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Legal Supplements



Hey, im training regularly in the gym but cannot shift that extra fat naturally,

My mate introduced me to "Grenade fat Burner" tablets, im tempted to use these but ive heard some ingredients in suppliments can show up positive on a "CDT"

Citrus Aurantium (Ma Huang) - 500mg
Caffeine - 300mg
L-Tyrosine - 200mg
Chromium Polynicotinate - 10mg
Coleus forskohli - 200mg

I was wondering if anyone knew if any of these ingredients would show up on a "CDT"


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Stop looking at chemicals and start looking at what you're eating, and when you're eating!

Don't eat Carbs before you go to the Gym - You may just be burning off the ones you've just eaten - I lost an extra 7 lbs by not eating Carbs during the day.

Also Check what work you're doing - Are you building muscle rather than losing fat? More Cardio and less speed may help.

Finally - Ask a good PTI (if you can find one) instead of resorting to websites - you may even get some personal attention.


Super Moderator
Citrus Aurantium (Ma Huang) - 500mg
Caffeine - 300mg
L-Tyrosine - 200mg
Chromium Polynicotinate - 10mg
Coleus forskohli - 200mg

Grenade is basically an over the counter version of an ECA stack (Ephadrine, Caffine, Asprin) and if some cases body builders will use this to get rid of those final few pounds. I have known it to be achieved by a mixture of do-do chest ease tablets, pro plus and asprin.

Whilst not technically an illegal mix, the CDT test does also take into account misuse of over the counter pharmacuticals.

Ma Huang the main ingredient of Grenade is ephadrine it its most basic herbal form and I strongly suspect it would show up as ephadrine in your system.

To be honest mate an ECA stack is only really beneficial to those who are getting close to single figure bodyfat % and are struggling to lose the last few pounds and in some cases ounces.

Your best bet by far is to do some simple maths, namely:

Calories in minus calories out.

I'm not trying to be flippant (trust me this comes from someone who at present is 2 stone overweight!), but that is all it comes down to really.

Good luck and dont go spending your hand earned cash on trash like grenade........ it could ultimately cost you your job.
Last edited:


Thanks guys,
I've change my routine to introduce more c.v. and found that rowing is working a treat, as well as weights afterwards. Im still looking and sorting out eating patterns, seeing as i live-in and the mess is pants for choice.

What you said "sniffer" makes sense about loosing the last bit of weight, as the guy who told me about them is looking at competing.

Again thank you!!


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Your welcome mate,

Glad to see you didn't go the chemical route. Hard work often works better than a quick-fix, in the long term.

Keep going



Super Moderator
Just another quick hint. You might find it better to swap round the order of your phys.

Doing weights before cardio can often give better results as you will be less knackered, therefore enabling you to lift heavier weights whilst still maintaining correct form. This will also reduce the risk of poor lifting technique and possibly injury.

Good luck mate, I know it ain't easy! :)


Ive been using Arson fat burner for fat burning plus energy boost and creatine for muscle recovery post workout. Nothing wrong with a little help. All legal in the u.k. I think the ephadrine stuff is slightly dodgy so id stay away from that if i were you. They sell thermobol (fat burner) and creatine in the Naffi FFS it cant be a no no for CDT


Howdy folks necro'ing this old thread as it saves starting a new one ;). Not wishing to start a massive should i or should i not take "weight-loss" pills- everyone has their own opinion. i have decided that i would like to give it a go, please respect it

Anyhoo i went down to my local supplement shop in town to enquire about a weight-loss pill. Having read several times in Mens Health magazine that Thermobol is recommended i thought i would have a go at that. when i got to the shop and got talking to the owner (he is a professional bodybuilder and former Mr Universe runner-up) he recommended that i should go for the "Chaotic-Labz: Malice Global". So i bought that with the intention of reading some reviews first before i tried any. So has anyone heard of or used this before?

here is a link to the website- Malice

and a picture of the label-


can anyone comment on the ingredients used? it says ephedra free (on the website and the front label. note there are 2 versions- one with ephedra and this one that doesnt) which from my limited knowledge is a good thing. i understand ephedra is a reasonably powerfull drug that could get me in trouble at work if i have to do a drug-test.

I might still take these back to the shop and swap it for Themobol.

Also whilst on the subject how would someone go about getting in touch with CDT to find out if X supplement is allowed or not?

also if there are any serious fitness buffs or pti's that would be willing to help me get a good diet and training programme sorted please let me know. i have asked the pti's on my current station but not much help unfortunately :(


Master of my destiny
Howdy folks necro'ing this old thread as it saves starting a new one ;). Not wishing to start a massive should i or should i not take "weight-loss" pills- everyone has their own opinion. i have decided that i would like to give it a go, please respect it

Anyhoo i went down to my local supplement shop in town to enquire about a weight-loss pill. Having read several times in Mens Health magazine that Thermobol is recommended i thought i would have a go at that. when i got to the shop and got talking to the owner (he is a professional bodybuilder and former Mr Universe runner-up) he recommended that i should go for the "Chaotic-Labz: Malice Global". So i bought that with the intention of reading some reviews first before i tried any. So has anyone heard of or used this before?

here is a link to the website- Malice

and a picture of the label-

View attachment 11785

can anyone comment on the ingredients used? it says ephedra free (on the website and the front label. note there are 2 versions- one with ephedra and this one that doesnt) which from my limited knowledge is a good thing. i understand ephedra is a reasonably powerfull drug that could get me in trouble at work if i have to do a drug-test.

I might still take these back to the shop and swap it for Themobol.

Also whilst on the subject how would someone go about getting in touch with CDT to find out if X supplement is allowed or not?

also if there are any serious fitness buffs or pti's that would be willing to help me get a good diet and training programme sorted please let me know. i have asked the pti's on my current station but not much help unfortunately :(

Have a word with the PEd O, if the PTIs aren't willing (or have insufficient knowledge), WTF are they there for, apart from keeping mirror manufacturers in business?


Howdy folks necro'ing this old thread as it saves starting a new one ;). Not wishing to start a massive should i or should i not take "weight-loss" pills- everyone has their own opinion. i have decided that i would like to give it a go, please respect it
Anyhoo i went down to my local supplement shop in town to enquire about a weight-loss pill. Having read several times in Mens Health magazine that Thermobol is recommended i thought i would have a go at that. when i got to the shop and got talking to the owner (he is a professional bodybuilder and former Mr Universe runner-up) he recommended that i should go for the "Chaotic-Labz: Malice Global". So i bought that with the intention of reading some reviews first before i tried any. So has anyone heard of or used this before?here is a link to the website- Maliceand a picture of the label-View attachment 11785can anyone comment on the ingredients used? it says ephedra free (on the website and the front label. note there are 2 versions- one with ephedra and this one that doesnt) which from my limited knowledge is a good thing. i understand ephedra is a reasonably powerfull drug that could get me in trouble at work if i have to do a drug-test.I might still take these back to the shop and swap it for Themobol.Also whilst on the subject how would someone go about getting in touch with CDT to find out if X supplement is allowed or not?also if there are any serious fitness buffs or pti's that would be willing to help me get a good diet and training programme sorted please let me know. i have asked the pti's on my current station but not much help unfortunately :(
If you PM me a list of what supplements you're using, I'd be more than happy to speak with the CDT for you. If they tell me to fook off then at least we've asked. I think one of the biggest problems is some of the stuff purchased in the States, and on Ops (American BX, etc),which I know will result in a positive test on CDT.


Master of my destiny
Why don't the CDT team or whoever simply publish a list of all substances that are likely to result in a failure of the test? It can't be that difficult.


Why don't the CDT team or whoever simply publish a list of all substances that are likely to result in a failure of the test? It can't be that difficult.

Totally agree, with the class A, B and C drugs it's quite simple. But for sport enhancements/supplements, it's a bit of a minefield. Think I'll speak with Casework tomorrow to see if there is a list of banned supplements that they can publish.


Good points well presented ;) Malice/Grenade/Thermobol are all easily available over the counter and regularily promoted in several top class mens health magazines which you would beleive to be perfectly safe. It would be a great idea if CDT could publish a list of safe supplements to avoid any unpleasant surprises when CDT rock up on camp.

At the risk of being slated, heres my current situation-

I failed my fitness test mid-November and have been attending remedial since. My fitness is improving but im just not shifting any weight. I know that i should be losing fat and building muscle and they are probably cancelling each other out. I just think that i need that extra bit of help to get the weight shifted.

According to the fitness charts dotted around the gym that show bmi/weight/height against obesity i am 32kgs overweight. I have a constant battle every year on my RAFFT and usually fail one and then pass one- rinse and repeat :( Now before i get shouted at i know that this is all down to my own approach and attitude in the past but ive finally reached the point where i want to get this sorted once and for all.

I have been attending the 3 required sessions at the gym and going 1 or 2 more times in my own time depending on how shattered i am after the pti beastings.

I have also been sorting out my diet by making sure i have the necessary amounts of proteins and carbs and at the correct time of day etc

So to get back on topic, i decided i would look into some of the "fat-burning" pills available to give me that extra boost of fat-loss. And now with this grey-area on supplements i'm feeling a little lost again.

I would hate to be "caught-out" by CDT after doing everything i believed to be in the best interests of my own health to pass the RAFFT.

So what to do now?

:ramble over:


Super Moderator
This thread was started some time ago when grenade did contain an Ephadrine based substance these are now not available in the UK over the counter. The products that did contain Eph based substances have changed their ingredients to either bitter orange peel, White willow bark or higher levels of green tea.

The basics are :

a. Do more and eat less to lose weight

b. Practice sit ups, press ups and plenty of running incorporating HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

Unless you have your diet and phys nailed, you are basically wasting your cash on fat burners (inaccurate term but I will go with it anyway) and supplements. Get your head in the right place and the rest will follow.




Link on our PE'd site has a directorate for Army personnel for the sale and advertising of training and sports supplements http://www.informed-sport.com/.
The website is a quality assurance for sports nutrition products that certifies supplements and/or ingredients that have been tested for banned substances by HFL Sports Science. HFL is a subsidiary company of LGC, who analyse CDT tests.
According to the directorate CO's are to ensure that no individual under his/her control recommend, supply or advertise any supplement which does not appear on the informed website.The website can be used by military personnel to confirm their supplement is safe from steroid contamination, although the list is not comprehensive and non-inclusion does not prove a particular supplement is contaminated.

Bit of a get out clause at the end there but I would have thought all the big suppliers including Grenade would be in there. Not checked it myself as I use For Goodness Shakes recovery powder and XL Nutrition Whey which I know are fine.

Anyway I hope someone finds the link useful.:pDT_Xtremez_14:


Thanks for the link buddy :) there are only a handfull of companies registered as "safe" on there- mainly Lucozade and Maximuscle. That in itself is fine as Maximuscle product range will cover pretty much all your supplement needs. But like you said that little grey area for non-inclusion........

Hoping that CDT can offer a more informed "information leaflet" showing which products/chemicals to avoid.


Ive just started trying to pack a bit more muscle on, been a while since ive done any major building workout - I have a tub of SCIMX all in one (scimx's version of cyclone) and QNT simple whey protein, both companies are in the eu, I was told by someone that as long as you use EU products your fine , its just the american stuff that can get you caught out on a CDT from the quick look ive had i cant see either on the informed sport list (or the other shakes i used to use reflex nutrion - a uk company) does this mean i should pack them in and go for the doubly expensive maximuscle??


Citrus Aurantium (Ma Huang) - 500mg
Caffeine - 300mg
L-Tyrosine - 200mg
Chromium Polynicotinate - 10mg
Coleus forskohli - 200mg

Grenade is basically an over the counter version of an ECA stack (Ephadrine, Caffine, Asprin) and if some cases body builders will use this to get rid of those final few pounds. I have known it to be achieved by a mixture of do-do chest ease tablets, pro plus and asprin.

Whilst not technically an illegal mix, the CDT test does also take into account misuse of over the counter pharmacuticals.

Ma Huang the main ingredient of Grenade is ephadrine it its most basic herbal form and I strongly suspect it would show up as ephadrine in your system.

To be honest mate an ECA stack is only really beneficial to those who are getting close to single figure bodyfat % and are struggling to lose the last few pounds and in some cases ounces.

Your best bet by far is to do some simple maths, namely:

Calories in minus calories out.

I'm not trying to be flippant (trust me this comes from someone who at present is 2 stone overweight!), but that is all it comes down to really.

Good luck and dont go spending your hand earned cash on trash like grenade........ it could ultimately cost you your job.

Grenade isn't an over the counter ECA stack, not even close. Also, calories in and calories out is hardly on point. You are right that the diet and exercise is far more important though.

Yes total calories do matter, but working out expenditure and other factors such as the foods TEF it takes more then that.

Introduce Intermittent Fast / Feasting, have extended periods without food, ie 16 hours overnight.

Basic calculations for cutting weight

Bodyweight (LBS) x 10-12
Protein - 1g x Bodyweight (LBS)
Fat - 20% Of Calories
Carbohydrates - Remainder of calories

Protein - 4 calories per gram
Fat - 9 calories per gram
Carbohydrates - 4 calories per gram

Stick to decent foods, like white rice, eggs, oats, milk, tuna and powders.

Don't eat brown or "whole" foods, these contain a lot of phytonutrients which lower your nutrient absorption rate.

Food GI is irrelevant because when the macronutrients are combined, the GI can alter.

If your looking for a legal fat burner that works considerably well, in the morning during your fasted period, take Nicotine Gum at a 1mg Dose (Just cut a 2mg in half) alongside 200mg of Caffeine. You could if you wanted, take a Grenade fat burner alongside the gum.

This is the highest legal thermogenic supplement.
