about Helpdesk was used as an example of where my own experience is lacking. Will that stop me from teaching the subject? Not at all. Will the fact that they are TG11 make a difference to the way I teach? Not at all. I follow an IS, and by making sure I cover each point in that IS, everyone who sits in front of me will meet the same criteria at the end of the week. I'm not being "trade-ist"... I just realise that perhaps in certain aspects of the course where my own knowledge isn't 100% (i.e. Helpdesk), then I may well find myself at the mercy of the more experienced guys in front of me! I just hope they will be bale to fill in the gaps as required!
Rememebr, it's not all about the guy at the front of the class... each member of a course brings their own knowledge and experiences to each subject... I learned things from the TG3 Sgt's last week, and I look forward to learning more from the TG11s - because whatever is brought to the table, if it helps me the next time I have to teach, all the better.
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