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It doesnt happen any more

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Oh that is sooooo true...Just before I left it was becoming a promotion stat for the officer cadre at FOBs to form a queue in front of the offender, leave them in worry and doubt for days into weeks and allow the bollocking to follow the person home lomg after it had occurred....yet another indicator of leadership not knowing how to lead.

Off Topic If you're talking about the incident I think you are, the only person who ever mentions it these days is the "offender", which he does regularly. Although I agree that it was a nothing incident which was blown out of all proportion at the time.


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
"Grease-proof bog roll, every sheet printed with "Government Property". Utterly useless for wiping your jacksi with."

...commonally referred to as "the only Government White Paper worth a Sh1t!"

This was also famous for being the only difference "Tarzan" made to MOD before being bounced out of office over the Westlands Scandal - He managed to change the hard Bog paper to Soft paper!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Off Topic If you're talking about the incident I think you are, the only person who ever mentions it these days is the "offender", which he does regularly. Although I agree that it was a nothing incident which was blown out of all proportion at the time.

I wasn't specifically referencing it...I was thinking as far back as Capeval 08, Afgan Assist, various Harmala's, at Least one Flag that I was on, Magic Carpet 10 and more recently the one you refer to...It's deffo a Waddo thing as at ISK it was always to my knowledge sorted out in theatre and put to bed.


Things they don't do now (I hope)

Things they don't do now (I hope)

24 Erks in a wooden hut heated by a coke stove. But no coke as a civvie drove onto camp and uploaded the lot. As he drove off passed guard room, skidded off the road. Help was at hand RAF Police Land Rover pulled him out of ditch and sent him on his way.
Erks spent Sunday in bed, cleaning bits of motor bike.

Bet LACs and AC plonks are not Erks anymore.

BillyH :pDT_Xtremez_39::pDT_Xtremez_39:


Using the first field bandage in your tin hat to stop that f*****g spike entering the top of your head when running.......yes running!

Issue PT kit

shift with 15+ people that you went on the **** with on your days off!

Sports afternoons

spare parts for your car from MT (free or otherwise!)

SWO's with authority!

RAFP on the gate!!!!! yes it's true, they did the odd stint!

Bull nights where you had to make an effort

RAF education test 1 & 2

Charges and not this MAA pish!

NI gloves and the SMG


"Grease-proof bog roll, every sheet printed with "Government Property". Utterly useless for wiping your jacksi with."

...commonally referred to as "the only Government White Paper worth a Sh1t!"

This was also famous for being the only difference "Tarzan" made to MOD before being bounced out of office over the Westlands Scandal - He managed to change the hard Bog paper to Soft paper!

An Aussie mate of mine explained the bog roll - designed to spread the **** out so it dried quicker. And how about the battledress trousers that took all the hair off your legs?




useing aluminium drip trays as sledges on the pan whilst being towed by a unimog. Great fun until the git driving the moggie hit the brakes. If you were lucky you slid underneath it.




Using the first field bandage in your tin hat to stop that f*****g spike entering the top of your head when running.......yes running!

Issue PT kit

shift with 15+ people that you went on the **** with on your days off!

Sports afternoons

spare parts for your car from MT (free or otherwise!)

SWO's with authority!

RAFP on the gate!!!!! yes it's true, they did the odd stint!

Bull nights where you had to make an effort

RAF education test 1 & 2

Charges and not this MAA pish!

NI gloves and the SMG

I'm an old git who left in 1975 and I keep coming across references to MAA in a discipline sense - what is MAA?


MMA is a Minor Administrative Action. Like a diet charge or charge lite. Difference being, a charge is a disciplinary matter and could go to courts marshal etc... and has a burden of proof attached just as a Civvy charge has. ie innocent until proven guilty. An MAA is for relatively minor admin fcuk ups, not shaving, lateness, if AWOL or repeated offences you should consider a charge. MAA also does not have the same burden of proof, rather, apply the service test and if on the 'balance of probabilities' it was more likely to have occurred than not, then proceed with MAA. Range of sanctions from, extra duties, report backs up to formal interviews etc. Designed to be quick and not drawn out, ie, done and dusted and reviewed in 24 hrs normally.

That's my understanding of it an admin type may expand on it or correct my take. But importantly it let's a commander deal with something quickly with out it having to have career implications, it does not have to be reported on in an appraisal and does not follow the individual from station to station.


PS you wouldn't have needed MAA back in '75 as scrote would have just been 'sorted out' for that sort of minor mishap! ;)

Whether or not that was the better way would need its own thread...


Singly block bars at Christmas, 2 weeks of riotous alcohol consumption and all blessed by the powers that be. Do these still happen I wonder ?


Sdn Ldr Joe L'Estrange swearing blind that he didn't roll his Vulcan on bundu short of the runway at Aka, then having to land in foam cuz the Cpl in the caravan recommended it.

Me. hahahahahaha.

Now, there's a name that's a blast from the past. He could fly like a bird just a shame he couldn't taxi. He was almost as good as the legendary S/L Red Harrington, now that man knew how to keep the groundcrew in beer!!


Aah happy memories, tarpaulin surfing round the bomb dump towed by a rtfl in a foot of snow...
I'm an old git who left in 1975 and I keep coming across references to MAA in a discipline sense - what is MAA?

another useless 'interview' in an office with a zob over something minimal, because giving offenders **** jobs has to have a reason other than "it needs doing"

only been in 5 years and things have changed a hell of a lot since i joined...AC's are wrapped in cotton wool at Halton now, none of this 'tabbing to GDT in full CS95's, bergen, webbing and rifle' - its now 'flight staff sign the rifles out, chuck them on a land rover, AC's shove their bergens on a MT coach and get driven down there.
Final exercise at Halton used to be 6 about, swapping with the other flight, now they have to have at least 8 hours sleep a night because of H&S or some other bull**** beancounter excuse.

People staying at weekends, the Gadaffi bop at Cottesmore having decent ale prices, LAC's knowing their place in the ops room/tower instead of being cocky little tw@s

yeaah...the mob's changed a load in 5 years...
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another useless 'interview' in an office with a zob over something minimal, because giving offenders **** jobs has to have a reason other than "it needs doing"only been in 5 years and things have changed a hell of a lot since i joined...AC's are wrapped in cotton wool at Halton now, none of this 'tabbing to GDT in full CS95's, bergen, webbing and rifle' - its now 'flight staff sign the rifles out, chuck them on a land rover, AC's shove their bergens on a MT coach and get driven down there. Final exercise at Halton used to be 6 about, swapping with the other flight, now they have to have at least 8 hours sleep a night because of H&S or some other bull**** beancounter excuse.People staying at weekends, the Gadaffi bop at Cottesmore having decent ale prices, LAC's knowing their place in the ops room/tower instead of being cocky little tw@syeaah...the mob's changed a load in 5 years...
In my MFT (Military Field Training) at Swinders we were allowed to lock our SLRs away in an arms rack, we slept in tents which were inside a hangar (we didn't even have to put the tents up ourselves), there was a permanent field kitchen set up so we didn't even have to cook our own food. Ahhh the cold war airforce.


Getting National Service Men out of Kinloss bomb dump hut. By peeing down the stove pipe.

Seeing German Sailors remove cordite from 3" rocket motors and replace it with coffee, to smuggle back to the Fatherland.

BillyH :pDT_Xtremez_39::pDT_Xtremez_39: