Here's a bit of gen re the Educater (TDO) in the sand.
The OpsO in the story has reduced her responsibility on the sqn from the level of her predecessor.
The TDO doesn't do any educating on the sqn, but is the Sqn Adjt and also does a few of the jobs that the old OpsO used to do - consequently, ops isn't alien.
The post in the sand is run by JHC not PMA.
In the grand scheme of things, JHC hasn't got a great deal of OpsO's, consequently that post can and has been filled from anywhere in the Cmd - even by Navy IntO's.
The sqn concerned has been instructed to fill the post for 4 months.
The OpsO completed a 4 monther in the same location (but not a rotary post) less than a year ago - understandably, quite reluctant to go again so soon.
The sqn has managed the situation internally by splitting the 4 months between the 2 offrs.
Rightly or wrongly, these are the facts.
I leave you to make your own mind up.
Personally. I think it wrong but you must agree you can see how it's arisen.