Mines 8019 but likewise thats an appos number.
Off Topic slightly as we are having fun with numbers...
I remember my first pay parade @ Swinditz and there was a young unfortunate called Bond in our entry......yes, you've guessed it.
Sgt(paymaster): Name?
Bond: Bond
Sgt: Last 3?
Bond: 007
Sgt: You taking the fcuking **** lad!! etc etc
Bond: No Sargeant, here's my ID!
Someone at Innsworth must have had a sense of humour!!
Prior to 1968 when the 8 series was introduced, if I remember correctly, the following categories applied
Beginning with:
On the officers' side:
60 Cranwell cadets (6 digits only) current CDS was in the last entry
26 Ex-Aux Air Force
52 University Graduates
43 Direct entry (ie, OCTU as opposed to Cranwell)
2X Females (number contained only 4 digits)
I am sure that someone will remember others - I look forward to being enlightened.